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HistoryApr 28, 2017 - 12:00 a.m.

Zabbix multiple high-risk vulnerabilities-vulnerability warning-the black bar safety net


0.716 High




About Zabbix
zabbix is a WEB-based interface to provide distributed system monitoring and network monitoring capabilities of enterprise-class open source solutions.
zabbix to monitor various network parameters, ensure that the server system of the security operations;and to provide flexible notification mechanism to allow system administrators to quickly locate/solve the existing issues.
Vulnerability description
Zabbix Server Active Proxy Trapper remote code execution vulnerability (CVE-2017-2824)
Zabbix 2.4. x in the trapper command function there is a code execution vulnerability, a particular data packet can cause command injection, and then remotely execute code, an attacker can be from a Zabbix proxy to initiate a request to trigger the vulnerability.
Mitigation measures
Remove the Zabbix database in the default script entry, you can directly manipulate the database to remove the sql is: use zabbix; delete * from scripts; can also use the graphical interface to delete (Administration->Scripts->Checkmarks->Delete Selected).

Zabbix Proxy database write Vulnerability(CVE-2017-2824)
Zabbix 2.4. x in the trapper function there is a database write vulnerability-specific malware trapper data packet through the database logic checks, cause the database is written, an attacker can MiTM a way to modify the zabbix proxy and the Server between the request to trigger the vulnerability.
Impact version
Zabbix 2.4.7 - 2.4. 8r1