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exploitpackFrancis ProvencherEXPLOITPACK:29216B53924D9DDC463DB5DC49676D7B
HistoryJun 22, 2012 - 12:00 a.m.

ACDSee PRO 5.1 - .PCT Image Processing Heap Overflow

Francis Provencher

ACDSee PRO 5.1 - .PCT Image Processing Heap Overflow


Application:   ACDSee PRO PCT Image Processing Heap Overflow
Platforms:   Windows 

Secunia:   SA48804  

{PRL}:   2012-21

Author:   Francis Provencher (Protek Research Lab's) 


Twitter:   @ProtekResearch


1) Introduction
2) Report Timeline
3) Technical details
4) The Code


1) Introduction
ACDSee is a shareware image organizer, viewer, and editor software for Microsoft
Windows and Mac OS X 10.5 and higher developed by ACD Systems. It was originally
distributed as a 16-bit application for Windows 3.0 and later supplanted by a 32-bit
version for Windows 95.



2) Report Timeline

2012-03-13  Vulnerability reported to Secunia
2012-06-21  Vendor disclose patch


3) Technical details
Insufficient validation in ID_PICT.apl of specific byte values used as sizes in the image
content can be exploited to cause a heap-based buffer overflow via a specially crafted .PCT file.

The vulnerabilities are confirmed in version 5.1 (Build 137). Other versions may also be affected.


4) The Code