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HistoryNov 29, 2012 - 12:00 a.m.

Mozilla SeaMonkey 2.x <= 2.13 Multiple Vulnerabilities


Versions of SeaMonkey 2.13.x are potentially affected by the following security issues :

  • Several memory safety bugs exist in the browser engine used in Mozilla-based products that could be exploited to execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2012-5842, CVE-2012-5843)

  • An error exists in the method ‘image::RasterImage::DrawFrameTo’ related to GIF images that could allow a heap-based buffer overflow leading to arbitrary code execution. (CVE-2012-4202)

  • An error exists related to SVG text and CSS properties that could lead to application crashes. (CVE-2012-5836)

  • The JavaScript function ‘str_unescape’ could allow arbitrary code execution. (CVE-2012-4204)

  • ‘XMLHttpRequest’ objects inherit incorrect principals when created in sandboxes that could allow cross-site request forgery attacks (XSRF). (CVE-2012-4205)

  • ‘XrayWrappers’ can expose DOM properties that are not meant to be accessible outside of the chrome compartment. (CVE-2012-4208)

  • Errors exist related to ‘evalInSandbox’, ‘HZ-GB-2312’ charset, frames and the ‘location’ object, and ‘cross-origin wrappers’ that can allow cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. (CVE-2012-4201, CVE-2012-4207, CVE-2012-4209, CVE-2012-5841)

  • Various use-after-free, out-of-bounds read and buffer overflow errors exist that could potentially lead to arbitrary code execution. (CVE-2012-4212, CVE-2012-4213, CVE-2012-4214, CVE-2012-4215, CVE-2012-4216, CVE-2012-4217, CVE-2012-4218, CVE-2012-5829, CVE-2012-5830, CVE-2012-5833, CVE-2012-5835, CVE-2012-5838, CVE-2012-5839, CVE-2012-5840)

Binary data 801336.prm
