Lucene search

nessusThis script is Copyright (C) 2003-2023 Digital Defense Inc.DDI_IIS_COMPROMISED.NASL
HistoryJun 05, 2002 - 12:00 a.m.

Microsoft IIS Potentially Compromised Host Detection

This script is Copyright (C) 2003-2023 Digital Defense Inc.

One or more files were found on this host that indicate a possible compromise.

# This script was written by H D Moore <[email protected]>
# ... and hacked by Tenable Network Security to avoid false positive.


if (description)
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2023/01/03");

  script_name(english:"Microsoft IIS Potentially Compromised Host Detection");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value:
"The remote system may be compromised.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value:
"One or more files were found on this host that indicate a possible
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:
"Investigate the discovered files.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cvss_score_source", value:"manual");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cvss_score_rationale", value:"Score based on in depth analysis of web-shell exposures by Tenable.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploited_by_nessus", value:"true");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2002/06/05");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"remote");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"thorough_tests", value:"true");


  script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2003-2023 Digital Defense Inc.");

  script_dependencies("no404.nasl", "http_version.nasl", "webmirror.nasl", "www_fingerprinting_hmap.nasl");
  script_require_ports("Services/www", 80);


# The script code starts here


if ( ! thorough_tests ) exit(0);

var port = get_http_port(default:80, embedded:TRUE);

if(!port || !get_port_state(port))exit(0);
var banner = get_http_banner(port:port);
if ( "IIS" >!< banner ) exit(0);

var no404 = get_kb_item( "www/no404/" + port );

function check(url, arg, pat)
    local_var str, r, i;
    debug_print("check(", url, ",", arg, ",", pat, ")\n");
    str = http_get(item:strcat(url, arg), port:port);
    r = http_keepalive_send_recv(port:port, data:str);
    if(r == NULL)exit(0);
    # cache files that dont exist
    if( (no404 && no404 >< r) ||
    	preg(pattern:"HTTP/1\.[01] 40[34] ", string:r) )

    # Look in HTTP body only
    i = stridx('\r\n\r\n', r);
    if (i >= 0) r = substr(r, i);

    if (egrep(string:r, pattern:pat))
        debug_print("found '", pat, "' for ", url, " [", arg, "]\n");


function headcheck(req)
    local_var str, r;
    str = http_head(item:req, port:port);
    r = http_keepalive_send_recv(port:port, data:str);
    if(r == NULL)exit(0);
    if (no404 && no404 >< r) return FALSE;

    if(preg(pattern:"^HTTP/1\.[01] (2|502) ", string:r))
            debug_print('HEAD FOUND: ', req, '\n');

function dllcheck(req)
    local_var str, r;
    str = http_get(item:req, port:port);
    r = http_keepalive_send_recv(port:port, data:str);
    if(r == NULL)exit(0);
    if (no404 && no404 >< r) return FALSE;

     # cache missing dll's
     if ("module could not be found" >< r) add_cache(url:req);
    if ("procedure could not be found" >< r)
        debug_print('DLL FOUND: ', req, '\n');

# this exploit hijacks the socket used to make the
# web request, spawning a command shell over it, so we
# cant use the normal detection methods
function iisecheck(req)
    local_var r, r2, soc, str;

    str = http_get(item:req, port:port);
    soc = http_open_socket(port);
        send(socket:soc, data:str);
        r = recv_line(socket:soc, length:1024);
	if(egrep(pattern:"We Got It", string:r))
            send(socket:soc, data:"\r\n\r\nexit\r\n\r\n");
        } else {
            r2 = http_recv(socket:soc);
            if ( preg(pattern:"HTTP/1\.[01] 40[34] ", string:r) ||
	       	 (no404 && no404 >< r) ||
                 egrep(pattern:"module could not be found", string:r2) )

# directory list management
var dirs = {};
dirs[0] = "/";
var num_dirs = 0;

function initialize_dirs ()
   local_var _dir_idx, dirs, d, tmp;
   if ( ! thorough_tests ) return 0;

   tmp = get_kb_list(strcat("www/", port, "/content/directories"));
   if(!isnull(tmp))dirs = make_list(tmp);
   else dirs = make_list();
    _dir_idx = 0;
    foreach d (dirs)
        debug_print('adding discovered directory: ', d, '\n');
        _dir_idx = _dir_idx + 1;

function check_dir_list (dir)
    local_var CDL;
    for (CDL=0; dirs[CDL]; CDL=CDL+1)
        if (dirs[CDL] == dir) return(1);

function add_dir_list (dir)
    if (check_dir_list(dir:dir) == 0)
        dirs[num_dirs] = dir; 
        num_dirs = num_dirs + 1;  

