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impervablogLebin ChengIMPERVABLOG:8ECDDC50F879E1028C238DCE90F0827C
HistoryApr 20, 2022 - 2:10 p.m.

Reading the API Security Tea Leaves for 2022

Lebin Cheng

Just as the global pandemic persists in redefining the new norm, so has enterprises’ growing investments in digital transformation initiatives to keep one step ahead of their competitors. APIs are the engine that are helping drive these digital transformations from the innovation of new services across multiple platforms to the always-on challenge of services supported by cloud-native applications and journeys.

In January 2022, Imperva commissioned Forrester Consulting to evaluate the adoption and use of APIs and API security technology at mid-size to enterprise organizations worldwide. We all know that cybersecurity is a community effort as noted by the World Economic Forum. Download the report (Click here to get the report) and understand why 78% of businesses understand the importance of APIs to stay competitive in the market, but also face challenges in balancing API adoption with comprehensive security solutions. Additional insights from decision-makers and security experts spotlight the need to increase security alongside increased API adoption, with developers interested in increasing their understanding of APIs while also prioritizing API security.

Along with this report, we also have scheduled a webinar on May 3, 2022. Join us for this webinar and learn about:

  • Global Key Insights on Balancing the API Opportunity and Costs via survey response and customer conversations
  • Walk-thru of Key Recommendations for Enterprises Looking to Secure APIs
  • Discuss vendor selection criteria on what to look for in an API Security solution coming from this research

To hear from two industry experts on API Security and the insights from a global survey of your peers, go to the following link to register.

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