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HistoryOct 17, 2019 - 11:53 a.m.

Cotopaxi - Set Of Tools For Security Testing Of Internet Of Things Devices Using Specific Network IoT Protocols


10 High


Attack Vector


Attack Complexity




Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



7.5 High


Attack Vector


Attack Complexity


Privileges Required


User Interaction




Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



9.2 High

AI Score



0.011 Low




Set of tools for security testing of Internet of Things devices using protocols like: CoAP, DTLS, HTCPCP, mDNS, MQTT, SSDP.

Simply clone code from git: <;

Currently Cotopaxi works only with Python 2.7.x, but future versions will work also with Python 3.
If you have previous installation of scapy without scapy-ssl_tls, please remove it or use venv.
Installation of main libraries:

  1. scapy-ssl_tls (this will install also scapy in 2.4.2)

    pip install git+

Common problems:

  • If you encounter error: error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'LICENSE', try repeating command - surprisingly it works.

  • If you encounter error: NameError: name 'os' is not defined - add missing import os to scapy/layers/
    All other required packages can be installed using requirements.txt file:

    pip install -r cotopaxi/requirements.txt

Manual installation of other required packages:

    pip install dnslib IPy hexdump pyyaml psutil enum34 configparser

Cotopaxi toolkit is intended to be used only for authorized security testing!
Some tools (especially vulnerability tester and protocol fuzzer) can cause some devices or servers to stop acting in the intended way – for example leading to crash or hang of tested entities or flooding with network traffic another entities.
Make sure you have permission from the owners of tested devices or servers before running these tools!
Make sure you check with your local laws before running these tools!

Tools in this package:

  • service_ping

  • server_fingerprinter

  • resource_listing

  • server_fingerprinter

  • protocol_fuzzer (for fuzzing servers)

  • client_proto_fuzzer (for fuzzing clients)

  • vulnerability_tester (for testing servers)

  • client_vuln_tester (for testing clients)

  • amplifier_detector
    Protocols supported by different tools:
    Tool | CoAP | DTLS | HTCPCP | mDNS | MQTT | SSDP
    service_ping | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes
    server_fingerprinter | yes | yes | | | |
    resource_listing | yes | | | yes | | yes
    protocol_fuzzer | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes
    client_proto_fuzzer | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes
    vulnerability_tester | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes
    client_vuln_tester | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes
    amplifier_detector | yes | yes | | yes | | yes
    ** ** cotopaxi.service_ping
    Tool for checking availability of network service at given IP and port ranges

    usage: sudo python -m cotopaxi.service_ping [-h] [-v] [–protocol {UDP,TCP,CoAP,MQTT,DTLS,ALL}]
    [–src-port SRC_PORT]
    dest_ip dest_port

    positional arguments:
    dest_ip destination IP address or multiple IPs separated by
    coma (e.g. β€˜,’) or given by CIDR netmask
    (e.g. β€˜’) or both
    dest_port destination port or multiple ports given by list
    separated by coma (e.g. β€˜8080,9090’) or port range
    (e.g. β€˜1000-2000’) or both

    optional arguments:
    -h, --help show this help message and exit
    –retries RETRIES, -R RETRIES
    number of retries
    –timeout TIMEOUT, -T TIMEOUT
    timeout in seconds
    –verbose, -V, --debug, -D
    Turn on verbose/debu g mode (more messages)
    protocol to be tested (UDP includes CoAP, DTLS, mDNS,
    and SSDP, TCP includes CoAP, HTCPCP, and MQTT, ALL
    includes all supported protocols)
    –src-port SRC_PORT, -SP SRC_PORT
    source port (if not specified random port will be

** ** cotopaxi.server_fingerprinter
Tool for software fingerprinting of network servers at given IP and port ranges
Currently supported servers:

  • CoAP:

    • aiocoap,
    • CoAPthon,
    • FreeCoAP,
    • libcoap,
    • MicroCoAP,
    • Mongoose
    • Wakaama (formerly liblwm2m)
  • DTLS:

