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nessusThis script is Copyright (C) 2016-2023 Tenable Network Security, Inc.SMB_NT_MS16-133.NASL
HistoryNov 08, 2016 - 12:00 a.m.

MS16-133: Security Update for Microsoft Office (3199168)

This script is Copyright (C) 2016-2023 Tenable Network Security, Inc.

0.7 High




The Microsoft Office application installed on the remote Windows host is missing a security update. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities :

  • Multiple remote code execution vulnerabilities exist due to improper handling of objects in memory. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit these by convincing a user to visit a specially crafted website or open a specially crafted Office file, resulting in the execution of arbitrary code in the context of the current user. (CVE-2016-7213, CVE-2016-7228, CVE-2016-7229, CVE-2016-7230, CVE-2016-7231, CVE-2016-7232, CVE-2016-7234, CVE-2016-7235, CVE-2016-7236, CVE-2016-7245)

  • An information disclosure vulnerability exists due to an out-of-bounds read error caused by an uninitialized variable. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this by convincing a user to open a specially crafted Office file, resulting in the disclosure of memory contents. (CVE-2016-7233)

  • A denial of service vulnerability exists due to improper handling of objects in memory. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit this by convincing a user to open a specially crafted file, resulting in a crash of the application. (CVE-2016-7244)

# (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.


if (description)
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2023/02/17");

  script_xref(name:"MSFT", value:"MS16-133");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"2986253");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3115120");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3115135");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3115153");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3118378");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3118381");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3118382");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3118390");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3118395");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3118396");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3127889");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3127893");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3127904");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3127921");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3127927");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3127929");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3127932");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3127948");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3127949");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3127950");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3127951");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3127953");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3127954");
  script_xref(name:"MSKB", value:"3127962");
  script_xref(name:"IAVA", value:"2016-A-0319-S");

  script_name(english:"MS16-133: Security Update for Microsoft Office (3199168)");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value:
"An application installed on the remote host is affected by multiple
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value:
"The Microsoft Office application installed on the remote Windows host
is missing a security update. It is, therefore, affected by multiple
vulnerabilities :

  - Multiple remote code execution vulnerabilities exist
    due to improper handling of objects in memory. An
    unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit these by
    convincing a user to visit a specially crafted website
    or open a specially crafted Office file, resulting in
    the execution of arbitrary code in the context of the
    current user. (CVE-2016-7213, CVE-2016-7228,
    CVE-2016-7229, CVE-2016-7230, CVE-2016-7231,
    CVE-2016-7232, CVE-2016-7234, CVE-2016-7235,
    CVE-2016-7236, CVE-2016-7245)

  - An information disclosure vulnerability exists due to an
    out-of-bounds read error caused by an uninitialized
    variable. An unauthenticated, remote attacker can exploit
    this by convincing a user to open a specially crafted
    Office file, resulting in the disclosure of memory
    contents. (CVE-2016-7233)

  - A denial of service vulnerability exists due to improper
    handling of objects in memory. An unauthenticated,
    remote attacker can exploit this by convincing a user to
    open a specially crafted file, resulting in a crash of
    the application. (CVE-2016-7244)");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:
"Microsoft has released a set of patches for Microsoft Office 2007,
2010, 2013, 2013 RT, and 2016; Microsoft Excel 2007, 2010, 2013,
2013 RT, and 2016; Microsoft PowerPoint 2010; Microsoft Word 2007,
2010, 2013, and 2013 RT; Office Compatibility Pack; Excel Viewer;
PowerPoint Viewer; Word Viewer; Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 and
2013; and Office Web Apps 2010 and 2013");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"Exploits are available");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_available", value:"true");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploited_by_malware", value:"true");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"vuln_publication_date", value:"2016/11/08");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2016/11/08");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2016/11/08");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:microsoft:office");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:microsoft:excel");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:microsoft:excel_viewer");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:microsoft:word_viewer");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:microsoft:powerpoint_viewer");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:microsoft:powerpoint");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:microsoft:office_web_apps");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:microsoft:sharepoint_server");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"stig_severity", value:"II");

  script_family(english:"Windows : Microsoft Bulletins");

  script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2016-2023 Tenable Network Security, Inc.");

  script_dependencies("office_installed.nasl", "microsoft_owa_installed.nbin", "microsoft_sharepoint_installed.nbin", "smb_hotfixes.nasl", "ms_bulletin_checks_possible.nasl");
  script_require_ports(139, 445, "Host/patch_management_checks");



