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HistoryFeb 27, 2022 - 8:36 p.m.

Stripe: CSRF token validation system is disabled on Stripe Dashboard


@rodolfomarianocy discovered that due to a code change deployed on 2/14/2022, Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection was disabled in the Stripe Dashboard. This could have allowed an attacker to trick a victim user to visit a malicious website and cause limited changes to the victimโ€™s Stripe account without being able to access data associated with the account. Sensitive actions like money movement remained protected by requiring password re-entry or solving a reCAPTCHA challenge. The issue was fixed on 3/3/2022. Stripeโ€™s investigation found no evidence of user impact during the 18 day window that the code change was active.

This issue is the same as #1483327 which was reported earlier but was incorrectly closed during the triage process. On 2/28/2022, we triaged this report, which was validated and resolved. As a result, we made the decision to reward both reporters since this was the first report that was reproduced and triaged.