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HistoryJun 14, 2021 - 12:30 p.m.

Redpill - Assist Reverse Tcp Shells In Post-Exploration Tasks


7.8 High

AI Score



Project Description

The redpill project aims to assist reverse tcp shells in post-exploration tasks. Often in redteam engagements we
need to use unconventional ways to access target system, such as reverse tcp shells (not metasploit) in order
to bypass the defenses implemented by the system administrator. After the first stage was successful compleated
we face another type of problems: โ€œI have (shell) access to the target system, and now what can I do with it?โ€

This project consists of several PowerShell scripts that perform different post-exploitation functions and the
main script redpill.ps1 that is main work its to download/config/exe the scripts contained in this repository.

The goal is to have a similar meterpreter experience in our reverse tcp shell prompt (meterpreter similar options)

Folder Name Description Notes
Bin Contains redpill main modules Sysinfo
Bypass Contains redpill bypass scripts Manual Download/Execution required
modules Contains redpill modules Sherlock
Utils Contains BAT PS1 scripts

CmdLet Parameters syntax\examples

post-exploitation module. venom amsi evasion agents automatically uploads this CmdLet to %TMP% directory to be easily accessible in our reverse tcp shell ( shell prompt ). ">

 This cmdlet belongs to the structure of venom v1.0.17.8 as a post-exploitation module.  
 venom amsi evasion agents automatically uploads this CmdLet to %TMP% directory to be  
 easily accessible in our reverse tcp shell ( shell prompt ).  

To List All Parameters Available, execute in powershell prompt:

.\redpill.ps1 -Help Parameters
CmdLet Parameter Name Parameter Arguments Description
-SysInfo Enum Verbose
-GetConnections Enum Verbose
-GetDnsCache Enum Clear
-GetInstalled Enum Enumerate Remote Host Applications Installed
-GetProcess Enum Kill
-GetTasks Enum Create
-GetLogs Enum Verbose
-GetBrowsers Enum Verbose
-Screenshot 1 Capture 1 Desktop Screenshot and Store it on %TMP%
-Camera Enum Snap
-StartWebServer Python Powershell
-Keylogger Start Stop
-MouseLogger Start Capture Screenshots of Mouse Clicks for 10 seconds
-PhishCreds Start Brute
-GetPasswords Enum Dump
-WifiPasswords Dump ZipDump
-EOP Enum Verbose
-ADS Enum Create
-BruteZip $Env:TMP\ Brute force sellected Zip archive with the help of 7z.exe
-Upload script.ps1 Upload script.ps1 from attacker apache2 webroot
-Persiste $Env:TMP\Script.ps1 Persiste script.ps1 on every startup {BeaconHome}
-CleanTracks Clear Paranoid
-AppLocker Enum WhoAmi
-FileMace $Env:TMP\test.txt Change File Mace {CreationTime,LastAccessTime,LastWriteTime}
-MetaData $Env:TMP\test.exe Display files \ applications description (metadata)
-PEHollow GetSystem $Env:TMP\test.exe
-MsgBox โ€œHello World.โ€ Spawns โ€œHello World.โ€ msgBox on local host {wscriptComObject}
-SpeakPrank โ€œHello World.โ€ Make remote host speak user input sentence {prank}
-NetTrace Enum Agressive Enumeration with the help of netsh {native}
-PingSweep Enum Verbose
-DnsSpoof Enum Redirect
-DisableAV Query Start
-HiddenUser Query Create
-CsOnTheFly Compile Execute
-CookieHijack Dump History
-UacMe Bypass Elevate

To Display Detailed information about each parameter execute:

Syntax : .\redpill.ps1 -Help [ -Parameter Name ]  
Example: .\redpill.ps1 -Help WifiPasswords

Instructions how to use the Cmdlet {Local tests}

 This cmdlet belongs to the structure of venom v1.0.17.8 as a post-exploitation module.  
 venom amsi evasion agents automatically uploads this CmdLet to %TMP% directory to be  
 easily accessible in our reverse tcp shell ( shell ).  
 'this section describes how to test this Cmdlet Locally without exploiting target host'  

1ยบ - Download CmdLet from GitHub repository to โ€˜Local Diskโ€™

iwr -Uri -OutFile redpill.ps1

2ยบ - Set Powershell Execution Policy to โ€˜UnRestrictedโ€™

Set-ExecutionPolicy UnRestricted -Scope CurrentUser

3ยบ - Browse to โ€˜redpill.ps1โ€™ storage directory

cd C:\Users\pedro\Desktop

4ยบ - Access CmdLet Help Menu {All Parameters}

.\redpill.ps1 -Help Parameters

5ยบ - Access [ -WifiPasswords ] Detailed Parameder Help

Syntax : .\redpill.ps1 -Help [ -Parameter Name ]  
Example: .\redpill.ps1 -Help WifiPasswords

6ยบ - Running [ -WifiPasswords ] [ Dump ] Module

Syntax : .\redpill.ps1 [ -Parameter Name ] [ @argument ]  
Example: .\redpill.ps1 -WifiPasswords Dump

7ยบ - Running [ -sysinfo ] [ Enum ] Module

Syntax : .\redpill.ps1 [ -Parameter Name ] [ @argument ]  
Example: .\redpill.ps1 -sysinfo Enum

Instructions how to use the CmdLet under Venon v1.0.17.8

 This cmdlet belongs to the structure of venom v1.0.17.8 as a post-exploitation module.  
 venom amsi evasion agents automatically uploads this CmdLet to %TMP% directory to be  
 easily accessible in our reverse tcp shell ( shell prompt ).  

1ยบ - execute in reverse tcp shell prompt

[SKYNET] C:\Users\pedro\AppData\Local\Temp> powershell -File redpill.ps1 -Help Parameters

2ยบ - Access [ -WifiPasswords ] Detailed Parameter Help

[SKYNET] C:\Users\pedro\AppData\Local\Temp> powershell -File redpill.ps1 -Help WifiPasswords

3ยบ - Running [ -WifiPasswords ] [ Dump ] Module

[SKYNET] C:\Users\pedro\AppData\Local\Temp> powershell -File redpill.ps1 -WifiPasswords Dump

To Manual download the CmdLet for Local Tests, execute:

iwr -Uri -OutFile redpill.ps1

Video Tutorials

Demonstration - This tutorial uses: sysinfo, GetPasswords, UacMe modules
MouseLogger - Capture Screenshots of โ€˜MouseClicksโ€™ with the help of psr.exe
PhishCreds - Phish for login credentials OR Brute Force user account password
FileMace - Change File TimeStamp {CreationTime, LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime}
CsOnTheFly - Download (from url), Auto-Compile and Execute CS scripts On-The-Fly!
EOP - Find missing software patchs for privilege escalation


hax0r Function OS Flavor
@youhacker55 For All the help Debugging this cmdlet (Testing BETA version) Windows 7 x64bits @0xyg3n

Any collaborations Or bugreports are wellcome

SuspiciousShellActivity - RedTeam @2021

Download Redpill

7.8 High

AI Score