global_var bulletin, vuln;


bulletin = 'MS16-133';
kbs = make_list(
  '2986253', # Office 2007 SP3
  '3115120', # Office 2010 SP2
  '3115135', # Office 2016
  '3115153', # Office 2013 SP1
  '3118378', # PowerPoint 2010 SP2
  '3118381', # SharePoint Excel Services 2010 SP2
  '3118382', # PowerPoint Viewer
  '3118390', # Excel 2010 SP2
  '3118395', # Excel 2007 SP3
  '3118396', # Office 2007 SP3
  '3127889', # Office Compatibility Pack SP3
  '3127893', # Excel Viewer
  '3127904', # Excel 2016
  '3127921', # Excel 2013 SP1
  '3127927', # SharePoint Word Automation Services 2013 SP1 
  '3127929', # Office Web Apps Server 2013 SP1
  '3127932', # Word 2013 SP1
  '3127948', # Office Compatibility Pack SP3
  '3127949', # Word 2007
  '3127950', # SharePoint Word Automation Services 2010 SP2
  '3127951', # Office 2010 SP2
  '3127953', # Word 2010 SP2
  '3127954', # Office Web Apps Server 2010 SP2
  '3127962' # Word Viewer

if (get_kb_item("Host/patch_management_checks")) hotfix_check_3rd_party(bulletin:bulletin, kbs:kbs, severity:SECURITY_HOLE);

get_kb_item_or_exit("SMB/Registry/Enumerated", exit_code:1);

# Get path information for Windows.
windir = hotfix_get_systemroot();
if (isnull(windir)) exit(1, "Failed to determine the location of %windir%.");


vuln = FALSE;

# Office Web Apps
function perform_owa_checks()
  local_var owa_installs, owa_install;
  local_var owa_2010_path, owa_2010_sp;
  local_var owa_2013_path, owa_2013_sp;
  local_var path;

  # Get installs of Office Web Apps
  owa_installs = get_installs(app_name:"Microsoft Office Web Apps");
  if (!empty_or_null(owa_installs))
    foreach owa_install (owa_installs[1])
      if (owa_install["Product"] == "2010")
        owa_2010_path = owa_install["path"];
        owa_2010_sp = owa_install["SP"];
      else if (owa_install['Product'] == "2013")
        owa_2013_path = owa_install['path'];
        owa_2013_sp = owa_install['SP'];

  # Office Web Apps 2010 SP2
  if (owa_2010_path && (!isnull(owa_2010_sp) && owa_2010_sp == "2"))
    path = hotfix_append_path(path:owa_2010_path, value:"14.0\WebServices\ConversionService\Bin\Converter");
    if (hotfix_check_fversion(file:"sword.dll", version:"14.0.7176.5000", min_version:"14.0.7015.1000", path:path, bulletin:bulletin, kb:"3127954", product:"Office Web Apps 2010") == HCF_OLDER)
      vuln = TRUE;

  # Office Web Apps 2013 SP1
  if (owa_2013_path && (!isnull(owa_2013_sp) && owa_2013_sp == "1"))
    path = hotfix_append_path(path:owa_2013_path, value:"WordConversionService\bin\Converter");
    if (hotfix_check_fversion(file:"sword.dll", version:"15.0.4875.1000", min_version:"15.0.4571.1500", path:path, bulletin:bulletin, kb:"3127929", product:"Office Web Apps 2013") == HCF_OLDER)
      vuln = TRUE;

# SharePoint
function perform_sharepoint_checks()
  local_var sps_2010_path, sps_2010_sp, sps_2010_edition;
  local_var sps_2013_path, sps_2013_sp, sps_2013_edition;
  local_var installs, install, path, commonfiles;

  installs = get_installs(app_name:"Microsoft SharePoint Server");

  foreach install (installs[1])
    if (install["Product"] == "2010")
      sps_2010_path = install['path'];
      sps_2010_sp = install['SP'];
      sps_2010_edition = install['Edition'];
    else if (install['Product'] == "2013")
      sps_2013_path = install['path'];
      sps_2013_sp = install['SP'];
      sps_2013_edition = install['Edition'];

  commonfiles = hotfix_get_commonfilesdir();
  if (!commonfiles) commonfiles = hotfix_get_commonfilesdirx86();

