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nessusThis script is Copyright (C) 2013-2024 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.ORACLE_JAVA_JRE_UNSUPPORTED_UNIX.NASL
HistoryFeb 22, 2013 - 12:00 a.m.

Oracle Java JRE Unsupported Version Detection (Unix)

This script is Copyright (C) 2013-2024 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.

AI Score




According to its self-reported version number, at least one installation of Oracle (formerly Sun) Java JRE on the remote host is no longer supported.

The underlying detection plugins enumerates Java installations via binary, path and document inspection to ascertain confidence levels.
As Java can be installed in numerous ways, combinations of approaches are leveraged to instill confidence in the detections. It is recommended that Medium and Low confidence results are investigated on a manual basis for confirmation.

Lack of support implies that no new security patches for the product will be released by the vendor. As a result, it is likely to contain security vulnerabilities.

Note that Oracle does provide support contracts under the ‘Oracle Lifetime Support’ program. If the detected JRE is supported under this program, this may be a false positive. This plugin does not flag JRE versions that are still covered under Extended Support.

# (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.


if (description)
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2024/06/24");

  script_xref(name:"IAVA", value:"0001-A-0575");

  script_name(english:"Oracle Java JRE Unsupported Version Detection (Unix)");
  script_summary(english:"Checks if any Oracle Java JRE installations are unsupported.");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value:
"The remote host contains one or more unsupported versions of the
Oracle Java JRE.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value:
"According to its self-reported version number, at least one
installation of Oracle (formerly Sun) Java JRE on the remote host
is no longer supported.

The underlying detection plugins enumerates Java installations via 
binary, path and document inspection to ascertain confidence levels.
As Java can be installed in numerous ways, combinations of approaches
are leveraged to instill confidence in the detections. It is 
recommended that Medium and Low confidence results are investigated 
on a manual basis for confirmation.  

Lack of support implies that no new security patches for the product
will be released by the vendor. As a result, it is likely to contain
security vulnerabilities.

Note that Oracle does provide support contracts under the 'Oracle
Lifetime Support' program. If the detected JRE is supported under this
program, this may be a false positive. This plugin does not flag JRE 
versions that are still covered under Extended Support.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:
"Upgrade to a version of Oracle Java JRE that is currently supported.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cvss_score_source", value:"manual");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cvss_score_rationale", value:"Tenable score for unsupported software.");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2013/02/22");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:oracle:jre");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"unsupported_by_vendor", value:"true");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"agent", value:"unix");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"thorough_tests", value:"true");


  script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2013-2024 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");

  script_dependencies("sun_java_jre_installed_unix.nasl", "java_jre_installed_unix.nbin");


# Execution begins here

var jre_installs = get_kb_list("Host/Java/JRE/Unmanaged/*");

var java_installs = get_kb_list("installed_sw/Java/*/Binary Location");

var errors = make_list();

  jre_installs = make_array();

# Only check bundled JREs if paranoid
var bundled = get_kb_list("Host/Java/JRE/Bundled/*");
var bkey;
if (report_paranoia >= 2 && !empty_or_null(bundled)) {
  foreach bkey (keys(bundled)) {
    jre_installs[bkey] = bundled[bkey];

  audit(AUDIT_KB_MISSING, "Host/Java/JRE/Unmanaged/*");

var now = get_kb_item("Flatline/nowtime");
if (empty_or_null(now))
  now = gettimeofday();

# For display
var latest_versions = '1.11.x / 1.17.x / 1.20.x';

# Preformatted:
# Oldest supported version is 1.8.0_00 for 1.8 line
var oldest_supp_version = '';

# Longterm support data
var longterm_support_lists = make_array(
 "^1\.[01]\.", make_array(
        'support_type' , 'out_of_support',
        'support_dates', 'No support dates are available.'
 "^1\.2\.", make_array(
        'support_type' , 'out_of_support',
        'support_dates', '2003-12-02 (end of life)'
 "^1\.3\.", make_array(
        'support_type' , 'out_of_support',
        'support_dates', '2006-12-01 (end of life)' # Reached EOL on 1.6 release date
  "^1\.4\.", make_array(
        'support_type' , 'out_of_support',
        'support_dates', "2008-10-01 (end of regular support) / 2010-02-01 (end of Premier Support) / 2013-02-01 (end of Extended Support)"
  "^1\.5\.", make_array(
        'support_type' , 'out_of_support',
        'support_dates', "2009-10-01 (end of regular support) / 2011-05-01 (end of Premier Support) / 2015-05-01 (end of Extended Support)"
  "^1\.6\.", make_array(
        'support_type' , 'out_of_support',
        'support_dates', "2013-02-01 (end of regular support) / 2015-12-01 (end of Premier Support) / 2018-12-01 (end of Extended Support)"
  "^1\.7\.", make_array(
        'support_type' , 'out_of_support',
        'support_dates', "2019-07-01 (end of Premier Support) / 2022-07-01 (end of Extended Support)"
  "^1\.8\.", make_array(
        'support_type' , 'extended_support',
        'support_dates', "2022-03-01 (end of Premier Support) / 2025-03-01 (end of Extended Support)"
  "^(1\.9\.|9\.)", make_array(
        'support_type' , 'out_of_support',
        'support_dates', "2018-03-01 (end of life)"
  "^(1\.10\.|10\.)", make_array(
        'support_type' , 'out_of_support',
        'support_dates', "2018-09-01 (end of life)"
  "^1\.11\.", make_array(
        'support_type' , 'premier_support',
        'support_dates', "2023-09-01 (end of Premier Support) / 2026-09-01 (end of Extended Support)"
  "^1\.12\.", make_array(
        'support_type' , 'out_of_support',
        'support_dates', "2019-09-01 (end of Premier Support)"
  "^1\.13\.", make_array(
        'support_type' , 'out_of_support',
        'support_dates', "2020-03-01 (end of Premier Support)"
  "^1\.14\.", make_array(
        'support_type' , 'out_of_support',
        'support_dates', "2020-09-01 (end of Premier Support)"
  "^1\.15\.", make_array(
        'support_type' , 'out_of_support',
        'support_dates', "2021-03-01 (end of Premier Support)"
  "^1\.16\.", make_array(
        'support_type' , 'out_of_support',
        'support_dates', "2021-09-01 (end of life)"
  "^1\.17\.", make_array(
        'support_type' , 'premier_support',
        'support_dates', "2026-09-01 (end of Premier Support)"
  "^1\.18\.", make_array(
        'support_type' , 'out_of_support',
        'support_dates', "2022-09-01 (end of Premier Support) / n/a (end of Extended Support)"
  "^1\.19\.", make_array(
        'support_type' , 'out_of_support',
        'support_dates', "2023-03-01 (end of Premier Support)"
  "^1\.20\.", make_array(
        'support_type' , 'premier_support',
        'support_dates', "2023-06-01 (end of Premier Support)"
  # Future Releases 
  # 21 GA 2023-09-01
  # "^1\.21\.", make_array(
  #       'support_type' , 'premier_support',
  #       'support_dates', "2028-09-01 (end of Premier Support)"
  #     ) 

