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jvnJapan Vulnerability NotesJVN:09872874
HistoryJan 06, 2010 - 12:00 a.m.

JVN#09872874 Movable Type access restriction bypass vulnerability

Japan Vulnerability Notes

Movable Type, a web log system from Six Apart KK, contains a vulnerability that allows a remote attacker to bypass access restrictions.

This vulnerability is different from JVN#08369659.


A remote attacker may view or modify information stored by Movable Type.


Update the Software
Update to the latest version according to the information provided by the developer.

Products Affected

  • Movable Type 4.261 (Open Source) and earlier
  • Movable Type 4.261 (includes Professional and Community Packs) and earlier
  • Movable Type Commercial 4.261 (includes Professional Pack) and earlier
  • Movable Type Enterprise 4.261 and earlier
  • Movable Type 5.0 (Open Source)
  • Movable Type 5.0 (includes Professional and Community Packs)