# cached url list management
var cache = {};
cache[0] = 0;
var num_cache = 0;

function check_cache (url)
    local_var CLI;

    for (CLI=0; cache[CLI]; CLI=CLI+1)
        if (cache[CLI] == url) return(1);

function add_cache (url)
    if (check_cache(url:url) == 0)
        cache[num_cache] = url;
        num_cache = num_cache + 1;

# report management
var reported_urls = {};
reported_urls[0] = 0;
var reported_urls_cnt = 0;

var reported_tests = {};
reported_tests[0] = 0;

var report_header = "";
var report_footer = "";

function reported(url)
    local_var found_it, rep_idx;

    found_it = 0;
    for (rep_idx=0; rep_idx <reported_urls_cnt; rep_idx=rep_idx+1)
        if (reported_urls[rep_idx] == url)
    reported_urls[reported_urls_cnt] = url;
    reported_urls_cnt = reported_urls_cnt + 1;

global_var report, reports;

function add_report(name, url)

    if (! reported(url:url))
        if (reported_tests[name])
            # already added report section to the header
        } else {
            report_header = report_header + strcat(reports[name], "\n\n");
            reported_tests[name] = 1;
        report_footer = report_footer + strcat(name, " - ", url, "\n");
        report = strcat(report_header, "\n\nDetails :\n\n", report_footer);

# for convenience
var dblquot = raw_string(0x22);

var tests = NULL;
var method = NULL;
var args = NULL;
var pats = NULL;
var files = NULL;
var reports = NULL;
# test index #

tests[0]    = "cmd.exe";
tests[1]    = "nc.exe";
tests[2]    = "iise.exe";
tests[3]    = "ftp.exe";
tests[4]    = "pwdump.exe";
tests[5]    = "cmd.asp";
tests[6]    = "upload.asp";
tests[7]    = "cmd.jsp";
tests[8]    = "radmin";
tests[9]    = "dtreg.exe";
tests[9]    = "kill.exe";
tests[10]   = "hk.exe";
tests[11]   = "list.exe";
tests[12]   = "newgina.dll";
tests[13]   = "iiscrack.dll";
tests[14]   = "vnc";
tests[15]   = "pwdump2.exe";
tests[16]   = "pwdump3.exe";
tests[17]   = "servuftpd";
tests[18]   = "info.exe";
tests[19]   = "whoami.exe";
tests[20]   = "ipconfig.exe";
tests[21]   = "fscan.exe";
tests[22]   = "hunt.exe";

# method table #

method["cmd.exe"]       = "GET";
method["nc.exe"]        = "GET";
method["iiscrack.dll"]  = "GET";
method["ftp.exe"]       = "GET";
method["pwdump.exe"]    = "GET";
method["cmd.asp"]       = "GET";
method["upload.asp"]    = "GET";
method["cmd.jsp"]       = "GET";
method["radmin"]        = "DLL";
method["dtreg.exe"]     = "GET";
method["kill.exe"]      = "GET";
method["hk.exe"]        = "GET";
method["list.exe"]      = "GET";
method["newgina.dll"]   = "DLL";
method["iise.exe"]      = "IISE";       # this one needs its own method
method["vnc"]           = "DLL";
method["pwdump2.exe"]   = "DLL";
method["pwdump3.exe"]   = "DLL";
method["servuftpd"]     = "DLL";
method["info.exe"]      = "GET";
method["whoami.exe"]    = "GET";
method["ipconfig.exe"]  = "GET";
method["fscan.exe"]     = "GET";
method["hunt.exe"]      = "GET";

# arguments table #

args["cmd.exe"]         = "?/c+dir+c:\\+/OG";
args["nc.exe"]          = "?-h";
args["iiscrack.dll"]    = "";
args["ftp.exe"]         = "?/c+-h";
args["pwdump.exe"]      = "?-h";
args["cmd.asp"]         = "";
args["upload.asp"]      = "";
args["cmd.jsp"]         = "";
args["radmin"]          = "";
args["dtreg.exe"]       = "";
args["kill.exe"]        = "";
args["hk.exe"]          = "?boom";
args["list.exe"]        = "";
args["newgina.dll"]     = "";
args["iise.exe"]        = "";
args["vnc"]             = "";
args["pwdump2.exe"]     = "";
args["pwdump3.exe"]     = "";
args["servuftpd"]       = "";
args["info.exe"]        = "";
args["whoami.exe"]      = "?/h";
args["ipconfig.exe"]    = "?/h";
args["fscan.exe"]       = "";
args["hunt.exe"]        = "?/h";