#  Developer note:
#  As per,
#  There will be an LTS release every 3 years, and Oracle/Java is consciously
#  trying to get away from the regular/premier/extended support paradigm.
#  'Modern' releases will be handled differently than legacy releases were
#  (by Oracle, and this plugin)

#  Leverage gettimeofday() to keep this plugin up-to-date using output
#  from the date utility like so 'date +%s --date="July 1, 2022"' (gives us 1656648000)
# July 1, 2022
if (now > 1656648000)  longterm_support_lists["^1\.7\."]['support_type'] = "out_of_support";

# March 1, 2022
if (now > 1646110800)  longterm_support_lists["^1\.8\."]['support_type'] = "extended_support";

# September 1, 2023
if (now > 1693540800)  longterm_support_lists["^1\.11\."]['support_type'] = "extended_support";

var count = 0;
var key, covered_by_premier_or_extended_support, matches, version, raw_version;
var dirs, dir, pattern, support_type, support_dates, unsupported_date_report_string, report;
# See if any installs are unsupported...
foreach key (list_uniq(keys(jre_installs)))

  #  Determine if this Java should be skipped
  #   because the Java distribution has been
  #   determined, and it is not Oracle/Sun Java
  var not_sun_oracle = FALSE;
  foreach var java (keys(java_installs))
    # match Java instance to JRE using path:
    if (jre_installs[key] >< java_installs[java])
      var app_key = str_replace(string:java, find:'Binary Location', replace:'Application');
      var app = get_kb_item(app_key);

      # Ignore identified Java distributions other than Oracle/Sun
      if (!empty_or_null(app) && (app !~ "oracle" && app !~ "sun"))
        not_sun_oracle = TRUE;
  if (not_sun_oracle)

  #  Determine if this Java should be skipped
  #   because it is actually still supported
  covered_by_premier_or_extended_support = FALSE;

  # gather
  matches = pregmatch(string:key, pattern:'/([0-9._]+)$');
  if (!isnull(matches))
    version = matches[1];

  # prepare
  raw_version = version;
  if (version =~ "_$")
    version = substr(version, 0, len(version) - 2);
  version = str_replace(string:version, find:"_", replace:".");

  dirs = make_list(get_kb_list(key));
  foreach dir (dirs)
    # Before declaring a version unsupported,
    # check that it's not in Premier Support
    # and not in Extended Support
    foreach pattern (keys(longterm_support_lists))
      if (version !~ pattern) continue;

      support_type  = longterm_support_lists[pattern]['support_type'];
      support_dates = longterm_support_lists[pattern]['support_dates'];

      if (support_type == "out_of_support")
        unsupported_date_report_string = support_dates;
        covered_by_premier_or_extended_support = TRUE;

    if (
      !covered_by_premier_or_extended_support &&
        ver_compare(ver:version, fix:oldest_supp_version, strict:FALSE) < 0 ||
        version =~ "^(1\.9\.|9\.)" ||
        version =~ "^(1\.10\.|10\.)" ||
        version =~ "^(1\.11\.)" ||
        version =~ "^(1\.12\.)" ||
        version  =~ "^(1\.13\.)" ||
        version  =~ "^(1\.14\.)" ||
        version  =~ "^(1\.15\.)" ||
        version  =~ "^(1\.16\.)"

      register_unsupported_product(product_name : 'Oracle Java JRE',
                                   version      : version,
                                   cpe_base     : "oracle:jre");

      report +=
        '\n  Path              : ' + dir +
        '\n  Installed version : ' + raw_version +
        '\n  Latest versions   : ' + latest_versions +
        '\n  Support dates     : ' + unsupported_date_report_string +

# ...then report on any that were found
if (strlen(report))
    if (count > 1)
      report =
        '\nThe following Java JRE installations are unsupported :\n' + report;
      report =
        '\nThe following Java JRE installation is unsupported :\n' + report;

    security_report_v4(port:0, severity:SECURITY_HOLE, extra:report);

if (max_index(errors))
  if (max_index(errors) == 1) errmsg = errors[0];
  else errmsg = 'Errors were encountered verifying installations : \n  ' + join(errors, sep:'\n  ');
  exit(1, errmsg);

  if (strlen(report))
    audit(AUDIT_NOT_INST, 'An unsupported version of Oracle Java JRE');

AI Score


