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HistoryMar 13, 2024 - 3:06 p.m.

Understanding the OWASP API Security Top 10: Why BOLA is the Number One Risk for APIs

Grainne McKeever
api security
broken object level authorization
authorization flaws
vulnerability prevention
risk assessment
resource consumption
security misconfiguration
improper inventory management
api utilization

8 High

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Understanding and addressing vulnerabilities is critical in cybersecurity, where APIs serve as the backbone for seamless data exchange. The OWASP API Security Top 10, revised in 2023, provides a comprehensive guide to the critical issues that organizations must tackle to ensure the robust security of their APIs. Among the vulnerabilities highlighted, Broken Object Level Authorization (BOLA) stands out as a top priority and a major challenge for security teams.

The OWASP API Security Top 10

  • Broken Object Level Authorization (BOLA): Also known as Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR), BOLA arises from APIs exposing object identifiers through their endpoints, introducing significant Object Level Access Control concerns.
  • Broken Authentication: Vulnerabilities in authentication mechanisms that can lead to unauthorized access.
  • Broken Object Property Level Authorization: Combining risks of Excessive Data Exposure and Mass Assignment, this vulnerability poses threats at the property level of API objects.
  • Unrestricted Resource Consumption: Risks associated with APIs not imposing proper limitations on resource usage, leading to potential exploitation.
  • Broken Function Level Authorization: Concerns related to inadequate authorization checks at the function level, enabling unauthorized access to functionalities.
  • Unrestricted Access to Sensitive Business Flows: Vulnerabilities allowing unauthorized access to critical business processes and flows.
  • Server-Side Request Forgery: The risk of attackers manipulating requests to access resources on the server.
  • Security Misconfiguration: Issues arising from misconfigured security settings exposing APIs to potential exploitation.
  • Improper Inventory Management: Challenges related to inadequate tracking and management of API assets.
  • Unsafe Consumption of APIs: Risks associated with improper utilization and handling of APIs, leading to potential vulnerabilities.

A Closer Look at BOLA

BOLA is a security vulnerability that occurs when an application or application programming interface (API) provides access to data objects based on the user’s role, but fails to verify if the user is authorized to access those specific data objects. BOLA forms part of a larger family of authorization flaws, which are a major concern in Application Security.

The State of API Security in 2024 report revealed that organizations have an average of 1.6 API endpoints at risk of BOLA abuse. While this number may seem relatively low, the gravity of the risk is not to be underestimated. Failing to address BOLA vulnerabilities can lead to unauthorized access, breaches, and the misuse of critical functionalities.

BOLA Prevention and Mitigation Strategies

  1. Implement Proper Access Controls to ensure users only access objects they are allowed to access.
  2. Use mapping to trace if the user has permission to access requested objects
  3. Apply Robust Authentication and Session Management to validate users and ensure their sessions are properly managed.

Security teams can reduce the risk of BOLA abuse through ongoing API risk assessment and robust monitoring. These measures play a crucial role in tracking API usage, detecting anomalies, and identifying potential unauthorized access. By closely monitoring API interactions, security teams can apply the necessary security measures, preventing unauthorized access and securing critical resources.

In conclusion, as organizations navigate the intricate landscape of API security, understanding and addressing the challenges outlined in the OWASP API Security Top 10 is imperative. The concept of BOLA is pretty simple but can have long-lasting consequences. The widespread nature and ease of exploitation are what places BOLA at #1 on the 2023 list of OWASP API Security's Top 10 risks.

Visit the Imperva API Security product page to learn how our product protects against the OWASP API Security Top 10.

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