# patterns table #

pats["cmd.exe"]          = "<DIR>";
pats["nc.exe"]           = "this cruft";
pats["iiscrack.dll"]     = "www\\.digitaloffense\\.net|Default MFC Web Server Extension";
pats["ftp.exe"]          = "Suppresses display of remote server";
pats["pwdump.exe"]       = "You must be running as user|Pwdump2 - dump|software based on pwdump2";
pats["cmd.asp"]          = "\\.CMD";
pats["upload.asp"]       = strcat("type=", dblquot, "file", dblquot);
pats["cmd.jsp"]          = "COMMANDLINE";
pats["radmin"]           = "";
pats["dtreg.exe"]        = "Syntax: DtReg";
pats["kill.exe"]         = "missing pid or task name";
pats["hk.exe"]           = "lsass pid";
pats["list.exe"]         = "System Process";
pats["newgina.dll"]      = "";
pats["iise.exe"]         = ""; 
pats["vnc"]              = "";
pats["pwdump2.exe"]      = "";
pats["pwdump3.exe"]      = "";
pats["servuftpd"]        = "";
pats["info.exe"]         = "Server Information";
pats["whoami.exe"]       = "Display all information in the current access";
pats["ipconfig.exe"]     = "Release the IP address";
pats["fscan.exe"]        = "no port scanning ";
pats["hunt.exe"]         = "SMB share enumerator";

# file table #

files["cmd.exe_0"]      = "cmd.exe";
files["cmd.exe_1"]      = "root.exe";
files["cmd.exe_2"]      = "bin.exe";
files["cmd.exe_3"]      = "shell.exe";
files["cmd.exe_4"]      = "hack.exe";
files["cmd.exe_5"]      = "1.exe";
files["cmd.exe_6"]      = "2.exe";
files["cmd.exe_7"]      = "3.exe";
files["cmd.exe_8"]      = "4.exe";
files["cmd.exe_9"]      = "bip.exe";
files["cmd.exe_9"]      = "stromake.exe";
files["cmd.exe_10"]     = "superlol.exe";
files["cmd.exe_11"]     = "cmd1.exe";
files["cmd.exe_12"]     = "az.exe";
files["cmd.exe_13"]     = "ft.exe";
files["cmd.exe_14"]     = "inuse.exe";
files["cmd.exe_15"]     = "mx.exe";
files["cmd.exe_16"]     = "sensepost.exe";
files["cmd.exe_17"]     = "blackbeard.exe";
files["cmd.exe_18"]     = "spooler.exe";
files["cmd.exe_19"]     = "sklp.exe";
files["cmd.exe_20"]     = "rooter.exe";
files["cmd.exe_21"]     = "sys.exe";
files["cmd.exe_22"]     = "test.exe";
files["cmd.exe_23"]     = "gogo.exe";
files["cmd.exe_24"]     = "exchange.exe";

files["nc.exe_0"]       = "nc.exe";
files["nc.exe_1"]       = "ncx.exe";
files["nc.exe_2"]       = "netcat.exe";
files["nc.exe_3"]       = "dllhosts.exe";

files["iise.exe_0"]  = "iise.dll";
files["iise.exe_1"]  = "httpodbc.dll";
files["iise.exe_2"]  = "idq.dll";
files["iise.exe_3"]  = "httpext.dll";
files["iise.exe_4"]  = "ssinc.dll";
files["iise.exe_5"]  = "msw3prt.dll";
files["iise.exe_6"]  = "author.dll";
files["iise.exe_7"]  = "admin.dll";
files["iise.exe_8"]  = "shtml.dll";
files["iise.exe_9"]  = "sspifilt.dll";
files["iise.exe_10"] = "compfilt.dll";
files["iise.exe_11"] = "pwsdata.dll";
files["iise.exe_12"] = "md5filt.dll";
files["iise.exe_13"] = "fpexedll.dll";
files["iise.dll_14"] = "http.dll";
files["iise.dll_15"] = "httpodbc2.dll";
files["iise.dll_16"] = "iisadmin.dll";
files["iise.dll_17"] = "river.dll";
files["iise.dll_18"] = "dumdedum.dll";
files["iise.dll_19"] = "iishelp.dll";
files["iise.dll_20"] = "htadm.dll";
files["iise.dll_21"] = "crack.dll";
files["iise.dll_22"] = "nsiislog.dll";
files["iise.dll_23"] = "hh.dll";
files["iise.dll_24"] = "fpexe.dll";
files["iise.dll_25"] = "1.dll";
files["iise.dll_26"] = "red.dll";
files["iise.dll_27"] = "popper.dll";
files["iise.dll_28"] = "iiscrack-upx.dll";

