This article describes the issues that are fixed in Update Rollup 1 for Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager. Additionally, this article contains the installation instructions for Update Rollup 1 for System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager.
Issue 1
An error occurs when you run the p_DataPurging stored procedure. This error occurs when the query processor runs out of internal resources and cannot produce a query plan.
Issue 2
Data warehouse BULK INSERT commands use an unchangeable, default 30-second time-out value that may cause query time-outs.
Issue 3
Many 26319 errors are generated when you use the Operator role. This issue causes performance problems.
Issue 4
The diagram component does not publish location information in the component state.
Issue 5
Renaming a group works correctly on the console. However, the old name of the group appears when you try to override a monitor or scope a view based on group.
Issue 6
SCOM synchronization is not supported in the localized versions of Team Foundation Server.
Issue 7
An SDK process deadlock causes the Exchange correlation engine to fail.
Issue 8
The “Microsoft System Center Advisor monitoring server” reserved group is visible in a computer or group search.
Issue 9
Multiple Advisor Connector are discovered for the same physical computer when the computer hosts a cluster.
Issue 10
A Dashboard exception occurs if the criteria that are used for a query include an invalid character or keyword.
Issue 1
On a Solaris-based computer, an error message that resembles the following is logged in the Operations Manager log. This issue occurs if a Solaris-based computer that has many monitored resources runs out of file descriptors and does not monitor the resources. Monitored resources may include file systems, physical disks, and network adapters.
Note The Operations Manager log is located at /var/opt/microsoft/scx/log/scx.log.
errno = 24 (Too many open files)
This issue occurs because the default user limit on Solaris is too low to allocate a sufficient number of file descriptors. After the rollup update is installed, the updated agent overrides the default user limit by using a user limit for the agent process of 1,024.
Issue 2
If Linux Container (cgroup) entries in the /etc/mtab path on a monitored Linux-based computer begin with the “cgroup” string, a warning that resembles the following is logged in the agent log.
Note When this issue occurs, some physical disks may not be discovered as expected.
Warning [scx.core.common.pal.system.disk.diskdepend:418:29352:139684846989056] Did not find key ‘cgroup’ in proc_disk_stats map, device name was ‘cgroup’.
Issue 3
Physical disk configurations that cannot be monitored, or failures in physical disk monitoring, cause failures in system monitoring on UNIX and Linux computers. When this issue occurs, logical disk instances are not discovered by Operations Manager for a monitored UNIX-based or Linux-based computer.
Issue 4
A monitored Solaris zone that is configured to use dynamic CPU allocation with dynamic resource pools may log errors in the agent logs as CPUs are removed from the zone and do not identify the CPUs currently in the system. In rare cases, the agent on a Solaris zone with dynamic CPU allocation may hang during routine monitoring.
Note This issue applies to any monitored Solaris zones that are configured to use dynamic resource pools and a “dedicated-cpu” configuration that involves a range of CPUs.
Issue 5
An error that resembles the following is generated on Solaris 9-based computers when the /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/ script does not set the library pathcorrectly. When this issue occurs, the omicli tool cannot run. omicli: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory
Issue 6
If the agent does not retrieve process arguments from the getargs subroutine on an AIX-based computer, the monitored daemons may be reported incorrectly as offline. An error message that resembles the following is logged in the agent log:
Calling getargs() returned an error
Issue 7
The agent on AIX-based computers considers all file cache to be available memory and does not treat minperm cache as used memory. After this update rollup is installed, available memory on AIX-based computer is calculated as: free memory + (cache – minperm).
Issue 8
The Universal Linux agent is not installed on Linux computers that have OpenSSL versions greater than 1.0.0 if the library file does not exist. An error message that resembles the following is logged:
/opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/.scxsslconfig: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Known issues for this update
Server Error in ‘/OperationsManager’ Application.
To resolve this issue, close and then restart Internet Explorer.
Installation notes
<machineKey validationKey=“AutoGenerate,IsolateApps” decryptionKey=“AutoGenerate,IsolateApps” validation=“3DES” decryption=“3DES”/>
Note Add the line under the <system.web> section as described in the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
911722 You may receive an error message when you access ASP.NET webpages that have ViewState enabled after you upgrade from ASP.NET 1.1 to ASP.NET 2.0
The value name is as follows:
Bulk Insert Command Timeout Seconds
The value is a dword value. For example, the value name should be set to 40 for a 40-second time-out.
