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nessusThis script is Copyright (C) 2024 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.ORACLELINUX_ELSA-2024-1249.NASL
HistoryMar 21, 2024 - 12:00 a.m.

Oracle Linux 7 : kernel (ELSA-2024-1249)

This script is Copyright (C) 2024 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.
oracle linux 7
buffer size
linux kernel
privilege escalation

8 High

AI Score



The remote Oracle Linux 7 host has packages installed that are affected by multiple vulnerabilities as referenced in the ELSA-2024-1249 advisory.

  • An issue was discovered in set_con2fb_map in drivers/video/fbdev/core/fbcon.c in the Linux kernel before 6.2.12. Because an assignment occurs only for the first vc, the fbcon_registered_fb and fbcon_display arrays can be desynchronized in fbcon_mode_deleted (the con2fb_map points at the old fb_info).

  • A use-after-free vulnerability in the Linux kernel’s net/sched: sch_qfq component can be exploited to achieve local privilege escalation. When the plug qdisc is used as a class of the qfq qdisc, sending network packets triggers use-after-free in qfq_dequeue() due to the incorrect .peek handler of sch_plug and lack of error checking in agg_dequeue(). We recommend upgrading past commit 8fc134fee27f2263988ae38920bc03da416b03d8. (CVE-2023-4921)

  • An issue was discovered in drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/igb_main.c in the IGB driver in the Linux kernel before 6.5.3. A buffer size may not be adequate for frames larger than the MTU. (CVE-2023-45871)

  • A use-after-free vulnerability in the Linux kernel’s netfilter: nf_tables component can be exploited to achieve local privilege escalation. The nft_verdict_init() function allows positive values as drop error within the hook verdict, and hence the nf_hook_slow() function can cause a double free vulnerability when NF_DROP is issued with a drop error which resembles NF_ACCEPT. We recommend upgrading past commit f342de4e2f33e0e39165d8639387aa6c19dff660. (CVE-2024-1086)

  • There are use-after-free vulnerabilities in the Linux kernel’s net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c’s l2cap_connect and l2cap_le_connect_req functions which may allow code execution and leaking kernel memory (respectively) remotely via Bluetooth. A remote attacker could execute code leaking kernel memory via Bluetooth if within proximity of the victim. We recommend upgrading past commit (CVE-2022-42896)

  • In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: sched/membarrier: reduce the ability to hammer on sys_membarrier On some systems, sys_membarrier can be very expensive, causing overall slowdowns for everything. So put a lock on the path in order to serialize the accesses to prevent the ability for this to be called at too high of a frequency and saturate the machine. (CVE-2024-26602)

Note that Nessus has not tested for these issues but has instead relied only on the application’s self-reported version number.

# (C) Tenable, Inc.
# The descriptive text and package checks in this plugin were
# extracted from Oracle Linux Security Advisory ELSA-2024-1249.


if (description)
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2024/04/05");


  script_name(english:"Oracle Linux 7 : kernel (ELSA-2024-1249)");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value:
"The remote Oracle Linux host is missing one or more security updates.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value:
"The remote Oracle Linux 7 host has packages installed that are affected by multiple vulnerabilities as referenced in the
ELSA-2024-1249 advisory.

  - An issue was discovered in set_con2fb_map in drivers/video/fbdev/core/fbcon.c in the Linux kernel before
    6.2.12. Because an assignment occurs only for the first vc, the fbcon_registered_fb and fbcon_display
    arrays can be desynchronized in fbcon_mode_deleted (the con2fb_map points at the old fb_info).

  - A use-after-free vulnerability in the Linux kernel's net/sched: sch_qfq component can be exploited to
    achieve local privilege escalation. When the plug qdisc is used as a class of the qfq qdisc, sending
    network packets triggers use-after-free in qfq_dequeue() due to the incorrect .peek handler of sch_plug
    and lack of error checking in agg_dequeue(). We recommend upgrading past commit
    8fc134fee27f2263988ae38920bc03da416b03d8. (CVE-2023-4921)

  - An issue was discovered in drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/igb_main.c in the IGB driver in the Linux kernel
    before 6.5.3. A buffer size may not be adequate for frames larger than the MTU. (CVE-2023-45871)

