Squid3 security update to fix denial of service vulnerabilities in HTTP authentication processin
Reporter | Title | Published | Views | Family All 120 |
Ubuntu | Squid vulnerabilities | 22 Jul 201900:00 | – | ubuntu |
Ubuntu | Squid vulnerabilities | 18 Jul 201900:00 | – | ubuntu |
Debian | [SECURITY] [DLA 1858-1] squid3 security update | 20 Jul 201923:09 | – | debian |
Debian | [SECURITY] [DLA 2278-3] squid3 regression update | 4 Sep 202021:50 | – | debian |
Debian | [SECURITY] [DSA 4507-1] squid security update | 24 Aug 201911:46 | – | debian |
Debian | [SECURITY] [DSA 4507-1] squid security update | 24 Aug 201911:46 | – | debian |
Debian | [SECURITY] [DLA 2278-2] squid3 regression update | 13 Aug 202020:42 | – | debian |
Debian | [SECURITY] [DLA 2278-1] squid3 security update | 10 Jul 202021:55 | – | debian |
OpenVAS | Debian: Security Advisory (DLA-1858-1) | 21 Jul 201900:00 | – | openvas |
OpenVAS | Ubuntu: Security Advisory (USN-4065-2) | 26 Aug 202200:00 | – | openvas |
# (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.
# The descriptive text and package checks in this plugin were
# extracted from Debian Security Advisory DLA-1858-1. The text
# itself is copyright (C) Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
if (description)
script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2024/05/09");
script_cve_id("CVE-2019-12525", "CVE-2019-12529");
script_name(english:"Debian DLA-1858-1 : squid3 security update");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value:
"The remote Debian host is missing a security update.");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value:
"Squid, a high-performance proxy caching server for web clients, has
been found vulnerable to denial of service attacks associated with
HTTP authentication header processing.
Due to incorrect buffer management Squid is vulnerable to a denial of
service attack when processing HTTP Digest Authentication credentials.
Due to incorrect input validation the HTTP Request header
parser for Digest authentication may access memory outside
the allocated memory buffer.
On systems with memory access protections this can result in
the Squid process being terminated unexpectedly. Resulting
in a denial of service for all clients using the proxy.
Due to incorrect buffer management Squid is vulnerable to a denial of
service attack when processing HTTP Basic Authentication credentials.
Due to incorrect string termination the Basic authentication
credentials decoder may access memory outside the decode
On systems with memory access protections this can result in
the Squid process being terminated unexpectedly. Resulting
in a denial of service for all clients using the proxy.
For Debian 8 'Jessie', these problems have been fixed in version
We recommend that you upgrade your squid3 packages.
NOTE: Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description
block directly from the DLA security advisory. Tenable has attempted
to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without
introducing additional issues.");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"https://lists.debian.org/debian-lts-announce/2019/07/msg00018.html");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"https://packages.debian.org/source/jessie/squid3");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:
"Upgrade the affected packages.");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cvss_score_source", value:"CVE-2019-12525");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"No known exploits are available");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_available", value:"false");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"vuln_publication_date", value:"2019/07/11");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2019/07/20");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2019/07/22");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:debian:debian_linux:squid-cgi");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:debian:debian_linux:squid-purge");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:debian:debian_linux:squid3");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:debian:debian_linux:squid3-common");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:debian:debian_linux:squid3-dbg");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:debian:debian_linux:squidclient");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/o:debian:debian_linux:8.0");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"generated_plugin", value:"current");
script_family(english:"Debian Local Security Checks");
script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2019-2024 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");
script_require_keys("Host/local_checks_enabled", "Host/Debian/release", "Host/Debian/dpkg-l");
if (!get_kb_item("Host/local_checks_enabled")) audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_ENABLED);
if (!get_kb_item("Host/Debian/release")) audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, "Debian");
if (!get_kb_item("Host/Debian/dpkg-l")) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_LIST_MISSING);
flag = 0;
if (deb_check(release:"8.0", prefix:"squid-cgi", reference:"3.4.8-6+deb8u8")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"8.0", prefix:"squid-purge", reference:"3.4.8-6+deb8u8")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"8.0", prefix:"squid3", reference:"3.4.8-6+deb8u8")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"8.0", prefix:"squid3-common", reference:"3.4.8-6+deb8u8")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"8.0", prefix:"squid3-dbg", reference:"3.4.8-6+deb8u8")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"8.0", prefix:"squidclient", reference:"3.4.8-6+deb8u8")) flag++;
if (flag)
if (report_verbosity > 0) security_hole(port:0, extra:deb_report_get());
else security_hole(0);
else audit(AUDIT_HOST_NOT, "affected");
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