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drupalDrupal Security TeamDRUPAL-SA-CORE-2010-001
HistoryMar 03, 2010 - 12:00 a.m.

SA-CORE-2010-001 - Drupal core - Multiple vulnerabilities

Drupal Security Team





Multiple vulnerabilities and weaknesses were discovered in Drupal.

Installation cross site scripting

A user-supplied value is directly output during installation allowing a malicious user to craft a URL and perform a cross-site scripting attack. The exploit can only be conducted on sites not yet installed.

This issue affects Drupal 6.x only.

Open redirection

The API function drupal_goto() is susceptible to a phishing attack. An attacker could formulate a redirect in a way that gets the Drupal site to send the user to an arbitrarily provided URL. No user submitted data will be sent to that URL.

This issue affects Drupal 5.x and 6.x.

Locale module cross site scripting

Locale module and dependent contributed modules do not sanitize the display of language codes, native and English language names properly. While these usually come from a preselected list, arbitrary administrator input is allowed. This vulnerability is mitigated by the fact that the attacker must have a role with the β€˜administer languages’ permission.

This issue affects Drupal 5.x and 6.x.

Blocked user session regeneration

Under certain circumstances, a user with an open session that is blocked can maintain his/her session on the Drupal site, despite being blocked.

This issue affects Drupal 5.x and 6.x.

Versions affected

  • Drupal 6.x before version 6.16.
  • Drupal 5.x before version 5.22.


Install the latest version:

  • If you are running Drupal 6.x then upgrade to Drupal 6.16.
  • If you are running Drupal 5.x then upgrade to Drupal 5.22.

Drupal 5 will no longer be maintained when Drupal 7 is released. Upgrading to Drupal 6 is recommended.

If you are unable to upgrade immediately, you can apply a patch to secure your installation until you are able to do a proper upgrade. These patches fix the security vulnerabilities, but do not contain other fixes which were released in Drupal 6.16 or Drupal 5.22.

Reported by

The installation cross site scripting issue was reported by David Rothstein (*).
The open redirection was reported by Martin Barbella.
The locale module cross site scripting was reported by Justin Klein Keane.
The blocked user session regeneration issue was reported by Craig A. Hancock.

(*) Member of the Drupal security team.

Fixed by

The installation cross site scripting issue was fixed by Heine Deelstra.
The open redirection was fixed by Gerhard Killesreiter and Heine Deelstra.
The locale module cross site scripting was fixed by StΓ©phane Corlosquet, Peter Wolanin, Heine Deelstra and Neil Drumm.
The blocked user session regeneration issue was fixed by Gerhard Killesreiter.

All the fixes were done by members of the Drupal security team.