  # SharePoint Server 2013 SP1 - Word Automation Services
  if (sps_2013_path && sps_2013_sp == "1" && sps_2013_edition == "Server")
    path = hotfix_append_path(path:sps_2013_path, value:"WebServices\ConversionServices");
    if (hotfix_check_fversion(file:"sword.dll", version:"15.0.4875.1000", min_version:"", path:path, bulletin:bulletin, kb:"3127927", product:"Office SharePoint Server 2013 Word Automation Services") == HCF_OLDER)
      vuln = TRUE;

  # SharePoint Server 2010 SP2 - Word Automation Services / Excel Services
  if (sps_2010_path && sps_2010_sp == "2" && sps_2010_edition == "Server")
    path = hotfix_append_path(path:sps_2010_path, value:"WebServices\WordServer\Core");
    if (hotfix_check_fversion(file:"sword.dll", version:"14.0.7176.5000", path:path, bulletin:bulletin, kb:"3127950", product:"Office SharePoint Server 2010 Word Automation Services") == HCF_OLDER)
      vuln = TRUE;

    path = hotfix_append_path(path:sps_2010_path, value:"Bin");
    if (hotfix_check_fversion(file:"xlsrv.dll", version:"14.0.7176.5000", path:path, bulletin:bulletin, kb:"3118381", product:"Office SharePoint Server 2010 Excel Services") == HCF_OLDER)
      vuln = TRUE;
function perform_office_checks()
  local_var office_vers, office_sp, common_path, path, prod, kb;
  office_vers = hotfix_check_office_version();

  # Office 2007 Checks
  if (office_vers["12.0"])
    office_sp = get_kb_item("SMB/Office/2007/SP");
    if (!isnull(office_sp) && office_sp == 3)
      prod = "Microsoft Office 2007 SP3";
      common_path = hotfix_get_officecommonfilesdir(officever:"12.0");

      path = hotfix_append_path(path:common_path, value:"Microsoft Shared\Office12");
        hotfix_check_fversion(file:"mso.dll", version:"12.0.6759.5000", path:path, bulletin:bulletin, kb:"3118396", product:prod) == HCF_OLDER ||
        hotfix_check_fversion(file:"vbe6.dll",      version: "", path:path, bulletin:bulletin, kb:"2986253", product:prod) == HCF_OLDER
        vuln = TRUE;

  # Office 2010 Checks
  if (office_vers["14.0"])
    office_sp = get_kb_item("SMB/Office/2010/SP");
    if (!isnull(office_sp) && office_sp == 2)
      prod = "Microsoft Office 2010 SP2";
      common_path = hotfix_get_officecommonfilesdir(officever:"14.0");

      path = hotfix_append_path(path:common_path, value:"Microsoft Shared\Office14");
      if (
        hotfix_check_fversion(file:"vbe7.dll",     version: ""     , path:path, bulletin:bulletin, kb:"3115120", product: prod) == HCF_OLDER ||
        hotfix_check_fversion(file:"wwlibcxm.dll", version: "14.0.7176.5000", path:path, bulletin:bulletin, kb:"3127951", product: prod) == HCF_OLDER
        vuln = TRUE;

      path = hotfix_append_path(path:hotfix_get_officeprogramfilesdir(officever:"14.0"), value:"Microsoft Office\Office14");
      if (hotfix_check_fversion(file:"ppcore.dll", version: "14.0.7176.5000" , path:path, bulletin:bulletin, kb:"3118378", product:"PowerPoint 2010 SP2") == HCF_OLDER)
        vuln = TRUE;

  # Office 2013 Checks
  if (office_vers["15.0"])
    office_sp = get_kb_item("SMB/Office/2013/SP");
    if (!isnull(office_sp) && int(office_sp) == 1)
      prod = "Microsoft Office 2013 SP1";
      common_path = hotfix_get_officecommonfilesdir(officever:"15.0");

      path = hotfix_append_path(path:common_path, value:"Microsoft Shared\Office15");
      if (hotfix_check_fversion(file:"vbe7.dll", version: "", path:path, bulletin:bulletin, kb:"3115153", product:prod) == HCF_OLDER)
        vuln = TRUE;

