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nessusThis script is Copyright (C) 2017-2022 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.DEBIAN_DSA-3810.NASL
HistoryMar 17, 2017 - 12:00 a.m.

Debian DSA-3810-1 : chromium-browser - security update

This script is Copyright (C) 2017-2022 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.

Several vulnerabilities have been discovered in the chromium web browser.

  • CVE-2017-5029 Holger Fuhrmannek discovered an integer overflow issue in the libxslt library.

  • CVE-2017-5030 Brendon Tiszka discovered a memory corruption issue in the v8 JavaScript library.

  • CVE-2017-5031 Looben Yang discovered a use-after-free issue in the ANGLE library.

  • CVE-2017-5032 Ashfaq Ansari discovered an out-of-bounds write in the pdfium library.

  • CVE-2017-5033 Nicolai Grodum discovered a way to bypass the Content Security Policy.

  • CVE-2017-5034 Ke Liu discovered an integer overflow issue in the pdfium library.

  • CVE-2017-5035 Enzo Aguado discovered an issue with the omnibox.

  • CVE-2017-5036 A use-after-free issue was discovered in the pdfium library.

  • CVE-2017-5037 Yongke Wang discovered multiple out-of-bounds write issues.

  • CVE-2017-5038 A use-after-free issue was discovered in the guest view.

  • CVE-2017-5039 jinmo123 discovered a use-after-free issue in the pdfium library.

  • CVE-2017-5040 Choongwoo Han discovered an information disclosure issue in the v8 JavaScript library.

  • CVE-2017-5041 Jordi Chancel discovered an address spoofing issue.

  • CVE-2017-5042 Mike Ruddy discovered incorrect handling of cookies.

  • CVE-2017-5043 Another use-after-free issue was discovered in the guest view.

  • CVE-2017-5044 Kushal Arvind Shah discovered a heap overflow issue in the skia library.

  • CVE-2017-5045 Dhaval Kapil discovered an information disclosure issue.

  • CVE-2017-5046 Masato Kinugawa discovered an information disclosure issue.

# (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.
# The descriptive text and package checks in this plugin were  
# extracted from Debian Security Advisory DSA-3810. The text 
# itself is copyright (C) Software in the Public Interest, Inc.


if (description)
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2022/06/08");

  script_xref(name:"DSA", value:"3810");
  script_xref(name:"CISA-KNOWN-EXPLOITED", value:"2022/06/22");

  script_name(english:"Debian DSA-3810-1 : chromium-browser - security update");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value:
"The remote Debian host is missing a security-related update.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value:
"Several vulnerabilities have been discovered in the chromium web

  - CVE-2017-5029
    Holger Fuhrmannek discovered an integer overflow issue
    in the libxslt library.

  - CVE-2017-5030
    Brendon Tiszka discovered a memory corruption issue in
    the v8 JavaScript library.

  - CVE-2017-5031
    Looben Yang discovered a use-after-free issue in the
    ANGLE library.

  - CVE-2017-5032
    Ashfaq Ansari discovered an out-of-bounds write in the
    pdfium library.

  - CVE-2017-5033
    Nicolai Grodum discovered a way to bypass the Content
    Security Policy.

  - CVE-2017-5034
    Ke Liu discovered an integer overflow issue in the
    pdfium library.

  - CVE-2017-5035
    Enzo Aguado discovered an issue with the omnibox.

  - CVE-2017-5036
    A use-after-free issue was discovered in the pdfium

  - CVE-2017-5037
    Yongke Wang discovered multiple out-of-bounds write

  - CVE-2017-5038
    A use-after-free issue was discovered in the guest view.

  - CVE-2017-5039
    jinmo123 discovered a use-after-free issue in the pdfium

  - CVE-2017-5040
    Choongwoo Han discovered an information disclosure issue
    in the v8 JavaScript library.

  - CVE-2017-5041
    Jordi Chancel discovered an address spoofing issue.

  - CVE-2017-5042
    Mike Ruddy discovered incorrect handling of cookies.

  - CVE-2017-5043
    Another use-after-free issue was discovered in the guest

  - CVE-2017-5044
    Kushal Arvind Shah discovered a heap overflow issue in
    the skia library.

  - CVE-2017-5045
    Dhaval Kapil discovered an information disclosure issue.

  - CVE-2017-5046
    Masato Kinugawa discovered an information disclosure
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:
"Upgrade the chromium-browser packages.

For the stable distribution (jessie), these problems have been fixed
in version 57.0.2987.98-1~deb8u1.

For the upcoming stable (stretch) and unstable (sid) distributions,
these problems have been fixed in version 57.0.2987.98-1.");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"No known exploits are available");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_available", value:"false");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploited_by_malware", value:"true");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"vuln_publication_date", value:"2017/04/24");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2017/03/15");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2017/03/17");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:debian:debian_linux:chromium-browser");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/o:debian:debian_linux:8.0");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"generated_plugin", value:"current");

  script_family(english:"Debian Local Security Checks");

  script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2017-2022 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");

  script_require_keys("Host/local_checks_enabled", "Host/Debian/release", "Host/Debian/dpkg-l");



if (!get_kb_item("Host/local_checks_enabled")) audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_ENABLED);
if (!get_kb_item("Host/Debian/release")) audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, "Debian");
if (!get_kb_item("Host/Debian/dpkg-l")) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_LIST_MISSING);

flag = 0;
if (deb_check(release:"8.0", prefix:"chromedriver", reference:"57.0.2987.98-1~deb8u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"8.0", prefix:"chromium", reference:"57.0.2987.98-1~deb8u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"8.0", prefix:"chromium-dbg", reference:"57.0.2987.98-1~deb8u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"8.0", prefix:"chromium-inspector", reference:"57.0.2987.98-1~deb8u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"8.0", prefix:"chromium-l10n", reference:"57.0.2987.98-1~deb8u1")) flag++;

if (flag)
  if (report_verbosity > 0) security_warning(port:0, extra:deb_report_get());
  else security_warning(0);
else audit(AUDIT_HOST_NOT, "affected");
