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HistoryDec 01, 2022 - 9:56 p.m.

File Upload Filter Bypass

file upload
sanitization filter
remote authenticated attackers
upload form
directory traversal
extension filter
sql error

0.001 Low





A sanitization filter bypass in plupload.php in MicroweberCMS v1.3.1 allows remote authenticated attackers to upload files outside the restricted location.

The target $path for the image is being sanitized here:

$path_restirct = userfiles_path();
if (isset($_REQUEST['path']) and trim($_REQUEST['path']) != '' and trim($_REQUEST['path']) != 'false') {
    $path = str_replace('..', '', $path);
    $path = str_replace($path_restirct, '', $path);

Since $path_restirct can easily be guessed (/<base path of the web directory>/userfiles/) the first str_replace can easily be circumvented by adding $path_restirct between two dots. After the second replace, directory traversal is possible. Though placing files outside of the intended location is possible, the impact has been deemed neither critical nor high due to the extension filter that is still in effect. However, the upload permits several potentially dangerous filetypes, including json, and zip for example.

  • -

A very good example for how easily this vulnerability could have turned into remote code execution is the loadPackagesComposerJson() function here. This function reads Composer.json files and uses the contents to include any specified file. Luckily, this function is deprecated and not being used at the moment.

Proof of Concept

This PoC assumes a default install of Microweber in the standard web directory of a CentOS Webserver (/var/www/html/).

1 ) Login as admin

2 ) Navigate to any file upload form (e.g. via editing a page or in the files menu)

3 ) Select a file to upload (e.g. schema.json) and capture the request

4 ) Before passing on the POST request, add this parameter to the URL: ?path=/./var/www/html/userfiles/././var/www/html/userfiles/././var/www/html/userfiles/./, where /var/www/html/ is the base web directory.

5 ) After successful upload, the file appears in the base web directory

PoC Image Upload

Though I did not manage to escalate this attack further at the moment, I believe there are at least two vectors an attacker could investigate. Firstly, placing malicious Composer.json files in arbitrary module directories (the file upload is kind enough to create any directory for us) and finding a way to trigger them. And secondly, creating malicious schema.json files that are searched for and automatically parsed every time the modules are reloaded.

I did give the latter a shot and created a PoC to trigger an SQL error (though creating arbitrary tables is possible, modifying or accessing tables was not achieved during testing).


0.001 Low




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