files["iiscrack.dll_0"]  = "iiscrack.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_1"]  = "httpodbc.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_2"]  = "idq.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_3"]  = "httpext.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_4"]  = "ssinc.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_5"]  = "msw3prt.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_6"]  = "author.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_7"]  = "admin.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_8"]  = "shtml.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_9"]  = "sspifilt.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_10"] = "compfilt.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_11"] = "pwsdata.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_12"] = "md5filt.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_13"] = "fpexedll.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_14"] = "http.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_15"] = "httpodbc2.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_16"] = "iisadmin.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_17"] = "river.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_18"] = "dumdedum.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_19"] = "iishelp.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_20"] = "htadm.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_21"] = "crack.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_22"] = "nsiislog.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_23"] = "hh.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_24"] = "fpexe.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_25"] = "1.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_26"] = "red.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_27"] = "popper.dll";
files["iiscrack.dll_28"] = "iiscrack-upx.dll";

files["ftp.exe_0"]      = "ftp.exe";
files["ftp.exe_1"]      = "ftpx.exe";
files["ftp.exe_2"]      = "1.exe";
files["ftp.exe_3"]      = "2.exe";
files["ftp.exe_4"]      = "3.exe";
files["ftp.exe_5"]      = "4.exe";

files["pwdump.exe_0"]   = "pwdump.exe";
files["pwdump.exe_1"]   = "pwdump2.exe";
files["pwdump.exe_2"]   = "pwdump3.exe";

files["cmd.asp_0"] = "cmdasp.asp";
files["cmd.asp_1"] = "cmd.asp";
files["cmd.asp_2"] = "shell.asp";
files["cmd.asp_3"] = "own.asp";
files["cmd.asp_4"] = "0wn.asp";
files["cmd.asp_5"] = "exec.asp";
files["cmd.asp_6"] = "x.asp";
files["cmd.asp_7"] = "cmdasp.aspx";

files["upload.asp_0"] = "upload.asp";
files["upload.asp_1"] = "uploadx.asp";
files["upload.asp_2"] = "up.asp";
files["upload.asp_3"] = "file.asp";
files["upload.asp_4"] = "fx.asp";

files["cmd.jsp_0"] = "cmd.jsp";
files["cmd.jsp_1"] = "shell.jsp";
files["cmd.jsp_2"] = "own.jsp";
files["cmd.jsp_3"] = "hack.jsp";
files["cmd.jsp_4"] = "exec.jsp";

files["radmin_0"]    = "admdll.dll";
files["radmin_1"]    = "raddrv.dll";

files["dtreg.exe_0"] = "dtreg.exe";

files["kill.exe_0"] = "kill.exe";
files["kill.exe_1"] = "tkill.exe";
files["kill.exe_2"] = "pskill.exe";

files["hk.exe_0"] = "hk.exe";

files["list.exe_0"] = "list.exe";
files["list.exe_1"] = "tlist.exe";
files["list.exe_2"] = "plist.exe";

files["newgina.dll_0"] = "newgina.dll";

files["vnc_0"]  = "vnchooks.dll";
files["vnc_1"]  = "omnithread_rt.dll";

files["pwdump2.exe_0"] = "samdump.dll"; 

files["pwdump3.exe_0"] = "lsaext.dll";

files["servuftpd_0"] = "jasfv.dll";

files["info.exe_0"] = "info.exe";

files["whoami.exe_0"] = "whoami.exe";

files["ipconfig.exe_0"] = "ipconfig.exe";

files["fscan.exe_0"] = "fscan.exe";

files["hunt.exe_0"] = "hunt.exe";