    • GnuTLS,
    • Goldy,
    • LibreSSL,
    • MatrixSSL,
    • mbed TLS,
    • OpenSSL,
    • TinyDTLS

    usage: sudo python -m cotopaxi.server_fingerprinter [-h] [–retries RETRIES] [–timeout TIMEOUT]
    [–protocol {CoAP,DTLS}]
    [–src-port SRC_PORT]
    dest_ip dest_port

    positional arguments:
    dest_ip destination IP address or multiple IPs separated by
    coma (e.g. β€˜,’) or given by CIDR netmask
    (e.g. β€˜’) or both
    dest_port destination port or multiple ports given by list
    separated by coma (e.g. β€˜8080,9090’) or port range
    (e.g. β€˜1000-2000’) or both

    optional arguments:
    -h, --help show this help message and exit
    –retries RETRIES, -R RETRIES
    number of retries
    –timeout TIMEOUT, -T TIMEOUT
    timeout in seconds
    –verbose, -V, --debug, -D
    Turn on verbose/debug mode (more messages)
    –protocol {CoAP,DTLS}, -P {CoAP,DTLS}
    protocol to be tested
    –src-port SRC_PORT, -SP SRC_PORT
    source port (if not specified random port will be
    –ignore-ping-check, -Pn
    ignore ping check (treat all ports as alive)

** ** cotopaxi.resource_listing
Tool for checking availability of resource named url on server at given IP and port ranges. Sample URL lists are available in the urls directory

usage: sudo python -m cotopaxi.resource_listing [-h] [-v] [--protocol {CoAP,ALL}]
                           [--method {GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,ALL}]
                           [--src-port SRC_PORT]
                           dest_ip dest_port url_filepath

positional arguments:
  dest_ip               destination IP address or multiple IPs separated by
                        coma (e.g. ',') or given by CIDR netmask
                        (e.g. '') or both
  dest_port             destination port or multiple ports given by list
                        separated by coma (e.g. '8080,9090') or port range
                        (e.g. '1000-2000') or both
  url_filepath          path to file with list of URLs to be tested (each URL
                        in separated line)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --retries RETRIES, -R RETRIES
                           number of retries
  --timeout TIMEOUT, -T TIMEOUT
                        timeout in seconds
  --verbose, -V, --debug, -D
                        Turn on verbose/debug mode (more messages)
  --protocol {CoAP,mDNS,SSDP}, -P {CoAP,mDNS,SSDP}
                        protocol to be tested
                        methods to be tested (ALL includes all supported
  --src-port SRC_PORT, -SP SRC_PORT
                        source port (if not specified random port will be
  --ignore-ping-check, -Pn
                        ignore ping check (treat all ports as alive)

** ** cotopaxi.protocol_fuzzer
Black-box fuzzer for testing protocol servers

usage: sudo python -m cotopaxi.protocol_fuzzer 
                          [-h] [--retries RETRIES] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
                          [--verbose] [--protocol {CoAP,mDNS,MQTT,DTLS}]
                          [--src-ip SRC_IP] [--src-port SRC_PORT]
                          [--ignore-ping-check] [--corpus-dir CORPUS_DIR]
                          dest_ip dest_port

positional arguments:
  dest_ip               destination IP address or multiple IPs separated by
                        coma (e.g. ',') or given by CIDR netmask
                        (e.g. '') or both
  dest_port             destination port or multiple ports given by list
                        separated by coma (e.g. '8080,9090') or port range
                        (e.g. '1000-2000') or both

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --retries RETRIES, -R RETRIES
                           number of retries
  --timeout TIMEOUT, -T TIMEOUT
                        timeout in seconds
  --verbose, -V, --debug, -D
                        Turn on verbose/debug mode (more messages)
                        protocol to be tested
  --hide-disclaimer, -HD
                        hides legal disclaimer (shown before starting
                        intrusive tools)
  --src-ip SRC_IP, -SI SRC_IP
                        source IP address (return result will not be
  --src-port SRC_PORT, -SP SRC_PORT
                        source port (if not specified random port will be
  --ignore-ping-check, -Pn
                        ignore ping check (treat all ports as alive)
  --corpus-dir CORPUS_DIR, -C CORPUS_DIR
                        path t   o directory with fuzzing payloads (corpus) (each
                        payload in separated file)
                        number of seconds that fuzzer will wait after crash
                        for respawning tested server

** ** cotopaxi.client_proto_fuzzer
Black-box fuzzer for testing protocol clients

usage: sudo [-h] [--server-ip SERVER_IP]
                              [--server-port SERVER_PORT]
                              [--protocol {CoAP,mDNS,MQTT,DTLS,SSDP,HTCPCP}]
                              [--verbose] [--corpus-dir CORPUS_DIR]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --server-ip SERVER_IP, -SI SERVER_IP
                        IP address, that will be used to set up tester server
  --server-port SERVER_PORT, -SP SERVER_PORT
                        port that will be used to set up server
                        protocol to be tested
  --verbose, -V, --debug, -D
                        Turn on verbose/debug mode (more messages)
  --corpus-dir CORPUS_DIR, -C CORPUS_DIR
                        path to directory with fuzzing payloads (corpus) (each
                           payload in separated file)

