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HistoryAug 08, 2021 - 3:28 a.m.

Denial of Service in cortezaproject/corteza-server


You can put a very long login email text until you get the last user to put and aries or [DoS].

Normally emails have 64 to 225 digits.

Summary There is no limit to the number of characters in the login email, which allows a DoS attack. The DoS attack affects both server-side and client-side.

NOTE: This bug happens on By sending a very long text (1.000.000 characters) When a long email is sent, the email process will result in CPU and memory exhaustion.

Remediation: The note implementation must be fixed to limit the maximum length of accepted characters.

Step to reproduce:

Put your long payload in a login email

Impact: it’s possible to cause a denial of service attack on the server. This may lead to the website becoming unavailable or unresponsive.

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