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HistoryOct 11, 2017 - 12:00 a.m.

Over The Air - Vol. 2, Pt. 3: Exploiting The Wi-Fi Stack on Apple Devices


Posted by Gal Beniamini, Project Zero

In this blog post we’ll complete our goal of achieving remote kernel code execution on the iPhone 7, by means of Wi-Fi communication alone.

After developing a Wi-Fi firmware exploit in the previous blog post, we are left with the task of using our newly acquired access to gain control over the XNU kernel. To this end, we’ll begin by investigating the isolation mechanisms present on the iPhone. Next, we’ll explore the ways in which the host interacts with the Wi-Fi chip, identify several attack surfaces, and assess their corresponding security properties. Finally, we’ll discover multiple vulnerabilities and proceed to develop a fully-functional reliable exploit for one of them, allowing us to gain control over the host’s kernel.

All the vulnerabilities presented in this blog post (#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7) were reported to Apple and subsequently fixed in iOS 11. For an analysis of other affected devices in the Apple ecosystem, see the corresponding security bulletins.

Hardware Isolation


Broadcom’s Wi-Fi chips are present in a wide range of platforms; including mobile phones, IOT devices and Wi-Fi routers. To accommodate for this variance, each chip must be sufficiently configurable, supporting several different interfaces for vendors wishing to integrate the chip into their platform. Indeed, Cypress’s data sheets include a wide range of supported interfaces, including PCIe, SDIO and USB.

While choosing the interface with which to integrate the chip may seem inconsequential, it could have far ranging security implications. Each interface comes with different security guarantees, affecting the degree to which the peripheral may be “isolated” from the host. As we’ve already demonstrated how the Wi-Fi chip’s security can be subverted by remote attackers, it’s clear that providing isolation is crucial in sufficiently safeguarding the host.

From a security perspective, both SDIO and USB (up to 3.1) inherently offer some degree of isolation. SDIO solely enables the serial transfer of information between the host and the target device. Similarly, USB allows the transfer of “packets” between peripherals and the host. Broadly speaking, both interfaces can be thought of as facilitating an explicit communication channel between the host and the peripheral. All the data transported through these interfaces must be explicitly handled by either peer, by inspecting incoming requests and responding accordingly.

PCIe operates using a different paradigm. Instead of communicating with the host using a communication protocol, PCIe allows peripherals to gain Direct Memory Access (DMA) to the host’s memory. Using DMA, peripherals may autonomously prepare data structures within the host’s memory, only signalling the host (via a Message Signalled Interrupt) once there’s processing to be done. Operating in this manner allows the host to conserve computing resources, as opposed to protocols that require processing to transfer data between endpoints or to handle each individual request.

Efficient as this approach may be, it also raises some challenges with regards to isolation. First and foremost, how can we be guaranteed that malicious peripherals won’t abuse this access in order to attack the host? After all, in the presence of full control over the host’s memory, subverting any program running on the host is trivial (for example, peripherals may freely modify a program’s stack, alter function pointers, overwrite code – all unbeknownst to the host itself).

Luckily, this issue has not gone unaddressed. Sufficient isolation for DMA-capable components can be achieved by partitioning the visible memory space available to the peripheral using a dedicated hardware component - an I/O Memory Management Unit (IOMMU).

IOMMUs facilitate a memory translation service for peripherals, converting their addressable memory ranges (referred to as “IO-Space”) into ranges within the host’s Physical Address Space (PAS). Configuring the IOMMU’s translation tables allows the host to selectively control which portions of its memory are exposed to each peripheral, while safeguarding other ranges against potentially malicious access. Consequently, the bulk of the responsibility for providing sufficient isolation lays with the host.

Returning to the issue at hand, as we are focusing on the Wi-Fi stack present within Apple’s ecosystem, an immediate question springs to mind – which interfaces does Apple leverage to connect the Wi-Fi chip to the host? Inspecting the Wi-Fi firmware images present in several generations of Apple devices reveals that since the iPhone 6 (included), Apple has opted for PCIe to connect the Wi-Fi chip to the host. Older models, such as the iPhone 5c and 5s, relied on a USB interface instead.

Due to the risks highlighted above, it is crucial that recent iPhones utilise an IOMMU to isolate themselves from potentially malicious PCIe-connected Wi-Fi chips. Indeed, during our previous research into the isolation mechanisms on Android devices, we discovered that no isolation was enforced in two of the most prominent SoCs; Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 810 and Samsung’s Exynos 8890, thereby allowing the Wi-Fi chip to freely access the host’s memory (leading to complete compromise of the device).

Inspecting the DMA Engine

To gain some visibility into the isolation capabilities present on the iPhone 7, we’ll begin by exploring the Wi-Fi firmware itself. If a form of isolation is present, the memory ranges used by the Wi-Fi SoC to perform DMA operations and those utilised by the host would be disparate. Conversely, if we happen to find the same ranges of physical addresses, that would hint that no isolation is taking place.

Luckily, much of the complexity involved in reverse-engineering the firmware’s DMA functionality can be forgone, as Broadcom’s SoftMAC drivers (brcm80211) contain the majority of the code used to interface with the SoC’s DMA engine.

Each DMA engine facilitates transfers in a single direction between two endpoints; one representing the Wi-Fi firmware, and another denoting either an internal core within the Wi-Fi SoC (such as when interacting with the RX or TX FIFOs) or the host itself. As we are interested in inspecting the memory ranges used for transfers originating in the Wi-Fi chip and terminating at the host, we must locate the DMA engine responsible for “dongle-to-host” memory transfers.

As it happens, this task is rather straightforward. Each “dma_info” structure in the firmware (representing a DMA engine) is prefixed by a pointer to a block of DMA-related function pointers stored in the firmware’s RAM. Since the block is placed at a fixed address, we can locate all instances of the structure by searching for the pointer within the firmware’s RAM. For each instance we come across, inspecting the “name” field encoded in the structure should allow us to deduce the identity of the DMA engine in question.

Combining these two tidbits, we can quickly locate each DMA engine in the firmware’s RAM:

The first few instances clearly relate to internal DMA engines. The last instance, labeled “H2D”, indicates “host-to-dongle” memory transfers. Therefore, by elimination, the single entry left must correspond to transfers from the dongle to the host (sneakily left unnamed!).

Having located the engine, all that remains is to dump the RX descriptor ring and extract the addresses to which DMA transfers are performed. Unfortunately, descriptors are rapidly consumed after being inserted into the corresponding rings, replacing their contents with generic placeholder values. Therefore, observing the value of a non-consumed descriptor from a single memory snapshot is tricky. Instead, to extract “fresh” descriptors, we’ll insert a hook on the DMA transfer function, allowing us to dump descriptor addresses before they are inserted into the corresponding rings.

After inserting the hook, we are presented with the following output:

All of the descriptor addresses appear to be 32-bits wide…

How do the above addresses relate to our knowledge of the physical address space on the iPhone 7? The DRAM’s base address in the host’s physical address space is denoted by the “gPhysBase” variable (stored in the kernel’s BSS). Reading this value from our research platform will allow us to determine whether the DMA descriptor addresses correspond to host-side physical ranges:

Ah-ha! The iPhone 7’s DRAM is based at 0x800000000 -- an address beyond a 32-bit range.