Lucene search

HistoryMar 01, 2007 - 12:00 a.m.

Flash files are encrypted with hack technical detailed analysis-vulnerability warning-the black bar safety net


Hack and anti-hack is required is the simultaneous presence of the opposites body. As the manufacture of the virus and prevent virus-like, producing a virus the comments will never appear publicly in some prestigious occasions, so whenever the virus strikes, against the party always measures less than the defense. We want to see not sneaky, but from the crack and precautions to learn practical techniques and knowledge.

A cracked article

Here the talk of the crack, including the extraction of swf, crack has encryption and unencrypted swf, which is usually said“swf to fla” the.

Get swf tools

·Flash Saver - save the pages in the swf

·Flash file format Converter(FlashChanger) - conversion not added to the shell exe to swf

·Flash vampire - as a last resort.

The extraction range is very wide, as long as they can see the Flash window, including the packers and not the shell exe, web pages, and so on. In the use of Flash vampire-extract swf the process is recommended not carry out other operations, otherwise the speed will become extremely slow, the configuration is bad the machine may crash. This is also the software of the current version(v2. 2)one of the biggest shortcomings. If you want to abort the program, you can in the Task Manager in the end.

The use of Temporary Internet Files(IE cache)to download the MV, SWF and other resources

Occasionally friends ask me about online MV how to download, in fact, the method is very simple, just go to the Temporary Internet Files folder can be found looking for the most of the network resources.

Temporary Internet Files is IE temporary folder. The directory usually in C:\Documents and Settings\your user name\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files

Using Temporary Internet Files to find resources tips: first empty the Temporary Internet Files, and then use IE to open or refresh the one you’re looking for a resource (such as MV) where pages. Then refresh the Temporary Internet Files will be able to see, if the resource is relatively large, the need to live for a while, download after refresh to see.

Sometimes, some of the resources will be hidden. View the Temporary Internet Files properties it can be concluded that inside there is a file, but the contents inside did not see. In this case, use WinRAR to compress it Temporary Internet Files can be seen. In order not to waste time, compression time, the compression method select“store”. In order to facilitate the search, you can put the compression after the Temporary Internet Files to unzip to another directory, something inside at this time has been at a glance, are distributed in the Content. IE5 folder under the four sub-folders.

Can the Temporary Internet Files moved to the other partition, one can give the system partition the burden, on the other hand also easy to find. The move method is as follows:

Internet Options → General tab → in the“Temporary Internet Files”area click“Settings” → move a folder → select a partition, for example, select D, put the Temporary Internet Files moved to the D disk root directory. The final will be prompted to restart, in fact, not restart, log off. Remember to save the current other work, press OK to logout.

From the Word to extract the Flash

Test environment: Windows XP / Office2003

·Requires a 1 6 hexadecimal editing tool WinHex

·Open containing Flash Word document, click on the“Control Toolbox”of“Design Mode”button to enter Design mode, select the Word in the Flash, copy and paste to any folder, you will see a“fragment”file.

·Open WinHex, the“fragment”file pulled into WinHex, click the drop-down menu“search”→“find the 1 6 hexadecimal values”, search“4 6 5 7 5 3”in the search to“4 6 5 7 5 3”in the“4”position on right-click, Select“selected block start”.

·Continue to“search”→“find the 1 6 hexadecimal values”, search“3A5C”, and then press and hold F3 until“3A5C not found”, click“Yes”in the last search“3A5C”,“C”position on right-click, Select“selected block end”in. Note: a small number of cases may not search“3A5C”, then to search for“3A”or“5C”, the method is the same.

·In the selected block within any of the right click→Edit→Copy the selected block→enter a new file→enter a file name (such as test. swf) →save.

Commonly used cracking tool

It comes to crack, many friends will think of the popular Flasher Elf. The following is a commonly used hack tools, as I use the Frequent degree, respectively, are:

·Seok si Flasher Elf(Sothink SWF Decompiler)

·Action Script Viewer(ASV)

·Imperator FLA(there is a user translation of“Roman ruler”) this is my earliest awareness of the used to restore swf tool, and unfortunately has been in concern not found 2. 0 or more of the cracked version, only 1. 6. 9. 8 cracked version, which is already 3 years ago version up, only to Flash6. 0 the following is valid.)

·Sothink flash. hammer(Sothink SWF Quicker)

More than four, to Decompiler most commonly used. ASV although powerful, but in practical terms but not as good as Decompiler, this should also is why over the years Decompiler for a long time swept the cause. While the ASV deal with Flashincrypt the encrypted swf is a breeze, which greatly make up for the Decompiler.

Many users know to use ASV to view the swf, but don’t know how to use it to the swf is reduced to fla to 5. 0 1 version, for example, just two steps:

·Open waiting for the crack of swf files(support drag-and-drop open), the output of the reconstruction Data(File → Export Rebuild Data (JSFL)…)to a directory, for example: desktop\new folder.

·Double-click the directory under the“rebuildcommand. jsfl”, the system will start the Flash to rebuild fla file. According to the original swf file, the complexity, the reconstruction of the fla, the time required will differ.

Hack the PostScript

Crack swf, dependent mainly ready-made tool, Multi-Tool integrated use, a no, try another, if the author intends to encryption, depending on the attacker’s own levels, in get the swf will experience the scale can be big or small difficulties, in the crack when you will also inevitably spend some of thought. If you encounter SWF Encrypt encryption works, only for one of the AS helpless. (T002)