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HistorySep 19, 2019 - 9:48 p.m.

Security Bulletin: IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager uses Components with Known Vulnerabilities (CVE-2019-4322 CVE-2019-4386 CVE-2019-4154 CVE-2019-4102 CVE-2019-4101 CVE-2019-4057)


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IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager uses IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows which has some known vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability Details

CVEID: CVE-2019-4386 DESCRIPTION: IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows (includes DB2 Connect Server) 11.1 could allow an authenticated user to execute a function that would cause the server to crash. IBM X-Force ID: 162714.
CVSS Base Score: 6.5
CVSS Temporal Score: See <; for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H)

CVEID: CVE-2019-4154 DESCRIPTION: IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows (includes DB2 Connect Server) 9.7, 10.1, 10.5, and 11.1 is vulnerable to a buffer overflow, which could allow an authenticated local attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system as root. IBM X-Force ID: 158519.
CVSS Base Score: 8.4
CVSS Temporal Score: See <; for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)

CVEID: CVE-2019-4322 DESCRIPTION: IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows (includes DB2 Connect Server) 9.7, 10.1, 10.5, and 11.1 is vulnerable to a buffer overflow, which could allow an authenticated local attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system as root. IBM X-Force ID: 161202.
CVSS Base Score: 8.4
CVSS Temporal Score: See <; for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)

CVEID: CVE-2019-4102 DESCRIPTION: IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows (includes DB2 Connect Server) 9.7, 10.1, 10.5, and 11.0 uses weaker than expected cryptographic algorithms that could allow an attacker to decrypt highly sensitive information. IBM X-Force ID: 158092.
CVSS Base Score: 5.9
CVSS Temporal Score: See <; for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)

CVEID: CVE-2019-4101 DESCRIPTION: IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows (includes DB2 Connect Server) 10.1, 10.5, and 11.1 is vulnerable to a denial of service. Users that have both EXECUTE on PD_GET_DIAG_HIST and access to the diagnostic directory on the DB2 server can cause the instance to crash. IBM X-Force ID: 158091.
CVSS Base Score: 6.2
CVSS Temporal Score: See <; for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H)

CVEID: CVE-2019-4057 DESCRIPTION: IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows (includes DB2 Connect Server) 9.7, 10.1, 10.5, and 11.1 could allow malicious user with access to the DB2 instance account to leverage a fenced execution process to execute arbitrary code as root. IBM X-Force ID: 156567.
CVSS Base Score: 6.7
CVSS Temporal Score: See <; for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)

Affected Products and Versions

Principal Product and Version(s) Affected Supporting Product and Version
IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager (SKLM) v2.6 on distributed platforms IBM DB2 Version
IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager (SKLM) v2.7 on distributed platforms IBM DB2 Version 11.1
IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager (SKLM) v3.0 on distributed platforms IBM DB2 Version
IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager (SKLM) v3.0.1 on distributed platforms IBM DB2 Version


Affected versions

| Fixed IBM DB2 Version
IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager (SKLM) v2.6 on distributed platforms | IBM DB2 v10.5 FP10
IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager (SKLM) v2.7 on distributed platforms | IBM DB2 v11.1.4.4 iFix001
IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager (SKLM) v3.0 on distributed platforms | IBM DB2 v11.1.4.4 iFix001
IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager (SKLM) v3.0.1 on distributed platforms | IBM DB2 v11.1.4.4 iFix001

*_ For more details - _<;

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