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HistoryAug 17, 2018 - 6:34 a.m.

BIG-IP APM client for Windows vulnerability CVE-2018-5547






F5 Product Development has assigned IDs 737362 and 738704 (APM Clients) to this vulnerability.

To determine if your product and version have been evaluated for this vulnerability, refer to the Applies to (see versions) box. To determine if your release is known to be vulnerable, the components or features that are affected by the vulnerability, and for information about releases or hotfixes that address the vulnerability, refer to the following table. For more information about security advisory versioning, refer to K51812227: Understanding Security Advisory versioning.

Product Branch Versions known to be vulnerable Fixes introduced in Severity CVSSv3 score1 Vulnerable component or feature
BIG-IP (APM Clients) 7.1.x 7.1.6 - 7.1.7 High 7.8 Windows Logon integration on Windows 10
BIG-IP (APM) 14.x 14.0.0 14.1.0 High 7.8 Windows Logon integration on Windows 10
13.x 13.0.0 - 13.1.12
12.x 12.1.0 - 12.1.4 None
11.x 11.2.1 - 11.6.5
BIG-IP (LTM, AAM, AFM, Analytics, ASM, DNS, Edge Gateway, FPS, GTM, Link Controller, PEM, WebAccelerator) 14.x None Not applicable Not vulnerable None None
13.x None Not applicable
12.x None Not applicable
11.x None Not applicable
ARX 6.x None Not applicable Not vulnerable None None
Enterprise Manager 3.x None Not applicable Not vulnerable None None
BIG-IQ Centralized Management 6.x None Not applicable Not vulnerable None None
5.x None Not applicable
4.x None Not applicable
BIG-IQ Cloud and Orchestration 1.x None Not applicable Not vulnerable None None
F5 iWorkflow 2.x None Not applicable Not vulnerable None None
Traffix SDC 5.x None Not applicable Not vulnerable None None
4.x None Not applicable

1The CVSSv3 score link takes you to a resource outside of AskF5, and it is possible that the document may be removed without our knowledge.

2In BIG-IP 13.1.0 and later, you can update APM client components independently from BIG-IP software. To address this vulnerability, customers running BIG-IP 13.1.0 and later can download and install an APM Clients version listed in the Fixed introduced in column, and then redeploy the Dialup Entry/Windows Logon Integration client component to end users. The original fix for this issue provided in APM Clients contains a regression that breaks Windows Logon Integration but is fixed in APM Clients

If you are running a version listed in the Versions known to be vulnerable column, you can eliminate this vulnerability by upgrading to a version listed in theFixes introduced in column and redeploying the Dialup Entry/Windows Login Integration client component to end users. If the table lists only an older version than what you are currently running, or does not list a non-vulnerable version, then no upgrade candidate currently exists.



F5 would like to acknowledge Michael Molho of e-Xpert Solutions SA for bringing this issue to our attention and for following the highest standards of responsible disclosure.





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