Supported installation order
We recommend that you install the update rollup package in the following order:
Installation information
To download the update rollup package and extract the files that are contained in the update rollup package, follow these steps:
Note MSP files are included in the update rollup package. Apply all MSP files that relate to a specific computer. For example, if the web console and console roles are installed on a management server, apply the MSP files on the management server. Apply one MSP file on a server for each specific role that the server holds.
3. Execute the following SQL script against the OperationsManagerDB database:
4. * update_rollup_mom_db.sql
Note These scripts are in the following location:
%SystemDrive%\Program Files\System Center 2012 R2\Operations Manager\Server \SQL Script for Update Rollups\.
5. Import the following management packs:
* Microsoft.SystemCenter.Advisor.mpb
* Microsoft.SystemCenter.Advisor.Internal.mpb
* Microsoft.SystemCenter.TFSWISynchronization.mpb. This management pack has the following dependency:
* Microsoft.SystemCenter.AlertAttachment.mpb which should be installed from the System Center Operations Manager 2012 R2 RTM media.
* Microsoft.SystemCenter.Visualization.Library.mpb
For information about how to import a management pack from a disk, go to the following Microsoft TechNet website:
How to Import an Operations Manager Management Pack
Note Management packs are included in the Server component updates in the following path:
%SystemDrive%\Program Files\System Center 2012 R2\Operations Manager\Server\Management Packs for Update Rollups
Uninstall information
To uninstall an update, run the following command:
msiexec /uninstall PatchCodeGuid /packageRTMProductCodeGuid
Note In this command, the placeholder RTMProductCodeGuid represents one of the following GUIDs.
Component | RTMProductCodeGuid |
Server | {C92727BE-BD12-4140-96A6276BA4F60AC1} |
Console (AMD64) | {041C3416-87CE-4B02-918E-6FDC95F241D3} |
Console (x86) | {175B7A24-E94B-46E5-A0FD-06B78AC82D17} |
WebConsole (AMD64) | {B9853D74-E2A7-446C-851D-5B5374671D0B} |
Gateway | {1D02271D-B7F5-48E8-9050-7F28D2B254BB} |
SCX-ACS (AMD64) | {46B40E96-9631-11E2-8D42-2CE76188709B} |
SCX-ACS (x86) | {46B40E96-9631-11E2-8D42-2CE76188709B} |
Additionally, the placeholder PatchCodeGuid represents one of the following GUIDs.
Patch Code GUID | Component | Architecture | Language |
{84BD5AE6-25E2-4B87-9C07-9FB9A95BFB5A} | Server | AMD64 | EN |
{4EB352A9-2917-4428-834B-8DECB2935F8F} | Gateway | AMD64 | EN |
{62086E39-4C38-4D1B-8DC7-E548D691EC18} | WebConsole | AMD64 | EN |
{E66ED8C8-8381-44BF-B1B6-E615B075C986} | Console | AMD64 | EN |
{AD99AC5B-13D3-4105-B56F-F63BA28E36F3} | Console | x86 | EN |
{6396DD2B-F151-4ED3-B19F-1D28FD7E6D88} | Console | AMD64 | CN |
{A094FBE0-53EE-4191-A8EE-2F73AAABF9E6} | WebConsole | AMD64 | CN |
{2770CE72-C358-44FE-9153-4C86CC169509} | WebConsole | AMD64 | CS |
