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HistoryJul 01, 2006 - 12:00 a.m.

“Volume overflow”tool trial feel-vulnerability warning-the black bar safety net


| Online from time to time there are many new system or software vulnerabilities emerge, as the hack camp of the readers of nature will not let go of a new vulnerability caught broilers opportunity! The original SQL overflow vulnerability when it came out, I remember the use of X-Scan by scan open a 1 4 3 3 port of the SQL host, and then to scan the target to open numerous command window, one by one, the overflow test, really tired! Then finally there came a calling“volume overflow”tool, just add a few parameters, you can dozens of hosts for bulk overflow, do hack is necessary ruthless!

Here we are with the beginning of the MS04045(vulnerability in WINS could allow remote code execution)overrun vulnerability, for example, to explain how we use“volume overflow Tool”, the batch spill.

Tip:WINS(Windows Internet Name Service)is a Microsoft Windows-based systems support a similar set to the DNS name service, is responsible for the network computer name resolves to IP address.

Attack target easily search.

Many overflow vulnerability no specific vulnerability scanning program, MS04045 overflow vulnerability. More effective way is to scan the presence of the service corresponding to the open ports of the host, and then one by one the overflow test.

Because enabling the WINS service will open the local host the corresponding 4-2 port number, we use X-Scan to scan, in the scan parameter setting box, specify to scan a range of IP addresses, and set scanning open 4 2 port of the host. In the set scan options, in order to prevent some Web server to install a firewall to prohibit Ping testing, generally you want to use the unconditional scan mode. In addition, the most important thing is to check the dialog box“Basic Settings”tab in the“saved host list”option and enter a list file name.

After setting, the use of X-Scan soon, can scan to many open WINS service host, we can in the X-Scan directory under“Log”folder to find just the specified list file. In the list file is saved is open. 4 2 port of the host list, and this is our attack target.

Introducing targets

We will now attack the target all imported into the“volume overflow tools”inside, and once to test them to attack. Run the batch overflow tool, click on the software interface of the“Browse”button, specify just the generation of the host list file path(Figure 1). In a list file followed by a“port”entry, is used to fill to the overflow attack to the target host port number, here to fill us to overflow in the WINS service 4 2 Number of the port.