  - A use-after-free vulnerability in the Linux kernel's netfilter: nf_tables component can be exploited to
    achieve local privilege escalation. The nft_verdict_init() function allows positive values as drop error
    within the hook verdict, and hence the nf_hook_slow() function can cause a double free vulnerability when
    NF_DROP is issued with a drop error which resembles NF_ACCEPT. We recommend upgrading past commit
    f342de4e2f33e0e39165d8639387aa6c19dff660. (CVE-2024-1086)

  - There are use-after-free vulnerabilities in the Linux kernel's net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c's l2cap_connect
    and l2cap_le_connect_req functions which may allow code execution and leaking kernel memory (respectively)
    remotely via Bluetooth. A remote attacker could execute code leaking kernel memory via Bluetooth if within
    proximity of the victim. We recommend upgrading past commit (CVE-2022-42896)

  - In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: sched/membarrier: reduce the ability
    to hammer on sys_membarrier On some systems, sys_membarrier can be very expensive, causing overall
    slowdowns for everything. So put a lock on the path in order to serialize the accesses to prevent the
    ability for this to be called at too high of a frequency and saturate the machine. (CVE-2024-26602)

Note that Nessus has not tested for these issues but has instead relied only on the application's self-reported version
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:
"Update the affected packages.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cvss_score_source", value:"CVE-2022-42896");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"Exploits are available");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_available", value:"true");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploited_by_malware", value:"true");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"vuln_publication_date", value:"2022/11/23");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2024/03/20");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2024/03/21");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:oracle:linux:7:9:patch");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:oracle:linux:7::latest");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:oracle:linux:7::optional_latest");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/o:oracle:linux:7");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:bpftool");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:kernel");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:kernel-abi-whitelists");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:kernel-debug");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:kernel-debug-devel");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:kernel-devel");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:kernel-headers");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:kernel-tools");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:kernel-tools-libs");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:kernel-tools-libs-devel");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:perf");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:python-perf");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"generated_plugin", value:"current");

  script_family(english:"Oracle Linux Local Security Checks");

  script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2024 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");

  script_dependencies("linux_alt_patch_detect.nasl", "ssh_get_info.nasl");
  script_require_keys("Host/OracleLinux", "Host/RedHat/release", "Host/RedHat/rpm-list", "Host/local_checks_enabled");



if (!get_kb_item('Host/local_checks_enabled')) audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_ENABLED);
if (!get_kb_item('Host/OracleLinux')) audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, 'Oracle Linux');
var os_release = get_kb_item("Host/RedHat/release");
if (isnull(os_release) || !pregmatch(pattern: "Oracle (?:Linux Server|Enterprise Linux)", string:os_release)) audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, 'Oracle Linux');
var os_ver = pregmatch(pattern: "Oracle (?:Linux Server|Enterprise Linux) .*release ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)", string:os_release);
if (isnull(os_ver)) audit(AUDIT_UNKNOWN_APP_VER, 'Oracle Linux');
os_ver = os_ver[1];
if (! preg(pattern:"^7([^0-9]|$)", string:os_ver)) audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, 'Oracle Linux 7', 'Oracle Linux ' + os_ver);

if (!get_kb_item('Host/RedHat/rpm-list')) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_LIST_MISSING);

var cpu = get_kb_item('Host/cpu');
if (isnull(cpu)) audit(AUDIT_UNKNOWN_ARCH);
if ('x86_64' >!< cpu && cpu !~ "^i[3-6]86$" && 'aarch64' >!< cpu) audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 'Oracle Linux', cpu);
if ('x86_64' >!< cpu) audit(AUDIT_ARCH_NOT, 'x86_64', cpu);

var machine_uptrack_level = get_one_kb_item('Host/uptrack-uname-r');
if (machine_uptrack_level)
  var trimmed_uptrack_level = ereg_replace(string:machine_uptrack_level, pattern:"\.(x86_64|i[3-6]86|aarch64)$", replace:'');
  var fixed_uptrack_levels = ['3.10.0-1160.'];
  foreach var fixed_uptrack_level ( fixed_uptrack_levels ) {
    if (rpm_spec_vers_cmp(a:trimmed_uptrack_level, b:fixed_uptrack_level) >= 0)
      audit(AUDIT_PATCH_INSTALLED, 'KSplice hotfix for ELSA-2024-1249');
  __rpm_report = 'Running KSplice level of ' + trimmed_uptrack_level + ' does not meet the minimum fixed level of ' + join(fixed_uptrack_levels, sep:' / ') + ' for this advisory.\n\n';

