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HistoryMar 05, 2015 - 4:18 p.m.

Internet Bug Bounty: FREAK: Factoring RSA_EXPORT Keys to Impersonate TLS Servers






Many TLS servers, including those hosting sensitive websites such as and, support weak EXPORT_RSA ciphersuites.
By factoring their 512-bit ephemeral RSA keys, a network attacker is able to impersonate
these websites to web browsers and more generally, to client applications relying on
vulnerable TLS libraries. We have demos showing these attacks at

Who’s vulnerable

Vulnerable TLS client-side libraries (and web browsers) include:

  • SecureTransport (used by Safari on iOS and OS X)
  • SChannel (used by Internet Explorer)
  • OpenSSL versions <= 1.0.1j (used by Android Browser and BlackBerry Browser)
  • BoringSSL versions before Nov 10, 2014 (used by Chrome <= version 40 on OS X, iOS, Android, Windows)
  • LibReSSL versions <= 2.1.1

OpenSSL 1.0.1k fixes the vulnerability (CVE-2015-0204)

Vulnerable TLS servers are listed and updated at:
We reported the attack to Akamai, Facebook, FBI, and many banks.

Attack Details

More details are below, in the attached research paper, and on the website:

We show a server impersonation attack relying on the following:

(1) Many TLS servers support various EXPORT ciphersuites which are
now considered obsolete and breakable. For instance, the
TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5 ciphersuite relies on a ephemeral
512-bit RSA key that typically stays constant over the lifetime of the
TLS server. Breaking this key allows a network attacker to impersonate
the server to any client that accepts an EXPORT_RSA handshake.

(2) Several TLS client libraries, including e.g. OpenSSL
(<=1.0.1j), accept an EXPORT_RSA ServerKeyExchange
during a regular RSA handshake. For the gory details of this bug, see
the attached research paper. In effect, these clients are willing to
replace the certificate’s public key with a signed ephemeral public
key sent by the server (even if the ephemeral key is very short.)

OpenSSL 1.0.0k fixed this bug (CVE-2015-0204) but previous versions of
OpenSSL (used in Android browsers) and other clients listed above
are vulnerable.

(3) 512-bit keys can now be factored in a few hours. With the help of
Prof. Nadia Heninger who used cado-nfs (
to run factoring tasks on the Amazon EC2 cloud, we were able to factor
the ephemeral EXPORT_RSA keys for multiple server instances of and Each factoring task took between
7 and 11 hours and cost about $70-$100.

We note that the EXPORT_RSA keys for TLS servers seem to remain the
same for several days (at least), which makes us think they are only
refreshed when the server instance is rebooted.


Putting these three elements together, we have demos that impersonate
various HTTPS websites to the Safari web browser.


The demo shows how a network attacker can
(a) hijack HTTPS connections to to tamper with the careers page
(b) hijack HTTPS connections to the Facebook JavaScript SDK to inject malicious
scripts in innocent third-party websites


We are already in touch with Apple, IBM, Microsoft and Google to fix the
RSA_EXPORT bug on the client-side libraries. However, it seems likely
that many clients will continue to use older versions of these
libraries (e.g. Android cannot be easily updated.)

We recommend that all TLS servers stop supporting EXPORT_RSA
ciphersuites. This would protect the hosted websites.