Lucene search

HistoryAug 02, 2021 - 4:58 p.m.

in star7th/showdoc


0.001 Low




✍️ Description

The referenced code block computes a MD5 hash based on a string ("rgrsfsrfsrf"), the current time, and a random number.
The string used is static and does not appear to change, therefore I’m not sure why it is there in the first place as it does not provide any additional security (maybe this could be considered security-by-obscurity but this is an open source project, in fact, if it was an attempt at security-by-obscurity which is already a bad idea; it would have been better if the string that should provide the obscurity was not a 11-character string consisting of 4 unique ones!).
The time used is the machine’s current time which is unlikely to add additional security as the value returned by time() is an integer that records the seconds since epoch (1970 iirc) meaning that an attacker would either need to know when you generated the MD5 hash or be able to brute-force it to break the hash so far (both of which are easily possible as there 31,104,000 seconds in a year and approximately 2,600,000 in a month, effectively nothing to a modern computer).
The final value that is used for the hash generation is the output of a call to rand( ) which is considered cryptographically insecure even by its PHP documentation.

🕵️‍♂️ Proof of Concept

The issue with time( ):

As I’ve already stated, there are 31,104,000 seconds in a year - meaning that an attacker could quite easily predict a user’s time( ) value as long as they know the time-window that it was called in, making 31,000,000 calls isn’t an unrealistic expectation either.

The issue with rand( ):

Numerous attack vectors have been shown in this paper.

💥 Impact

This vulnerability is capable of allowing attackers to divulge extremely sensitive information without authorization.

0.001 Low




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