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HistoryApr 03, 2017 - 3:46 p.m.

Phabricator: An unsafe design practice in the Passphrase may result in Secret being accidentally changed.


An unsafe design practice in the Passphrase may result in Secret being accidentally changed.
If a user wants to share his/hers secrets, he/she may use the Passphrase. But when he/she created the credential and setted who can view it and who can edit it, they will soon discover that if they not set the edit permission to the one they want to share secret with, it is impossible success. Naturally, they would give the edit permission to everyone they want to share the secret with. So, here is the problem. It means they can change the secret. If someone ignores the edit records, he/she may under attack inadvertently. Because the secret has been modified.
Reproduction steps:
Open three different browsers (to simulate three different users)
BROWSER A: Log in as user A
BROWSER B: Log in as user B
BROWSER C: Log in as user C
BROWSER A: Go to the Passphrase and create new credential. Make it visible to both user A user B and user C. Make it editable to only user A.
BROWSER B: Open the id) and discover it is impossible to show the secret.
BROWSER A: Make it editable to both user A user B and user C.
BROWSER B: User B can see the secret and can change it.
BROWSER C: Open the id) but only can see the the secret has been modified.

Please fix it right away.

Best regards,
Kevin C.