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HistoryJun 19, 2019 - 4:50 a.m.

Nextcloud: User with read-only access to a share can gain write access to sub-folders in the share






user0 creates folders /test and /test/sub
user0 creates file /test/sub/file.txt
user0 shares folder /test with user1 with read+share permissions (17)
user1 receives the folder /test and can read-download /test/sub/file.txt - good
user1 creates a link share of /test/sub - it has permissions 1 (read-only) - good
user1 uses the sharing API to escalate the permissions of the link share, e.g.

curl --user user1:user1 "" -H "OCS-APIRequest: true"  -X PUT --data 'permissions=15'

Now browse to the link, e.g. my link was

From the link, anyone (in this case user1, who has knowledge of the link) can create/change/delete files.
e.g. delete file.txt and then upload other files, or some different file.txt

Now login as user0.

user0 sees that the content of /test/sub has been changed. But they only gave read and share permissions to user1. They never gave any create-change-delete permissions to anyone.


A user who has shared some folder(s) read-only can have the content of sub-folders modified by a user who has received the read-only share.

Here is a realistic use case where this public link share permissions bump will be a real issue:

  1. the organisation shares read-only a folder to almost everybody. In that folder are sub-folders that have files that have, for example, organisation policy documents (Policy/Finance Policy/HR etc folders)
  2. just 1 user bob’s password/authentication details are compromised, or bob is malicious himself
  3. the attacker bob makes a read-only public link share of each sub-folder
  4. the attacker bob increases the permissions of the public link share to read-write-delete
  5. the attacker bob browses to the public link share, deletes all the real policy documents and uploads different ones…

Now everybody else in the organisation sees different documents in the (supposedly) read-only share.