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HistoryJun 08, 2021 - 9:38 p.m.

HackerOne: HackerOne making payments in USDC (Coinbase stable coin)



Hello Everyone, My name is Ariel and I’m a manager in HackerOne’s community team.

As a part of a Hack Week project, HackerOne is now supporting payments via USDC, Coinbase’s stable coin. This has been a feature requested by many hackers, that we are now glad to announce as supported. More details below.


First of all, you might be wondering “What on earth is a Hack Week”?. Don’t worry my friend, I gotcha.

As part of the HackerOne Culture, at least once a year we host a Hack Day, or more recently, a Hack week. This is a place for HackerOnies (HackerOne employees) to do a project outside the regular duties, might have something to do with the HackerOne platform or not, might be an artistic project, a video game, or a coloring book or some exciting new feature that can be achieved in this period of time.

The idea is to hack our way into creating something new that could help some people, or make someone happy.

As part of past Hack Days, many features known today were released. Things like hacker badges, leaderboards, the Live Hacking Event dashboard, and much more have all derived from a hack day of the past.

This time, Hack Week’s theme was Summer Camp, and this is the logo.

So, back to our report.

As part of the Summer Camp Hack Week, I proposed to work on supporting a new type of payment to our hackers. The idea was to add to our Coinbase Crypto payments, a different type of coin rather than only supporting BTC.

This is not new, this has been requested from many of you, and also some members of our Hacker Advisory board.

So, with the amazing help of some folks from the engineering team, finance, and Solution architect team, we started working on this.

The reason that this report was created is to award a minimum bounty on this currency to confirm things are working as expected.

If you are finally reading this on Hacktivity, it might mean it worked and now we are supporting payments in USDC crypto via Coinbase, so make sure you upvote this report so everyone can see it!

Thanks to everyone involved on this Hack Week project, specially to:

  • @bencode
  • Alexander Jeurissen
  • Daniel Berube
  • Dane Sherret
  • Diego Carrea


Steps To Reproduce

Here are the steps to configure USDC coin via Coinbase as Payout Method.

  1. Log in on your HackerOne account
  2. At the top right, click on the down arrow next to your profile pic, and click on “Settings”
  3. On the menu at the left, scroll down and click on “Payout preferences”
  4. Now, you need to click on “Add payout method”
  5. You will now see the option of selecting the payout method in USDC coin via Coinbase


A feature requested by many of our hackers is now supported by HackerOne. Hope this has a huge impact on many hacker bounties!