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exploitpackChip d3 bi0sEXPLOITPACK:C0CB2ACA1C5BD1232DDCA7BC2269C76C
HistoryMar 23, 2010 - 12:00 a.m.

Joomla! Component SMEStorage - Local File Inclusion

Chip d3 bi0s

Joomla! Component SMEStorage - Local File Inclusion

Joomla Component SMEStorage Local File Inclusion

Author          : Chip D3 Bi0s
Group           : LatinHackTeam
Email & msn     : chipdebios[alt+64]
Date            : 23 March 2010
Critical Lvl    : Moderate
Impact	        : Exposure of sensitive information
Where	        : From Remote

Affected software description:

Application     : SMEStorage
Developer       : Roman Gelembjuk
License         : GPL            type  : Non - Commercial
Date Added	: 12 March 2010
Download	:

Description     :

SMEStorage QFD is SMEStorage quick files directory.
This is Joomla 1.5 component for managing files directory.
Use this component if you want to setup files directory on your Joomla site.

Installation and using of the component is very easy and quick.

1. Register account with SMEStorage (
2. Install this component.
3. Set up SMEStorage account info in component admin side.
4. Upload files/create folders in your SMEStorage account.
 All will be displayed on the site. And avaliable for users to download.

This component is good for creating of file directory with big count
 of files and big total size.

For example, it is easy to create and manage 20 GB of files.
Because files are not stored at server with the Joomla site.
how to exploit


[!] Produced in South America