reports["cmd.exe"]       = "One or more copies of the Windows command interpreter were found, it can be used to execute arbitrary commands on this server through the web.";
reports["nc.exe"]        = "One or more copies of the 'netcat.exe' tool were found, it can be used to either listen for or establish network connections, it includes the ability to run an arbitrary command across that connection.";
reports["iiscrack.dll"]  = "One or more copies of the 'iiscrack.dll' exploit were found, it is used to gain SYSTEM privileges on a web server already compromised through another method.";
reports["ftp.exe"]       = "One or more copies of the Windows command line FTP utility were found, it is often left in the web root as part of an automated attack.";
reports["pwdump.exe"]    = "One or more copies of 'pwdump' were found,it is used to dump the encrypted password hashes from a Windows server.";
reports["cmd.asp"]       = "One or more copies of the 'cmd.asp' script were found, this ASP script can be used to execute commands over the web, on IIS 4.0 it executes with SYSTEM privileges.";
reports["upload.asp"]    = "One or more copies of the 'upload.asp' script were found, this ASP script can be used to upload files to the server over the web, often used by malicious users when the target is firewalled.";
reports["cmd.jsp"]       = "One or more copies of the 'jsp.cmd' script were found, this JSP script can be used to execute commands over the web.";
reports["radmin"]        = "One more DLL files were found which indicate the presence of the 'Remote Administrator' tool. This tool is used to gain remote access to a compromised server.";
reports["dtreg.exe"]     = "One or more copies of the 'dtreg.exe' executable were found, this tool is used to edit the registry, often included in batch scripts which install a backdoor.";
reports["kill.exe"]      = "One or more copies of the 'kill.exe' executable were found, this tool is used for terminating processes, it was originally bundled with the Windows Resource Kits and has become a favorite of malicious users.";
reports["hk.exe"]        = "One or more copies of the 'hk.exe' exploit were found, it is used to gain SYSTEM privileges on a web server already compromised through another method.";
reports["list.exe"]      = "One or more copies of the 'list.exe' executable were found, this tool is used for enumerating processes, it was originally bundled with the Windows Resource Kits and has become a favorite of malicious users.";
reports["newgina.dll"]   = "One more DLL files were found which appear to be part of the 'NewGina.dll' password logging toolkit.";
reports["iise.exe"]      = "One or more copies of the server-side component of the 'iise.exe' exploit were found, it is used to gain a remote command shell with SYSTEM privileges over the web port.";
reports["vnc"]           = "One more DLL files were found which indicate the presence of the 'VNC' remote administration utility.";
reports["pwdump2.exe"]   = "One more DLL files were found which indicate the presence of the 'pwdump2.exe' password hash dumping tool.";
reports["pwdump3.exe"]   = "One more DLL files were found which indicate the presence of the 'pwdump3.exe' password hash dumping tool.";
reports["servuftpd"]     = "One more DLL files were found which indicate the presence of the 'ServUFTPD' FTP server, commonly used by attackers to setup rogue FTP services on compromised hosts.";
reports["info.exe"]      = "One more copies of the 'info.exe' tool were found, this CGI application provides a large amount of information about the server remotely and is often installed by system attackers.";
reports["whoami.exe"]    = "One more copies of the 'whoami.exe' tool were found, this application displays the user account it is run by and is often installed by system attackers.";
reports["ipconfig.exe"]  = "One more copies of the 'ipconfig.exe' tool were found, this application is used to manage network settings and is often copied into the web root by system attackers.";
reports["hunt.exe"]      = "One more copies of the 'hunt.exe' tool were found, this application is used to scan for network shares and is often installed by system attackers.";
reports["fscan.exe"]     = "One more copies of the 'fscan.exe' tool were found, this application is used to run port scans from the command line and is often installed by system attackers.";

# initialize the plugin

report = "";


# prevent false positives

var ValidHead = 1;
if (headcheck(req:"/CompromisedScan.dll")) ValidHead = 0;

var ValidDLL = 1;
if (dllcheck(req:"/CompromisedScan.dll")) ValidDLL = 0;

# the main loop

for (var x=0; tests[x]; x=x+1)
    var cur_test = tests[x];
    var cur_meth = method[cur_test];
    var cur_args = args[cur_test];
    var cur_pat  = string(pats[cur_test]);
    var url = NULL;
    var filename = NULL;

    debug_print('running test ', x, ' (', cur_test, ')', ' [', cur_pat, ']\n');
    for (var d=0; dirs[d]; d=d+1)
        var stop = 0;
        for (var f=0; stop == 0; f=f+1)
            filename = files[strcat(cur_test, "_", f)];
            if (filename)
                if (dirs[d] == "/")
                    url = strcat("/", filename);
                } else {
                    url = strcat(dirs[d], "/", filename);
                    debug_print("ignoring cached url ", url, '\n'); 
                } else {
                    if (cur_meth == "GET")
                        if (check(url:url, arg:cur_args, pat:cur_pat))
                            add_report(name:cur_test, url:url);

                    if ((ValidHead == 1) && (cur_meth == "HEAD"))
                        if (headcheck(req:url))
                            add_report(name:cur_test, url:url);

                    if ((ValidDLL == 1) && (cur_meth == "DLL"))
                        if (dllcheck(req:url))
                            add_report(name:cur_test, url:url);

                    if (cur_meth == "IISE")
                        if (iisecheck(req:url))
                            add_report(name:cur_test, url:url);
            } else {
                stop = 1;

if (strlen(report)) {
	if ( NASL_LEVEL < 3000 ) security_hole(port:port, data:report);
  	else security_hole(port:port, extra:report);