** ** cotopaxi.vulnerability_tester
Tool for checking vulnerability of network service at given IP and port ranges

usage: sudo python -m cotopaxi.vulnerability_tester [-h] [-v]
                               [--cve {ALL,CVE-2018-19417,...}]
                               [--list LIST] [--src-port SRC_PORT]
                               dest_ip dest_port

positional arguments:
  dest_ip               destination IP address or multiple IPs separated by
                        coma (e.g. ',') or given by CIDR netmask
                        (e.g. '') or both
  dest_port             destination port or multiple ports given by list
                        separated by coma (e.g. '8080,9090') or port range
                        (e.g. '1000-2000') or both

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --retries RETRIES, -R RETRIES
                        number of retries
  --timeout TIMEOUT, -T TIMEOUT
                        timeout in seconds
                        protocol to be tested (UDP includes CoAP, mDNS and
                        DTLS, TCP includes CoAP and MQTT, ALL includes all
                        supported protocols)
  --hide-disclaimer, -HD
                        hides legal disclaimer (shown before starting
                        intrusive tools)
  --verbose, -V, --debug, -D
                        Turn on verbose/debug mode (more messages)
  --cve {ALL,CVE-2018-19417,...}
                        list of vulnerabilities to be tested (by CVE id)
  --vuln {ALL,BOTAN_000,COAPTHON3_000,...} 
                        list of vulnerabilities to be tested (by SOFT_NUM id)

  --list, -L            display lists of all vulnerabilities supported by this
                           tool with detailed description
  --src-port SRC_PORT, -SP SRC_PORT
                        source port (if not specified random port will be
  --ignore-ping-check, -Pn
                        ignore ping check (treat all ports as alive)

** ** cotopaxi.client_vuln_tester
Tool for checking vulnerability of network clients connecting to server provided by this tool

usage: sudo [-h] [--server-ip SERVER_IP]
                             [--server-port SERVER_PORT]
                             [--protocol {CoAP,mDNS,MQTT,DTLS,SSDP,HTCPCP}]
                             [--vuln {ALL,BOTAN_000,COAPTHON3_000,...} [{ALL,BOTAN_000,COAPTHON3_000,...} ...]]
                             [--cve {ALL,CVE-2017-12087,...} [{ALL,CVE-2017-12087,...} ...]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --server-ip SERVER_IP, -SI SERVER_IP
                        IP address, that will be used to set up tester server
  --server-port SERVER_PORT, -SP SERVER_PORT
                        port that will be used to set up server
                        protocol to be tested
  --verbo   se, -V, --debug, -D
                        Turn on verbose/debug mode (more messages)
  --vuln {ALL,BOTAN_000,COAPTHON3_000,...} [{ALL,BOTAN_000,COAPTHON3_000,...} ...]
                        list of vulnerabilities to be tested (by SOFT_NUM id)
  --cve {ALL,CVE-2017-12087,CVE-2017-12130,...} [{ALL,CVE-2017-12087,CVE-2017-12130,...} ...]
                        list of vulnerabilities to be tested (by CVE id)
  --list, -L            display lists of all vulnerabilities supported by this
                        tool with detailed description

** ** cotopaxi.amplifier_detector
Tool for detection of network devices amplifying reflected traffic by observing size of incoming and outgoing size of packets

usage: sudo python -m cotopaxi.amplifier_detector [-h] [--port PORT] [--nr NR] [--verbose] dest_ip

positional arguments:
  dest_ip               destination IP address

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --interval INTERVAL, -I INTERVAL
                        minimal interval in sec between displayed status
                        messages (default: 1 sec)
  --port PORT, --dest_port PORT, -P PORT
                        destination port
  --nr NR, -N NR        number of packets to be sniffed (default: 9999999)
  --verbose, -V, --debug, -D
                        turn on verbose/debug mode (more messages)

Known issues / limitations
There are some known issues or limitations caused by using scapy as network library:

  • testing services running on the same machine can results in issues occurred by not delivering some packets,
  • multiple tools running against the same target can result in interference between them (packets may be indicated as a response to another request).
    See more at: <;

Unit tests
To run all unit tests use (from directory upper than cotopaxi dir):

    sudo python -m unittest discover

Most of tests are performed against remote tests servers and require preparing test environment, providing settings in tests/test_config.ini and tests/test_servers.yaml.

Download Cotopaxi

10 High


Attack Vector


Attack Complexity




Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



7.5 High


Attack Vector


Attack Complexity


Privileges Required


User Interaction




Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



9.2 High

AI Score



0.011 Low


