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intelIntel Security CenterINTEL:INTEL-SA-00006
HistoryJan 24, 2008 - 12:00 a.m.

Intel® LAN Driver Buffer Overflow Local Privilege Escalation

Intel Security Center


A software vulnerability exists in the specified PCI, PCI-X and PCIe Intel network component drivers that could allow unprivileged code executing on an affected system to perform a local privilege escalation.


This software vulnerability is due to a buffer overflow that could be caused by incorrect use of a function call. This condition could allow unauthorized code to be introduced that could be run with kernel-level privileges.

Affected products:

Affected products:

Only specific configurations of these operating system/driver combinations are vulnerable. Detailed procedures for identifying the affected configurations can be found later in this document. Either review the procedure to determine if your system is affected or simply upgrade to the latest driver to ensure protection.