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HistoryAug 20, 2004 - 12:00 a.m.

xv -- exploitable buffer overflows


In a Bugtraq posting, infamous41md(at) reported:

there are at least 5 exploitable buffer and heap
overflows in the image handling code. this allows someone
to craft a malicious image, trick a user into viewing the
file in xv, and upon viewing that image execute arbitrary
code under privileges of the user viewing image. note
the AT LEAST part of the above sentence. there is such a
plethora of bad code that I just stopped reading after
a while. there are at least 100 calls to sprintf() and
strcpy() with no regards for bounds of buffers. 95% of
these deal with program arguments or filenames, so they
are of no interest to exploit. however I just got sick of
reading this code after not too long. so im sure there are
still other overflows in the image handling code for other
image types.

The posting also included an exploit.

FreeBSDanynoarchxv< 3.10a_4UNKNOWN
FreeBSDanynoarchxv-m17n< 3.10a_4UNKNOWN