var kernel_major_minor = get_kb_item('Host/uname/major_minor');
if (empty_or_null(kernel_major_minor)) exit(1, 'Unable to determine kernel major-minor level.');
var expected_kernel_major_minor = '3.10';
if (kernel_major_minor != expected_kernel_major_minor)
  audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, 'running kernel level ' + expected_kernel_major_minor + ', it is running kernel level ' + kernel_major_minor);

var pkgs = [
    {'reference':'bpftool-3.10.0-1160.', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'7', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'kernel-3.10.0-1160.', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'7', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE, 'exists_check':'kernel-3.10.0'},
    {'reference':'kernel-abi-whitelists-3.10.0-1160.', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'7', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE, 'exists_check':'kernel-abi-whitelists-3.10.0'},
    {'reference':'kernel-debug-3.10.0-1160.', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'7', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE, 'exists_check':'kernel-debug-3.10.0'},
    {'reference':'kernel-debug-devel-3.10.0-1160.', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'7', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE, 'exists_check':'kernel-debug-devel-3.10.0'},
    {'reference':'kernel-devel-3.10.0-1160.', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'7', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE, 'exists_check':'kernel-devel-3.10.0'},
    {'reference':'kernel-headers-3.10.0-1160.', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'7', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE, 'exists_check':'kernel-headers-3.10.0'},
    {'reference':'kernel-tools-3.10.0-1160.', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'7', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE, 'exists_check':'kernel-tools-3.10.0'},
    {'reference':'kernel-tools-libs-3.10.0-1160.', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'7', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE, 'exists_check':'kernel-tools-libs-3.10.0'},
    {'reference':'kernel-tools-libs-devel-3.10.0-1160.', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'7', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE, 'exists_check':'kernel-tools-libs-devel-3.10.0'},
    {'reference':'perf-3.10.0-1160.', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'7', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'python-perf-3.10.0-1160.', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'7', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE}

var flag = 0;
foreach var package_array ( pkgs ) {
  var reference = NULL;
  var _release = NULL;
  var sp = NULL;
  var _cpu = NULL;
  var el_string = NULL;
  var rpm_spec_vers_cmp = NULL;
  var epoch = NULL;
  var allowmaj = NULL;
  var exists_check = NULL;
  if (!empty_or_null(package_array['reference'])) reference = package_array['reference'];
  if (!empty_or_null(package_array['release'])) _release = 'EL' + package_array['release'];
  if (!empty_or_null(package_array['sp'])) sp = package_array['sp'];
  if (!empty_or_null(package_array['cpu'])) _cpu = package_array['cpu'];
  if (!empty_or_null(package_array['el_string'])) el_string = package_array['el_string'];
  if (!empty_or_null(package_array['rpm_spec_vers_cmp'])) rpm_spec_vers_cmp = package_array['rpm_spec_vers_cmp'];
  if (!empty_or_null(package_array['epoch'])) epoch = package_array['epoch'];
  if (!empty_or_null(package_array['allowmaj'])) allowmaj = package_array['allowmaj'];
  if (!empty_or_null(package_array['exists_check'])) exists_check = package_array['exists_check'];
  if (reference && _release) {
    if (exists_check) {
        if (rpm_exists(release:_release, rpm:exists_check) && rpm_check(release:_release, sp:sp, cpu:cpu, reference:reference, epoch:epoch, el_string:el_string, rpm_spec_vers_cmp:rpm_spec_vers_cmp, allowmaj:allowmaj)) flag++;
    } else {
        if (rpm_check(release:_release, sp:sp, cpu:_cpu, reference:reference, epoch:epoch, el_string:el_string, rpm_spec_vers_cmp:rpm_spec_vers_cmp, allowmaj:allowmaj)) flag++;

if (flag)
      port       : 0,
      severity   : SECURITY_HOLE,
      extra      : rpm_report_get()
  var tested = pkg_tests_get();
  if (tested) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_NOT_AFFECTED, tested);
  else audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_NOT_INSTALLED, 'bpftool / kernel / kernel-abi-whitelists / etc');
Rows per page:
1-10 of 161