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exploitdbGoogle Security ResearchEDB-ID:47528
HistoryOct 21, 2019 - 12:00 a.m.

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC for Windows - Heap-Based Buffer Overflow due to Malformed JP2 Stream (2)

Google Security Research

AI Score








We have observed the following access violation exception in the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC for Windows, when opening a malformed PDF file:

--- cut ---
(7f2c.8be8): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
eax=00000080 ebx=00001b52 ecx=00000080 edx=00000080 esi=00000001 edi=6f587000
eip=6a005324 esp=050fbc14 ebp=050fbc34 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na po nc
cs=0023  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00210202
6a005324 8817            mov     byte ptr [edi],dl          ds:002b:6f587000=??

0:000> kb
 # ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child              
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.
00 050fbc34 6a0030e8 00001b52 00001b53 00000000 JP2KLib!IJP2KException::GetErrString+0x3224
01 050fbcb0 69ff3bf0 0000000a 000002ce 00000001 JP2KLib!IJP2KException::GetErrString+0xfe8
02 050fbd44 69ff4132 00000000 0000000d 00000008 JP2KLib!JP2KCopyRect+0xe9d0
03 050fbda0 69ff43f9 00000000 0000000d 00000008 JP2KLib!JP2KCopyRect+0xef12
04 050fbdc8 69ff37bc 00000000 0000000d 00000008 JP2KLib!JP2KCopyRect+0xf1d9
05 050fbe7c 69ff31eb 050fbf88 0000000d 00000008 JP2KLib!JP2KCopyRect+0xe59c
06 050fbebc 6a005d8a 0000000d 00000008 000000ff JP2KLib!JP2KCopyRect+0xdfcb
07 050fbf1c 5f721b53 62c74e88 0000000d 00000008 JP2KLib!JP2KImageDecodeImageRegion+0x2a
08 050fbf9c 5f71544b 6ad22fac 050fbfcc 5f115889 AcroRd32!AX_PDXlateToHostEx+0x343e93
09 050fbfa8 5f115889 6ad22fac 62c7cfb0 5f1157f0 AcroRd32!AX_PDXlateToHostEx+0x33778b
0a 050fbfcc 5f115783 6ad0efe0 00000001 0000001b AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x4c929
0b 050fbfec 5f561d7a 050fc010 6ad0efe0 0000001b AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x4c823
0c 050fc030 5f24afc8 c0020000 00000004 6ad0efe0 AcroRd32!AX_PDXlateToHostEx+0x1840ba
0d 050fc384 5f24a506 050fc3e0 53406a98 95e3efd6 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x182068
0e 050fc3bc 5f24a3e1 050fc3e0 53406a98 050fc44c AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x1815a6
0f 050fc428 5f2493a8 c0020000 00000004 53406a98 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x181481
10 050fc888 5f2468f7 050fcb8c 686e45ac c0020000 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x180448
11 050fe068 5f246575 686e45ac c0020000 00000004 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x17d997
12 050fe138 5f22a25c 95e3ce72 5d91af78 00000000 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x17d615
13 050fe218 5f229057 00000001 00000000 00000000 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x1612fc
14 050fe264 5f21c183 5d91af78 00000001 00000000 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x1600f7
15 050fe3d8 5f21ba97 553e6dbc 00000001 6a169ef8 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x153223
16 050fe440 5f219281 95e3c8aa 5323efc8 5adccea8 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x152b37
17 050fe4c0 5f218dae 6a169ef8 65a08f40 5adcceb8 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x150321
18 050fe4fc 5f218d07 6a169ef8 65a08f40 5adcceb8 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x14fe4e
19 050fe584 5f2182ee 6a169ef8 65a08f40 050fe7b8 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x14fda7
1a 050fe5c0 5f216f02 6a169ef8 65a08f40 050fe7b8 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x14f38e
1b 050fe884 5f215d98 6a169ef8 050fe918 050fe968 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x14dfa2
1c 050fe988 5f2143b8 6a169ef8 050fea90 00000000 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x14ce38
1d 050fe9ec 5f21414d 6a169ef8 050fea90 00000000 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x14b458
1e 050fea0c 5f212d3c 6a169ef8 050fea90 00000000 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x14b1ed
1f 050feac4 5f212762 00000001 00000000 95e3c776 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x149ddc
20 050feb1c 5f21257a 7d8b4ef0 00000001 95e3c7ea AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x149802
21 050feb80 5f2122ff 050fec74 95e3c0fe 80882fa0 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x14961a
22 050fec94 5f0d687c 80882fa0 5f0d67a0 00000000 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x14939f
23 050fecac 5f0d678f 0000000f 00000000 00000000 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0xd91c
24 050fecc8 745de0bb 00180a60 0000000f 00000000 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0xd82f
25 050fecf4 745e8849 5f0d66d0 00180a60 0000000f USER32!_InternalCallWinProc+0x2b
26 050fed18 745eb145 0000000f 00000000 00000000 USER32!InternalCallWinProc+0x20
27 050fede8 745d8503 5f0d66d0 00000000 0000000f USER32!UserCallWinProcCheckWow+0x1be
28 050fee50 745d8aa0 147683c0 00000000 0000000f USER32!DispatchClientMessage+0x1b3
29 050fee98 77371a6d 050feeb4 00000020 050fef14 USER32!__fnDWORD+0x50
2a 050feed0 745d91ee 050fef64 5a5cb65c 18836dd8 ntdll!KiUserCallbackDispatcher+0x4d
2b 050fef24 745d8c20 5f535978 050fef48 5f0eda6d USER32!DispatchMessageWorker+0x5be
2c 050fef30 5f0eda6d 050fef64 18836dd8 18836dd8 USER32!DispatchMessageW+0x10
2d 050fef48 5f0ed89e 050fef64 95e3c3d6 18836dd8 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x24b0d
2e 050fefbc 5f0ed744 95e3c39e 18836dd8 00000000 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x2493e
2f 050feff4 5f07c575 95e3dc0e 17484ff8 00000000 AcroRd32!DllCanUnloadNow+0x247e4
30 050ff064 5f07bf81 5f050000 00110000 17484ff8 AcroRd32!AcroWinMainSandbox+0x775
31 050ff484 0011783d 5f050000 00110000 17484ff8 AcroRd32!AcroWinMainSandbox+0x181
32 050ff850 002201aa 00110000 00000000 0bd5b3f2 AcroRd32_exe+0x783d
33 050ff89c 76698674 04f5f000 76698650 c83dc0c6 AcroRd32_exe!AcroRd32IsBrokerProcess+0x992da
34 050ff8b0 77365e17 04f5f000 07a6f6f5 00000000 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x24
35 050ff8f8 77365de7 ffffffff 7738ad9e 00000000 ntdll!__RtlUserThreadStart+0x2f
36 050ff908 00000000 00111390 04f5f000 00000000 ntdll!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x1b
--- cut ---


- Reproduces on Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (2019.012.20036) on Windows 10, with and without PageHeap enabled.

- The crash occurs immediately after opening the PDF document, and is caused by attempting to write data outside of a heap-based buffer.

- Attached samples: poc.pdf (crashing file), original.pdf (original file).

- We have minimized the difference between the original and mutated files down to 5 bytes inside of a binary JP2 image stream: 4 bytes at offset 0x195 changed from <FF FF E0 00> to <00 00 00 C0>, and 1 byte at offset 0x1ED changed from <0x53> to <0x5B>.

Proof of Concept:

AI Score






