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HistoryApr 10, 2015 - 12:00 a.m.

Google Android Operating System < 5.0.0 Multiple Vulnerabilities


Versions of the Google Android operating system earlier than 5.0.0 are potentially affected by multiple vulnerabilities:

  • A flaw in the ‘’ function fails to check if the object that is currently being deserialized is actually serializable. This may allow a local attacker to gain elevated privileges. (CVE-2014-7911)
  • A flaw in ‘’ during the handling of an intent that contains ‘’ may allow a specially crafted application to resend all the user’s SMS messages and accrue extra unwanted charges or flood people previously contacted. (CVE-2014-8610)
  • There is a flaw that leads to unauthorized privileges being gained. The issue is triggered when the device does not properly check application PKI identity certificates and may allow an application to forge its identifying certificates. This may allow a local attacker, or a malicious application, to gain elevated privileges.
  • A flaw in ‘doSendObjectInfo()’ method in ‘frameworks/av/media/mtp/MtpServer.cpp’ does not properly sanitize user input, specifically path traversal style attacks (e.g. ‘…/’) supplied via a MTP packet name parameter. With a specially crafted application, a local attacker to write arbitrary files. (CVE-2014-7954)
  • A flaw in the ‘bindBackupAgent’ method in ‘ActivityManagerService’ that is triggered as input passed via the ‘ApplicationInfo’ parameter potentially allowing a local attacker to gain elevated privileges. (CVE-2014-7953)
  • A flaw in the keystore service that can allow a malicious application to gain access to key information of other stored applications on the device allowing a local attacker to gain access to potentially sensitive information.
Binary data 8665.prm