Updated ruby packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 fix critical security issu
Reporter | Title | Published | Views | Family All 107 |
RedHat Linux | (RHSA-2013:1763) Critical: ruby193-ruby security update | 25 Nov 201300:00 | – | redhat |
RedHat Linux | (RHSA-2013:1767) Critical: ruby security update | 26 Nov 201300:00 | – | redhat |
RedHat Linux | (RHSA-2013:1764) Critical: ruby security update | 25 Nov 201300:00 | – | redhat |
RedHat Linux | (RHSA-2014:0011) Critical: ruby193-ruby security update | 7 Jan 201400:00 | – | redhat |
RedHat Linux | (RHSA-2014:0215) Critical: cfme security, bug fix, and enhancement update | 11 Mar 201400:00 | – | redhat |
OpenVAS | RedHat Update for ruby RHSA-2013:1764-01 | 26 Nov 201300:00 | – | openvas |
OpenVAS | Mageia: Security Advisory (MGASA-2014-0003) | 28 Jan 202200:00 | – | openvas |
OpenVAS | Oracle: Security Advisory (ELSA-2013-1764) | 6 Oct 201500:00 | – | openvas |
OpenVAS | Debian: Security Advisory (DSA-2810-1) | 3 Dec 201300:00 | – | openvas |
OpenVAS | Debian Security Advisory DSA 2810-1 (ruby1.9.1 - heap overflow) | 4 Dec 201300:00 | – | openvas |
Source | Link |
nessus | www.nessus.org/u |
cve | www.cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi |
# (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.
# The descriptive text and package checks in this plugin were
# extracted from Red Hat Security Advisory RHSA-2013:1764 and
# CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2013:1764 respectively.
if (description)
script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2021/01/04");
script_xref(name:"RHSA", value:"2013:1764");
script_name(english:"CentOS 6 : ruby (CESA-2013:1764)");
script_summary(english:"Checks rpm output for the updated packages");
value:"The remote CentOS host is missing one or more security updates."
"Updated ruby packages that fix one security issue are now available
for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this update as having
critical security impact. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)
base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is available from
the CVE link in the References section.
Ruby is an extensible, interpreted, object-oriented, scripting
language. It has features to process text files and to perform system
management tasks.
A buffer overflow flaw was found in the way Ruby parsed floating point
numbers from their text representation. If an application using Ruby
accepted untrusted input strings and converted them to floating point
numbers, an attacker able to provide such input could cause the
application to crash or, possibly, execute arbitrary code with the
privileges of the application. (CVE-2013-4164)
All ruby users are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which
contain a backported patch to correct this issue."
# https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-cr-announce/2013-November/001124.html
script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:"Update the affected ruby packages.");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cvss_score_source", value:"CVE-2013-4164");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"No known exploits are available");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_available", value:"false");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:centos:centos:ruby");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:centos:centos:ruby-devel");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:centos:centos:ruby-docs");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:centos:centos:ruby-irb");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:centos:centos:ruby-libs");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:centos:centos:ruby-rdoc");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:centos:centos:ruby-ri");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:centos:centos:ruby-static");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:centos:centos:ruby-tcltk");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/o:centos:centos:6");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"vuln_publication_date", value:"2013/11/23");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2013/11/26");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2014/11/12");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"generated_plugin", value:"current");
script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2014-2021 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");
script_family(english:"CentOS Local Security Checks");
script_require_keys("Host/local_checks_enabled", "Host/CentOS/release", "Host/CentOS/rpm-list");
if (!get_kb_item("Host/local_checks_enabled")) audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_ENABLED);
release = get_kb_item("Host/CentOS/release");
if (isnull(release) || "CentOS" >!< release) audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, "CentOS");
os_ver = pregmatch(pattern: "CentOS(?: Linux)? release ([0-9]+)", string:release);
if (isnull(os_ver)) audit(AUDIT_UNKNOWN_APP_VER, "CentOS");
os_ver = os_ver[1];
if (! preg(pattern:"^6([^0-9]|$)", string:os_ver)) audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, "CentOS 6.x", "CentOS " + os_ver);
if (!get_kb_item("Host/CentOS/rpm-list")) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_LIST_MISSING);
cpu = get_kb_item("Host/cpu");
if (isnull(cpu)) audit(AUDIT_UNKNOWN_ARCH);
if ("x86_64" >!< cpu && cpu !~ "^i[3-6]86$") audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "CentOS", cpu);
flag = 0;
if (rpm_check(release:"CentOS-6", reference:"ruby-")) flag++;
if (rpm_check(release:"CentOS-6", reference:"ruby-devel-")) flag++;
if (rpm_check(release:"CentOS-6", reference:"ruby-docs-")) flag++;
if (rpm_check(release:"CentOS-6", reference:"ruby-irb-")) flag++;
if (rpm_check(release:"CentOS-6", reference:"ruby-libs-")) flag++;
if (rpm_check(release:"CentOS-6", reference:"ruby-rdoc-")) flag++;
if (rpm_check(release:"CentOS-6", reference:"ruby-ri-")) flag++;
if (rpm_check(release:"CentOS-6", reference:"ruby-static-")) flag++;
if (rpm_check(release:"CentOS-6", reference:"ruby-tcltk-")) flag++;
if (flag)
cr_plugin_caveat = '\n' +
'NOTE: The security advisory associated with this vulnerability has a\n' +
'fixed package version that may only be available in the continuous\n' +
'release (CR) repository for CentOS, until it is present in the next\n' +
'point release of CentOS.\n\n' +
'If an equal or higher package level does not exist in the baseline\n' +
'repository for your major version of CentOS, then updates from the CR\n' +
'repository will need to be applied in order to address the\n' +
port : 0,
extra : rpm_report_get() + cr_plugin_caveat
tested = pkg_tests_get();
if (tested) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_NOT_AFFECTED, tested);
else audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_NOT_INSTALLED, "ruby / ruby-devel / ruby-docs / ruby-irb / ruby-libs / ruby-rdoc / etc");
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