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HistorySep 19, 2023 - 2:49 p.m.

No rate limiting on creating access token

access token
rate limiting
brute force
dos attacks
strong authentication
monitoring and logging
ip whitelisting
error messages
security audits
security awareness
bug bounty





  1. Description:
    Access token creation is a critical security component in many applications, especially when it comes to user authentication and authorization. Without proper rate limiting controls, attackers may exploit this process to launch various types of attacks, such as brute force attacks, credential stuffing attacks, or denial of service (DoS) attacks. This report highlights the vulnerability arising from the absence of rate limiting mechanisms during access token creation.

Login to
Go to user profile
Intercept token name request and run the intruder for 200 payloads it will create access tokens for all without any limit

  1. Remediation:
    To mitigate the risks associated with the lack of rate limiting in access token creation, follow these remediation steps:

    a. Implement Rate Limiting: Introduce rate limiting mechanisms to restrict the number of access token creation attempts within a defined time frame. This will deter brute force and DoS attacks.

    b. Use Strong Authentication: Implement strong user authentication mechanisms, including multi-factor authentication (MFA), to make it harder for attackers to guess or use stolen credentials.

    c. Monitoring and Logging: Implement comprehensive monitoring and logging to detect and respond to unusual access token creation patterns or suspicious activities.

    d. Fail2Ban or IP Whitelisting: Implement tools like Fail2Ban or IP whitelisting to block IP addresses after a certain number of failed access token creation attempts.

    e. Error Messages: Avoid providing specific error messages during access token creation, which can reveal information that could aid attackers.

    f. Regular Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits and penetration testing to identify and address vulnerabilities in the access token creation process.

    g. Security Awareness: Train developers and administrators on best practices for securing access token creation and the importance of rate limiting.

  2. Conclusion:
    The absence of rate limiting in access token creation can expose your application to a range of security risks, including unauthorized access and denial of service attacks. By implementing rate limiting and following the remediation steps outlined in this report, you can significantly enhance the security of your application and protect sensitive user data. Remember that security is an ongoing process, and regular audits and updates are essential to maintaining a robust security posture.





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