{C68CEBD0-B858-4481-8AB2-300F597D0ADC} | Console | AMD64 | CS |
{7C032E8E-0194-4F13-9922-19FEC6EF02AC} | Console | AMD64 | DE |
{9A7440FA-720B-47FD-A90E-9629162FE900} | WebConsole | AMD64 | DE |
{283C728F-2946-47F3-B974-CE431B03D7CA} | Console | AMD64 | ES |
{B03BEEDA-D083-4444-9A02-C148C9F4BE88} | WebConsole | AMD64 | ES |
{4D300C90-9FE4-4346-A4FA-E8FA6D10D4AD} | Console | AMD64 | FR |
{ADCB4EB1-0014-4A81-8E11-FFC08D7B0FD1} | WebConsole | AMD64 | FR |
{A77C42B5-6199-459C-B2A7-5122FC1CF04B} | Console | AMD64 | HU |
{E8A06971-855F-46D1-B1FC-730E74D06C61} | WebConsole | AMD64 | HU |
{C6D47631-9183-49FA-B6C1-22232F98561E} | Console | AMD64 | IT |
{CFA31EAC-A394-4B2B-96C0-26D43F787DBA} | WebConsole | AMD64 | IT |
{2C419B8B-ABA5-4CCF-BC11-B3C1B71DC30B} | Console | AMD64 | JA |
{53194AAE-092B-4100-9243-D552160C1ED3} | WebConsole | AMD64 | JA |
{DE44F965-EB66-4B7E-9331-92A3C953FC6E} | Console | AMD64 | KO |
{19297B2B-5E53-42C4-AF52-B315E0853E02} | WebConsole | AMD64 | KO |
{F4C19D0B-9815-4636-80D7-9DBC1DC2F8BC} | Console | AMD64 | NL |
{0D1291E6-E30C-4BC3-82C1-B21F54E182A1} | WebConsole | AMD64 | NL |
{3E195419-3B7E-4EA9-AC9C-0FA35243C788} | Console | AMD64 | PL |
{646461C7-F5F6-4B80-93A8-4D391E226EF9} | WebConsole | AMD64 | PL |
{6A8F6806-3E84-4A5B-880F-3C41E13D0ADB} | Console | AMD64 | PT-BR |
{5116F3F6-D529-4181-B69B-0859E42CCFEA} | WebConsole | AMD64 | PT-BR |
{00DC1AE9-CAB7-4334-9EA6-DE7929CD35AC} | Console | AMD64 | PT-PT |
{3417A9F0-ECDE-4B9B-B443-92573A052361} | WebConsole | AMD64 | PT-PT |
{71171DF4-D5CB-43EB-8D81-894F259913E9} | Console | AMD64 | RU |
{95D88749-F37A-40CD-A6BA-BC4976BEB6F3} | WebConsole | AMD64 | RU |
{39076D9B-EF26-485F-9728-EBA12FD578AD} | Console | AMD64 | SV |
{BD6CD607-8401-4EE3-9268-A29228EA3A37} | WebConsole | AMD64 | SV |
{CF9292F5-5125-4A7A-A122-3CF97DA08554} | Console | AMD64 | TR |
{5FE6DB6C-0E88-46C9-9420-7229F56FF0BD} | WebConsole | AMD64 | TR |
{932B5CAD-95CC-484E-B0BC-1E3F5994A732} | Console | AMD64 | TW |
{694A3B3D-1545-44E1-B716-1A8BCE62CDF6} | WebConsole | AMD64 | TW |
{28E8DD05-AD62-4938-9992-C86D22724912} | Console | AMD64 | ZH-ZK |
{EDACE704-8858-490B-8229-F67B099F61B6} | WebConsole | AMD64 | ZH-ZK |
{A790470E-3FF8-488C-839B-D01F5C46544C} | Console | x86 | CN |
{AD5234DC-62FC-495F-AD70-F870FB7D888D} | Console | x86 | CS |
{D4D5EE73-4679-4817-866C-A3E9759A4DF4} | Console | x86 | DE |
{3E8D238C-1E9F-4FF3-A5F3-642DAE68BC5A} | Console | x86 | ES |
{08F1859B-5337-40A3-84F6-70531AD64991} | Console | x86 | FR |
{ED29E2FF-1433-44D6-BBD7-6E7920FC4D37} | Console | x86 | HU |
{8835A90C-2119-42E8-90EA-0BE565BE6DE0} | Console | x86 | IT |
{B1EC476D-C5F5-4086-AAA4-070189582B25} | Console | x86 | JA |
{1D7865D8-99B5-4D84-8071-BE573176A875} | Console | x86 | KO |
{CA10D411-302D-4B35-B177-EDA06AAC5E76} | Console | x86 | NL |
{D89C72CF-4C13-4EEF-A4A5-3C6366485E33} | Console | x86 | PL |
{135BF2EC-6101-49B0-BC6E-AB97B1C14F88} | Console | x86 | PT-BR |
{B3DECB61-C1DD-4F0E-A9DE-E52038D27B75} | Console | x86 | PT-PT |
