Lucene search

HistoryJun 25, 2014 - 6:41 a.m.

Uzbey: Price Manipulation


Hey guys,

I put this down as a 2nd bug as it may have been overlooked from the previous report and I figured it’d be easier to track a fix and add comments separately…

When completing an order it looks like it may be possible to pay an arbitrary amount - what happens is a request is generated to Paypal such as…[email protected]&upload=1&lc=US&country=US&[email protected]&paymentaction=authorization&amount_1=0.00&item_name_1=128x128 Square&item_number_1=128X128&quantity_1=2&on0_1=Price for 128X128 Sqaure&os0_1=20 additional squares&amount_2=0.00&item_name_2=128x128 Square&item_number_2=128X128-1-128&quantity_2=1&on0_2=Price for 128X128 Sqaure&os0_2=1 additional square&amount_3=&item_name_3=&item_number_3=&quantity_3=&on0_3=&os0_3=&form_build_id=form-qllawsSylHhupaCP_DDy8XKN0rTD3vtE4QCVMG2inSw&form_token=nLeB9irRa2t_rckebJLbgi_JU3saATtFi_Fw5FrGISs&form_id=uc_paypal_wps_form&op=form-qllawsSylHhupaCP_DDy8XKN0rTD3vtE4QCVMG2inSw

If we intercept and modify this there are a few amount fields (which I set to 0.00 in this example)and it appears to be able to let me set an arbitrary price that I want to pay on the transaction :)

I have tried to complete the payment with payment for a smaller amount and it errored - but it’s the same error I get when trying to complete a payment without any tampering and with valid info - so I can only assume that this doesnt work in staging? I tried card payments also with valid info and they too failed. So overall it’s difficult to say this bug exists because the payment code doesn’t seem to fully work, but I suspect it does :)