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HistoryFeb 20, 2024 - 7:02 a.m.

HackerOne: Ability to identify actual private from sandboxed programs using link$handle/terms_acceptance_data.csv


7 High

AI Score



I was looking through the settings of one of my sandboxed programs I use for testing and I noticed some weird behavior, when we go to any program’s advanced vetting page$handle/advanced_vetting, it loads up regardless of permission, granted no other confidential info is displayed since the GraphQL request appropriately restricts unauthorized users so this is what is shown:
although this shouldn’t happen, so far there wouldn’t a significant risk from this behavior alone, but one thing I noticed from the Advanced vetting page (when it loads properly, of course) is that it has a link to download a .csv file:
that leads to$handle/terms_acceptance_data.csv
I decided to experiment with this link and sure enough, I found some risky behavior, when any HackerOne user goes to$SANDBOXED_PROGRAM/terms_acceptance_data.csv the request goes through and we download the csv file, although it doesn’t have any relevant information, just default text, take for example my own sandboxed program if you or any user in Hackerone go to that link the request will go through and download the csv file, now let’s take for example, ██████, they have a totally private program although you can access the embedded report submission form from their own security page, so if we go to █████ we can see that the request doesn’t go through, confirming that the program is, in fact, private and we know that it is private and exists because when we try with a handle that doesn’t exist it shows the Hackerone default 404 page like this:
but when we go to ███ program:
it shows a different response
I tried this with other actual private programs and the behavior was the same, the request didn’t go through, I tried with other sandboxed programs of mine using a second account and the behavior was the same, the request did go through, the only private program it did work was in HackerOne’s own dummy invite-only program at this could be due to some misconfiguration on HackerOne’s side as the request does goes through and we can see the csv file has been modified.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Use my sandboxed program as an example: or replace my program’s handle with a sandboxed program of yours and use a second account and go to that link
  2. Check how you can download the Csv file confirming the program is sandboxed
  3. Now replace the sandboxed program’s handle with a private program’s handle and see how it doesn’t work, confirming the program is private


Here we can clearly identify which programs are private, we can build a script or just try manually using company names that we might believe have a private program in Hackerone and check if they actually have one, leading to some loss of the confidentiality of all private programs in HackerOne. This is confirmed to be a valid vulnerability going by this text on HackerOne’s policy page:

7 High

AI Score

