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HistoryNov 10, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

funds stuck in crowdfund

fee splitting
funds stuck
high severity
loss of funds

7 High

AI Score



Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Vulnerability details:


in ETHCrowdfundBase the crowdfund deployer can choose to implement fee’s that are given to a feeAdress with a certain percentage of the crowdfund ETH. the fee splitting is happening both in _finalize:

function _finalize(uint96 totalContributions_) internal {
        // Finalize the crowdfund.
        delete expiry;

        // Transfer funding split to recipient if applicable.
        address payable fundingSplitRecipient_ = fundingSplitRecipient;
        uint16 fundingSplitBps_ = fundingSplitBps;
        if (fundingSplitRecipient_ != address(0) && fundingSplitBps_ &gt; 0) {
            totalContributions_ -= (totalContributions_ * fundingSplitBps_) / 1e4;

        // Update the party's total voting power.
        uint96 newVotingPower = (totalContributions_ * exchangeRateBps) / 1e4;

        // Transfer ETH to the party.

        emit Finalized();

and in _processContribution:

if (fundingSplitRecipient_ != address(0) && fundingSplitBps_ &gt; 0) {
            // Removes funding split from contribution amount in a way that
            // avoids rounding errors for very small contributions &lt;1e4 wei.
            amount = (amount * (1e4 - fundingSplitBps_)) / 1e4;

which is a problem because the fees are basically taken twice. but also the function sendFundingSplit which is responsible for taking the fee split only takes half of the fees:

function sendFundingSplit() external returns (uint96 splitAmount) {
        // Check that the crowdfund is finalized.
        CrowdfundLifecycle lc = getCrowdfundLifecycle();
        if (lc != CrowdfundLifecycle.Finalized) revert WrongLifecycleError(lc);

        if (fundingSplitPaid) revert FundingSplitAlreadyPaidError();

        address payable fundingSplitRecipient_ = fundingSplitRecipient;
        uint16 fundingSplitBps_ = fundingSplitBps;
        if (fundingSplitRecipient_ == address(0) || fundingSplitBps_ == 0) {
            revert FundingSplitNotConfiguredError();

        fundingSplitPaid = true;

        // Transfer funding split to recipient.
        splitAmount = (totalContributions * fundingSplitBps_) / 1e4;//@audit-issue doesn't take into account the fees taken from deposits -&gt; funds stuck = total fees, can be saved by dao, but if disabled then it's stuck

        emit FundingSplitSent(fundingSplitRecipient_, splitAmount);

basically leaving funds stuck in the crowdfund. and if emergencyExecute is disabled there is no way to get them out.


the fees are taken twice which in itself is a vulnerability, accompanied by the sendFundingSplit only getting half of the fee out leaving the rest stuck, with no way of getting them out if emergencyExecute is disabled this deserves a high severity as it will happen in each crowdfund deployed and has clear loss of funds which is high impact.

Proof of Concept:

Bob deploys crowdfund with fee recipient set to himself and feeBps=500 with 10ETH to finalize crowdfund to simplify.

  • Alice comes and contributes to the crowdfund with 10ETH finalizing it.
  • she calls contribute in InitialETHCrowdfund which in turn calls _processContribution in ETHCrowdfundBase which takes the 5% fee = 0.5ETH
  • because she finalized the crowdfund _finalize gets called which also takes 5% fee = 0.5ETH.
  • now Bob comes and calls sendFundingSplit wich calculated the fee amount to take by splitAmount = (totalContributions * fundingSplitBps_) / 1e4;
  • totalContributions = 10ETH , fundingSplitBps_ = 500
  • so the split amount Bob is going to get is 0.5 ETH
  • leaving another 0.5ETH stuck in the crowdfund with no way to get it out

Tools Used:


Recommended Mitigation Steps:

take the fee only once the crowdfund has finalized that way it will mitigate this vulnerability but also costs less gas.

Assessed type


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7 High

AI Score