{7CC02289-326C-4D29-834A-A25F80510A54} | Console | x86 | RU |
{194C0B21-4665-4DF5-A6A0-38ABFC7F1073} | Console | x86 | SV |
{3FB7D328-ACE7-44AB-881E-D81D2FFB13A4} | Console | x86 | TR |
{25BA7E59-07B0-4B0E-A1EA-CD3CCC1BDC81} | Console | x86 | TW |
{DD5D9B80-7041-40E0-B1D4-9D960406E291} | Console | x86 | ZH-ZK |
To install the updated monitoring packs and agents for UNIX and Linux operating systems, follow these steps:
Operations Manager
Files that are changedin Operations Manager Update | File size | Version |
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.HealthService.dll | 52,920 bytes | 7.1.10188.0 |
HealthServiceMessages.dll | 1,360,568 bytes | 7.1.10188.0 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.Advisor.mpb | 352,256 bytes | Not Applicable |
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.DataWarehouse.DataAccess.dll | 236,248 bytes | 7.1.10226.1009 |
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.RuntimeService.dll | 395,992 bytes | 7.1.10226.1009 |
update_rollup_mom_db.sql | 58,422 bytes | Not Applicable |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.TFSWISynchronization.mpb | 266,240 bytes | Not Applicable |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.Advisor.Internal.mpb | 143,360 bytes | Not Applicable |
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Presentation.Controls.dll | 1,782,488 bytes | 7.1.10226.1009 |
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Monitoring.Components.dll | 1,137,368 bytes | 7.1.10226.1009 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.Visualization.Library.mpb | 126,976 bytes | Not Applicable |
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Presentation.Controls.dll (Silverlight) | 1,782,488 bytes | 7.1.10226.1009 |
Operations Manager - UNIX and Linux Monitoring (Management Pack Update)
Files that are changed in the Xplat Update | File size | Version |
Microsoft.AIX.5.3.mpb | 15696 KB | 7.5.1019.0 |
Microsoft.AIX.6.1.mpb | 15717 KB | 7.5.1019.0 |
Microsoft.AIX.7.mpb | 14704 KB | 7.5.1019.0 | | 31 KB | 7.5.1019.0 |
Microsoft.HPUX.11iv2.mpb | 19847 KB | 7.5.1019.0 |
Microsoft.HPUX.11iv3.mpb | 19788 KB | 7.5.1019.0 | | 31 KB | 7.5.1019.0 | | 31 KB | 7.5.1019.0 | | 15 KB | 7.5.1019.0 |
Microsoft.Linux.RHEL.4.mpb | 7843 KB | 7.5.1019.0 |
Microsoft.Linux.RHEL.5.mpb | 7782 KB | 7.5.1019.0 |
Microsoft.Linux.RHEL.6.mpb | 7343 KB | 7.5.1019.0 | | 15 KB | 7.5.1019.0 | | 83 KB | 7.5.1019.0 |
Microsoft.Linux.UniversalD.1.mpb | 14049 KB | 7.5.1019.0 |
Microsoft.Linux.UniversalR.1.mpb | 12567 KB | 7.5.1019.0 |
Microsoft.Linux.SLES.10.mpb | 7150 KB | 7.5.1019.0 |
Microsoft.Linux.SLES.11.mpb | 4681 KB | 7.5.1019.0 |
Microsoft.Linux.SLES.9.mpb | 3782 KB | 7.5.1019.0 | | 15 KB | 7.5.1019.0 |
Microsoft.Solaris.10.mpb | 26851 KB | 7.5.1019.0 |
Microsoft.Solaris.11.mpb | 26531 KB | 7.5.1019.0 |
Microsoft.Solaris.9.mpb | 13739 KB | 7.5.1019.0 | | 22 KB | 7.5.1019.0 | | 83 KB | 7.5.1019.0 |