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HistoryJun 17, 2018 - 4:50 a.m.

Security Bulletin: Multiple Vulnerabilities in current IBM SDK for Java for IBM Rational ClearQuest Web Client (CVE-2013-5802 and CVE-2013-5825)







IBM Rational ClearQuest Web server is sensitive to vulnerabilities in the IBM JRE supplied with IBM WebSphere Application Server.

Vulnerability Details

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CVE IDs:CVE-2013-5802 CVE-2013-5825

Due to Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in current releases of the IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, unspecified vulnerabilities in the IBM Rational ClearQuest Web server could allow an attacker to exploit some JRE vulnerabilities.

ClearQuest Web server runs as a profile on the IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) which has issued Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in current IBM SDK for Java for WebSphere Application Server October 2013 CPU. When ClearQuest Web server is running on WAS, ClearQuest uses the JRE supplied with WAS.

These vulnerabilities do not affect ClearQuest desktop applications and clients such as the IBM Rational ClearQuest client or IBM Rational ClearQuest for Windows client.

CVEID: CVE-2013-5802 **CVSS Base Score:**7.5 **CVSS Temporal Score:**See <; for the current score *CVSS Environmental Score:**Undefined CVSS Vector: (AV/N:AC/L:Au/N:C/P:I/P:A/P)

CVEID: CVE-2013-5825 **CVSS Base Score:**5 **CVSS Temporal Score:**See <; for the current score *CVSS Environmental Score:**Undefined CVSS Vector: (AV/N:AC/L:Au/N:C/N:I/N:A/P)

Affected Products and Versions

Rational ClearQuest Web greater than and inclusive of ClearQuest v7.1.


ClearCase and ClearQuest 7.1.x releases are shipped with and install and configure WAS version Review technote 1390803: How to update the IBM WebSphere Application Server components in Rational ClearCase and Rational ClearQuest 7.1

ClearQuest 8.x releases have separated the WAS installation from the ClearQuest installation.

Directly follow WebSphere Application Server instructions for updating your version of WAS.

Note: Determine the version of WAS that your deployment is using and follow the instructions at

Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in current IBM SDK for Java for WebSphere Application Server October 2013 CPU to update your version of the JRE supplied by WAS. This applies for all versions of ClearQuest Web Server greater than and inclusive of v7.1.

Workarounds and Mitigations