  # Office 2016 Checks
  if (office_vers["16.0"])
    office_sp = get_kb_item("SMB/Office/2016/SP");
    if (!isnull(office_sp) && int(office_sp) == 0)
      prod = "Microsoft Office 2016";
      path = hotfix_append_path(path:hotfix_get_officecommonfilesdir(officever:"16.0"), value:"Microsoft Shared\Office16");
      if (hotfix_check_fversion(file:"vbe7.dll", version:"", path:path, bulletin:bulletin, kb:"3115135", product:prod) == HCF_OLDER)
        vuln = TRUE;

function perform_office_product_checks()
  local_var excel_checks, word_checks, onenote_checks, outlook_checks, ppt_vwr_checks, excel_compat_checks,excel_vwr_checks,word_vwr_checks,powerpoint_checks;

  local_var installs, install, path; # For DLL checks

  # Excel Checks
  excel_checks = make_array(
    "12.0", make_array("sp", 3, "version", "12.0.6759.5000", "kb", "3118395"),
    "14.0", make_array("sp", 2, "version", "14.0.7176.5000", "kb", "3118390"),
    "15.0", make_array("sp", 1, "version", "15.0.4875.1000", "kb", "3127921"),
    "16.0", make_nested_list(
      make_array("sp", 0, "version", "16.0.4456.1003", "channel", "MSI", "kb", "3127904"),
      make_array("sp", 0, "version", "16.0.6741.2088", "channel", "Deferred", "kb", "3127904"),
      make_array("sp", 0, "version", "16.0.6965.2105", "channel", "Deferred", "channel_version", "1605", "kb", "3127904"),
      make_array("sp", 0, "version", "16.0.7369.2055", "channel", "First Release for Deferred", "kb", "3127904"),
      make_array("sp", 0, "version", "16.0.7369.2055", "channel", "Current", "kb", "3127904")
  if (hotfix_check_office_product(product:"Excel", checks:excel_checks, bulletin:bulletin))
    vuln = TRUE;

  # Word Checks
  word_checks = make_array(
    "12.0", make_array("sp", 3, "version", "12.0.6759.5000", "kb", "3127949"),
    "14.0", make_array("sp", 2, "version", "14.0.7176.5000", "kb", "3127953"),
    "15.0", make_array("sp", 1, "version", "15.0.4875.1000", "kb", "3127932")
  if (hotfix_check_office_product(product:"Word", checks:word_checks, bulletin:bulletin))
    vuln = TRUE;

  # Excel Viewer
  excel_vwr_checks = make_array(
    "12.0", make_array("sp", 3, "version", "12.0.6759.5000", "kb", "3127893")
  if (hotfix_check_office_product(product:"ExcelViewer", display_name:"Excel Viewer", checks:excel_vwr_checks, bulletin:bulletin))
    vuln = TRUE;

  # Word Viewer
  word_vwr_checks = make_array(
    "11.0", make_array("version", "11.0.8437.0", "kb", "3127962")
  if (hotfix_check_office_product(product:"WordViewer", display_name:"Word Viewer", checks:word_vwr_checks, bulletin:bulletin))
    vuln = TRUE;

  # PowerPoint Viewer 2010
  ppt_vwr_checks = make_array(
    "14.0", make_array("sp", 2, "version", "14.0.7176.5000", "kb", "3118382")
  if (hotfix_check_office_product(product:"PowerPointViewer", display_name:"PowerPoint Viewer", checks:ppt_vwr_checks, bulletin:bulletin))
    vuln = TRUE;

  # Excel Compatibility pack
  excel_compat_checks = make_array(
    "12.0", make_array("version", "12.0.6759.5000", "kb", "3127889")
  if (hotfix_check_office_product(product:"ExcelCnv", display_name:"Office Compatibility Pack SP3", checks:excel_compat_checks, bulletin:bulletin))
    vuln = TRUE;

  # Word Compatibility pack
  installs = get_kb_list("SMB/Office/WordCnv/*/ProductPath");
  if (!isnull(installs))
    foreach install (keys(installs))
      path = installs[install];
      path = ereg_replace(pattern:'^(.+)\\\\[^\\\\]+\\.exe$', replace:"\1\", string:path, icase:TRUE);
      if(hotfix_check_fversion(path:path, file:"wrd12cnv.dll", version:"12.0.6759.5000", kb:"3127948", bulletin:bulletin, min_version:"", product:"Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack") == HCF_OLDER)
        vuln = TRUE;


if (vuln)
  set_kb_item(name:'SMB/Missing/'+bulletin, value:TRUE);
  audit(AUDIT_HOST_NOT, 'affected');